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Most say it's the guns. I say, it's today's society

I've read it, re-read it, listened to it several times, and it's NOT the guns. It's today's society that is fucked up!

Let me give you the actual facts that were responsible for the Bob Greene column and the monologue. I just want to close the loop on this so that you're able to put the monologue that we replayed in context. Three teenagers, 15, 16, 18 years old, walked into a house, neighborhood house, in Chicago. They tried to get in, an eight-year-old boy at home. He's by himself. He lets them in eventually 'cause he knows them, and he trusts them. And the upshot of the story is that these three, the 15, 16, and 18-year-old kids stabbed him, hacked him, butchered him, tied him up, mutilated him, and he died a slow death by bleeding to death, and they did it just for the fun of it, was the story. They did it just because they could, just for the fun of it. And that is what led to Bob Greene writing his piece about the absence, the loss of the soul and the monologue by me that ensued.

His column was "Soulless Killer Will be Death of All of Us," and what was noteworthy about it was that Bob Greene at the time was a noted liberal, was a noted leftist, and the killings -- the young people, I mean, single-digit-age people killing each in Chicago -- so rattled him and so unnerved him that he started digging deeper than just, "We gotta get rid of guns." He couldn't believe it, and he didn't understand why it was happening.

The national soul -- the dying, national soul. May I ask you to think about something here for a second? Does science talk about the concept of the soul? Does science try to prove the existence of the soul? Does science even concern itself with the soul? What is the soul? I mean, dictionary definition of the soul is that which animates us, that have seen us our animating qualities.

But the soul is what we are. The soul is our consciousness. The soul is our being. The soul is what makes us unique from one another. 'Cause biologically we're all the same. But it's the soul. And science doesn't deal with the soul. What does? Where do you go in our society to learn about the soul, the origination of the soul, the depth of the soul, the future of the soul? Where do you go? Religion.

Not any particular religion, but religion is where the soul is discussed.

Well, we can't talk about religion in America today. In New York City and around the country we are trying to teach kids to get along with one another. We're doing it by giving them condoms. We're doing it by teaching them about tolerance for alternative lifestyles, but there's this thing out there called the Ten Commandments. We can't teach that, but there's no better lesson for all of humanity as to how to get along with each other.

But you can't teach the Ten Commandments because that stems from somebody's religion. Why do kids take guns into schools? Because they have no respect for the sanctity of life. I've told you that time and time again. You can't have a million-and-a-half abortions every year in this country for all the years that we've had, folks, without life itself being cheapened.

We can't start killing and calling it "death with dignity," we can't start killing and calling it "right to die" -- we can't let guys like Jack Kevorkian run around and assist people in dying, which is really killing them -- and not cheapen life at the same time. Life is the most precious thing there is on this planet. Human life. The most precious. Everything else is academic without it. We can't create it from scratch.

We will never be able to recapture a lost life.

Never, ever. It is our most precious, most sacred thing. And we are cheapening it, according to the convenience of those who live. We take kids to school, and they have guns and knives in their pockets. What do we do? We put metal detectors up in the schools, and if the ACLU doesn't come along and say, "You can't do that! That violates the Fourth Amendment search and seizure clause," then they get into school with guns.

And, as we pointed out the other day, they show up with play guns, water guns; start shooting people. People with real guns turn around and shoot 'em back. What do we do? We get the toy gun off the market! We don't go after the people who are shooting real guns. We have people who think we should go after the real gun. The gun doesn't shoot itself.

RUSH: That was part one. And again, this is from December 17th of 1992 on my television show, and it's bouncing off teenage killings -- single-digit-age killings -- in Chicago and a column written by Bob Greene, "Soulless Killer Will be Death of All of Us." My memory was an eight-year-old who killed a five-year-old. It was in a neighborhood. It wasn't even at school. It was in a home or something, and at the time it just blew everybody away.

How in the world...? Even back then, it was not even a question of the gun. What people were shocked at was, "How does an eight-year-old even gin up that kind of emotion?" It has to be because he sees it somewhere. If you're eight years old, you have to see it, you have to witness it, and you have to think that it's harmless. And if you watch television and dead people don't really die... I mean, you saw that guy get shot up on TV.

Then the next week he's on a different show, so he didn't really die. If you're an eight-year-old, might think you don't even really die? But even if you do, no big deal. You see it happening in the neighborhood all the time. If life isn't taught to be revered for what it is -- the most unique and precious thing there is on the planet -- then everything else will become meaningless at some point. Here's the remaining two minutes...

In my mind, ladies and gentlemen, all of this is totally understandable, this lack of respect for life, especially in kids and teenagers. Look at the movies they watch. I remember when I was a kid, my parents were all concerned about Beatle music. I grew up in the sixties, and the in the mid-sixties, Beatle music, "I Want to Hold Your Hand," "I Saw Her Standing There."

