Nazi-Arabs attacked America

He wasn't arab. His parents were both Afghani. But I get what you're getting at.

A follower of the religion of peace, and for religious reasons, has once again murdered scores of people.
He wasn't arab. His parents were both Afghani. But I get what you're getting at.

A follower of the religion of peace, and for religious reasons, has once again murdered scores of people.

Thank you for correcting.

I do not see much difference between the Arab and Afghan people, but good that you took the matter up.

Arab and Afgan male.


Not a nazi either

Well in any case this attack was a Nazi-style thing.

Attack against a group that is different than the attacker and this time it was gay Americans.

It was mass execution and the Germans operate in the same way in Russia in many places.
waiting for the commentary here.

this wasn't a military recruiting station in Tennessee or a case of "workplace violence" at Ft. Hood or San Bernardino.

Tolerance, diversity and Sharia.
youre so full of shit. This maniac and what he did was horrible - sure thing.
But Nazi-Arabs? First he was a single attacker, second he attacked american people and their way of living not the country as a whole, third ... realy Nazi? How stpid is that. "Well in any case this attack was a Nazi-style thing. [...]" No it wasnt. Just simply No! The Nazis didnt go to countries singlehanded and went to local pubs where people did what their cultur and surrounding found normal and just made a shoot out. They had a sinister and maniac masterplan, killed in an efficant manner and tried to "clean" the world of what they belived was evil. Comparing a single maniac and his attack on people on american soil with a political group that ravaged several countries and machinally killed arround 6 million jews is not just stupid - its trivalize Nazi Germany and facist movments all arround the world.
youre so full of shit. This maniac and what he did was horrible - sure thing.
But Nazi-Arabs? First he was a single attacker, second he attacked american people and their way of living not the country as a whole, third ... realy Nazi? How stpid is that. "Well in any case this attack was a Nazi-style thing. [...]" No it wasnt. Just simply No! The Nazis didnt go to countries singlehanded and went to local pubs where people did what their cultur and surrounding found normal and just made a shoot out. They had a sinister and maniac masterplan, killed in an efficant manner and tried to "clean" the world of what they belived was evil. Comparing a single maniac and his attack on people on american soil with a political group that ravaged several countries and machinally killed arround 6 million jews is not just stupid - its trivalize Nazi Germany and facist movments all arround the world.

Yes, one man did this action (about 100 victims) and he was Afghan.

I do not know his motives, but one could imagine that Afghanistan and your home country are not the best of friends.
As a christians, you should be happy about this : 50 dead sodomites, that's good news for christians. Because that's what God wants :

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Leviticus 20 ; 13

And in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, amen with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.
And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.
Romans 1 ; 27-32

I'm so glad to have given up this religious mumbo-jumbo BS.
If islamic terrorism is a means to cull the left (wolves and sheep) at least the stupid and naive among them, then bring it on. Natural selection. As that fat fuck Mchael Moore said after 9/11: "New Yorkers didn't vote for Bush. Why did they attack us?"

The enemy of my enemy.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Yes, one man did this action (about 100 victims) and he was Afghan.

I do not know his motives, but one could imagine that Afghanistan and your home country are not the best of friends.

He was a naturally-born American citizen regardless of what his heritage was so you most certainly know nothing about which you speak. To identify this fucking asshole as anything else (other than an ISIS disciple and a full-scale member of the lunatic fringe who just happened to be a naturally-born American) is simply inaccurate.

That heart truly goes out to the victims and their families and friends. This war we fight against this type of random terror is virtually impossible to defeat. If you examine the majority of the most recent mass shooting events in the USA (Sandy Hook, Charleston, Aurora) you'll find they have nothing in common other than the fact that the perp was a fucking whacko regardless of his alleged motivation. How this mother fucker gained legal access to an AR-15 is what I want to know. Second-amendment adherent (which I am) or NRA fanatatic (which I am most definitely NOT), the system by which an individual may legally and so easily acquire such a weapon is deeply flawed.
I agree this had nothing to do with Religion or Nazism. The guy's dad even said that it was seeing guys kissing that set him off.

He just tacked on ISIS to be cool. For fucks sake he "Pledged allegiance to the leader of ISIS", he couldn't even be bothered to google the name of the person he was supposedly dedicating this to.


Hiliary 2020
Hi, I'm gonna use some bad words here.
I just found out about this now and haven't looked into it much yet.
But first, why is the media throwing out the word Nazi?
What the fuck does this have to do with Nazis?
Could it be they know Americans are conditioned to respond to the word Nazi in a certain way?
PSYOP bullshit right out of the gate from the media and the GOV (one in the same in case you haven't noticed yet).
I'm already smelling yet another false flag.
Gun Control and an Islamaphobia all in one.

I just read a headline , " ISIS Wages War on Gays".
So this guy was ISIS? Has this been confirmed or is this just Sandy Hook style media reporting all kinds of mis information right from the start?
Still gotta find out more. Hear what witnesses have to say. See photos.
Read this from a non mainstream site, pretty weird.


Hiliary 2020
I'm already not buying this.
Whether or not people got killed I don't know yet.
But this looks like another false flag GOV PSYOP trick to get our guns.
This woman standing in an empty street crying with no tears is an ACTOR.
She's reading off a cue card too.
And the second she said "assualt weapons" I knew it fer sure.
You can believe it, I dont.

I want to see security footage as to how one person killed 50+ people and thats not counting how many he wounded.
I want to see more "witnesses" and see if theyre full of shit too.
And if you want to send money here you go. They already got 1.2+ million in 15 hours.
I just hope this doesn't hurt the Sandy Hook parents hand out pages too much.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I'm already not buying this.
Whether or not people got killed I don't know yet.
But this looks like another false flag GOV PSYOP trick to get our guns.
This woman standing in an empty street crying with no tears is an ACTOR.
She's reading off a cue card too.
And the second she said "assualt weapons" I knew it fer sure.
You can believe it, I dont.

Yesterday I thought BeatMan had made the stupidest post this year. Today it seems you can't have him grabbing that title.

You must be out of your mind, you too.