Need help plz regarding work issue

Talk to her man, let her know that even though you haven't spoken much you would hope that could change and she would be willing to meet outside of work, if not you will regret it.


At my workplace, there is a woman who doesn't actually work there like full time or part time or anthing but comes in once a month for drop in sessions for about 4 hours. We have spoken and have got on very well. Basically to cut the story, I like her so much and but not sure about anything else. Basically, she is leaving and tomorrow is the last day she will be here at my work.

I feel disgusted that I after tomorrow will never see her again. In the past whenever she leaves (knowing that I wont see her for a month) hurt me, hurt me so much I even didn't eat for a few days. I DO NOT know why this is the case. I am 99% certain she is in a relationship anyway but leaving that, I would like to continue knowing her more. Again, i repeat I am not asking for anything at this stage but it will hurt me to see her go tomorrow.

Any ideas on what I could do?

How do you know that she won't be back ? Is she moving across the country or something ?

You could have just asked her for her e mail digits. :dunno: Who exactly did she hang out with at your work ? Ask that person if they can fetch you her e mail address ( with her consent of course).

If you have difficulty asserting yourself in the company of women, you might have a complex or some kind of fucked up sense of self consciousness, or maybe, self esteem issues that you need to clear up. Don't mope though ! Keep out of the house, meet friends for dinner, go to a movie . . . whatever :dunno: ! Just intermingle ! That's all.