All of that stuff was deemed revolutionary and bad, but look at the lyrics. They were harmless. They were love songs. It was the hair and the appearance that my parents were afraid of. But you look at what's out there today. Look at 2 Live Crew's Me So Horny. You know what that's about? It's about the destruction of the female vagina by a bunch of men having a good time.

Can't ban that! Nope. That's freedom of speech. That's art.

We then have all kinds of songs by rappers like Ice-T's called Cop Killer. Can't interrupt that. That's called freedom of expression and art as well. We've got all these hacker and slasher movies. We have people getting slashed to death, hacked to death, shot to death. Killers get killed 25 and 30 times over like in the Friday the 13th movies, and they always come back to life. Life has become cheap in our society. It's become a commodity that we can broker for our own convenience.

This should not be any surprise.

I am happy, I am proud that I have been on the cutting edge, the leading edge of this, and I am glad and happy as I can be that Bob Greene, a nationally syndicated columnist, has dared bring up the concept of the soul in all of this. Because science can try to explain behavior all they want. Science can try to explain psychological temptation, this and that. It's the soul. It is respect for the essence of humanity and life. And when that is not respected and when you can't teach that, what we have in our society is no wonder.

I hope you'll think about it.

1) Rush Limbaugh :facepalm:
2) 1992 ! 20 fucking years ago !
3) He speaks about fucking religion ! Religion caused more death thoughout History than everything else. Why did 9/11 happen ? Religion. Why did the Shoah happened ? Religion. I could go on and on...
4) He speaks about "sanctity of life", saying that because of abortion, right to die, etc... We have lost the sanctity of life and it is why kids are turning to murderers. France is way more advanced about abortions rights, right to die, etc. than the US. And still we have much less crimes (our homicide rate /capita is 3x lower than the US). But we have very strict laws about guns and (all kinds of weapons).

Make laws that would ensure only honest rsponsible and psychologicaly stable citizens can buy gun legally and killings such as Aurora or Newton won't happend 'cause the kind of guys who do that are not the kind of guy who have access to illegal guns, they don't knbow a guy who know a guy who can provide them illegal guns.
Ban automatic guns and a shooter will have to aim a specific target instead of shooting randomly 20 shots/sec. This way, he woul kill much less people before they han ran away to a safe location.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
According to the Mayans, we're all going to be dead in a week or two anyway. So I guess it's safe for me to say this: generally speaking, I agree with Fisher (on this one issue).
Sayin' "it's society" (whatever the problme you're talikng about) is a coward answer.
When you say "It's society" it means you other have to change, not you.

So let me sa one thing : If society is fucked up, we gotta make it right, we gotta change it. And remember that you're part of society so you have to change, like everyone else.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Sayin' "it's society" (whatever the problme you're talikng about) is a coward answer.
When you say "It's society" it means you other have to change, not you.

So let me sa one thing : If society is fucked up, we gotta make it right, we gotta change it. And remember that you're part of society so you have to change, like everyone else.

I don't disagree with that. Everyone of us is part of the answer... whatever the answer is.
So we should ban cars, box cutters and flammable liquid?
Last time I checked, flammable liquid and box cutters didn't caused about 10.000 death per year in the US.
Driving a car requieres a driving licence...
A large part of the problem is that society has confused freedom for licentiousness, and has made them mean the same thing. Nobody has any kind of restriction because restrictions are unconstitutional and might hurt someone's feelings. If that happens there's always a lawyer who very conveniently has been championing whatever right you had violated for years, and he GUARANTEES that you'll win a lawsuit. At this point it's no longer about right or wrong; it's about greed.

Greed seems to be a major driving factor in the world. The very laws under whose protection we live are influenced and passed by those looking to add money to their already overflowing coffers. When making a choice that will affect society they only care about how it will affect them financially, not how it will affect society. Stem cell research, genetically-engineered foods, controversial medications, controlled substances, the list goes on. In passing legislation they are concerned with what will advance their career, what will get them reelected, and what will bring in most money from lobbyists. At no point do they consider the good of the people they are supposed to be serving.

Greed, corruption, and licentiousness ' cheapen' society. When we give more value to material goods than we do to life essentially set ourselves up for failure because, sooner or later, that mentality will lead some kid in a school who had an argument with a classmate over a borrowed video game to show up at his house with a gun and blast him away. The gunman will do so without any sense of remorse because he has been taught all his life that the value of a video game is more valuable than someone's life, and that he has the right to do whatever he wants without anyone telling him no because he's entitled to things that nobody can deny him because it says so in the constitution. Not only was killing his classmate justified in his mind, but the set of rules and values that he had been inculcated with justify it as well.

I will stop now because writing on a phone is uncomfortable, and my hand is cramping.


Was King of the Board for a Day
A large part of the problem is that society has confused freedom for licentiousness, and has made them mean the same thing. Nobody has any kind of restriction because restrictions are unconstitutional and might hurt someone's feelings. If that happens there's always a lawyer who very conveniently has been championing whatever right you had violated for years, and he GUARANTEES that you'll win a lawsuit. At this point it's no longer about right or wrong; it's about greed.

Greed seems to be a major driving factor in the world. The very laws under whose protection we live are influenced and passed by those looking to add money to their already overflowing coffers. When making a choice that will affect society they only care about how it will affect them financially, not how it will affect society. Stem cell research, genetically-engineered foods, controversial medications, controlled substances, the list goes on. In passing legislation they are concerned with what will advance their career, what will get them reelected, and what will bring in most money from lobbyists. At no point do they consider the good of the people they are supposed to be serving.

Greed, corruption, and licentiousness ' cheapen' society. When we give more value to material goods than we do to life essentially set ourselves up for failure because, sooner or later, that mentality will lead some kid in a school who had an argument with a classmate over a borrowed video game to show up at his house with a gun and blast him away. The gunman will do so without any sense of remorse because he has been taught all his life that the value of a video game is more valuable than someone's life, and that he has the right to do whatever he wants without anyone telling him no because he's entitled to things that nobody can deny him because it says so in the constitution. Not only was killing his classmate justified in his mind, but the set of rules and values that he had been inculcated with justify it as well.

I will stop now because writing on a phone is uncomfortable, and my hand is cramping.

You said your hand was cramping last night too, I'm beginning to sense that something's up.

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
'Cause biologically we're all the same.

Wrong. Biologically, we are all different. It's a little something called DNA, it's passed on through our genes, and many things play a factor in what makes us each different, including genetic mutations that can be caused by a number of things such as smoking and drinking while pregnant, hereditary diseases, and of course each genetic molecule from each parent combined to make one individual, unique human being.

Biologically, we are not the same. The only way in which we are the same is the fact that our bodies function on the same organs and muscles, we all need oxygen, we all have hands and feet, legs, arms, faces, toes, fingers, butts, nipples, and hair. Unless of course we shave off our hair or lose an arm or a leg, or lose a body part or bodily function due to cancer.

If we were all the same, we would all get sick at exactly the same times, we would have the same type of cancer, we would have the same diseases, we would all have the same skin, eye, and hair colors, we would all be the same height, we would all enjoy the same hobbies, we would all desire and achieve the same job, we would all sob hysterically over the same exact sappy movies, we would all listen to the same music, we would all have the same fears and no fear would be looked at as unhealthy since we would all be the same. We are not the same.

It's biology. It's genetics. It's science. Go back to school and sit through some lectures until it seeps into your brain and you learn the shit before you go off spewing ridiculous nonsense that can not be proven and is completely illogical.

PS. I completely stopped reading the article after I read that line, because that line alone renders the entire article void of any rational thought or true value.

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Sayin' "it's society" (whatever the problme you're talikng about) is a coward answer.
When you say "It's society" it means you other have to change, not you.

So let me sa one thing : If society is fucked up, we gotta make it right, we gotta change it. And remember that you're part of society so you have to change, like everyone else.

God damn it, I love this! :goodpost:
Damn I didn't want to do it. Here to talk about porn.

Guns have been a part of american society since it's founding. These mass shootings are a fairly recent occurrence.

So what changed?

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Damn I didn't want to do it. Here to talk about porn.

Guns have been a part of american society since it's founding. These mass shootings are a fairly recent occurrence.

So what changed?

I wouldn't consider the Holocaust, WWI, or any of the wars predating that war, or leading up to the late 1900s, recent. Guns have been around for a very long time, and wars are certainly not new. Yes, I consider war to be a mass shooting, albeit in a more.... organized and "civil" manner, if one considers war to be civil.
I wouldn't consider the Holocaust, WWI, or any of the wars predating that war, or leading up to the late 1900s, recent. Guns have been around for a very long time, and wars are certainly not new. Yes, I consider war to be a mass shooting, albeit in a more.... organized and "civil" manner, if one considers war to be civil.

That's a good point. There's been mass and wanton murder throughout human history and that is the heart of the problem. But these instances where a gunman goes into a school, theatre etc. and randomly kills people for no rhyme or reason is something we haven't seen until recently. Guns aren't the issue. This guy could've easily waited until school let out and plowed his car into 20 kids as they lined up for their school buses. It's not the method but the madness.

Will E Worm


US Government Involved in Program to Break Down Cohesive Aspects of Society Link
Biologically, we are not the same. The only way in which we are the same is the fact that our bodies function on the same organs and muscles, we all need oxygen, we all have hands and feet, legs, arms, faces, toes, fingers, butts, nipples, and hair. Unless of course we shave off our hair or lose an arm or a leg, or lose a body part or bodily function due to cancer.

I don't have nipples. :( :uohs: :shy: