Most over paid people in america?

Besides the obvious answers people have stated, and I know there might be people who out there who might give me flak over this, but I really have felt that most teachers are indeed overpaid. (Or maybe, more accurately, it's just that so many of them aren't really that good.) Only a minority of the really good ones have I felt deserved it. Half of them I have ever seen are either mediocre going through the motions people to people just plain not that good at teaching (A few of them I will admit are under resourced or put in bad situations and it sometimes isn't there fault though.) and yet they get some of the very best vacation time due to the nature of the job, great benefits because it's a state job, and I have known some of them that have had a lot of seniority that are pushing 60 or 70 thousand dollars a year with would put them in the upper 1% where I'm at. Yet, I still had to hear about them complaining about how they are underpaid.

Some of the most underpaid people besides a lot of the people out there that due brutal back breaking labor for ridiculously low amounts of money, is paramedics. I don't know how it is everywhere, but I was almost shocked when I learned just how little some of them make, with a good portion of them making barely above minimum wage. For a job where it's your responsibility to save people's lives and keep them from dying that's pretty sad.

One thing I know for sure is that our market is broken. Both in the economic sense, and in the sense of fairness, but also ethical and morally. The rate of pay for a job is not alright just because somebody is willing to do it. That is one of the things people, especially capitalist people or businesses need to realize and accept. It's usually just a path to rationalize exploitation.

I also have to laugh when some people assume that all the people that are poor out there are that way because of their own fault or that they deserve it. Usually when somebody says that I can almost always walk down the street and find multiple people that worked just as hard as them and ended up with nothing or at least a lot worse off. People that have it better are almost always a recipient of favorable conditions and circumstances and had luck in almost one way or another, even if that was just being born to the right people or just plain being in the right place at the right time.
I also have to laugh when some people assume that all the people that are poor out there are that way because of their own fault or that they deserve it. Usually when somebody says that I can almost always walk down the street and find multiple people that worked just as hard as them and ended up with nothing or at least a lot worse off.

All poor people aren't poor because it is their fault. You can't blame people with mental or physical handicaps for being poor. It's not their fault. They are simply not capable.

However, I feel that most people are capable which leaves very few legitimate excuses for being poor. It's not about hard work. I agree alot of people work hard and still have nothing to show for it. People work hard at Wal-mart and gas stations but their hard work is for a valueless service that anyone can do.

Rather, the key is working hard toward something that society values and will pay money for those services. Ultimately, it takes skills or an education for your work to have value. That's the problem with most poor people, they don't have the skills or education to earn more. In general, that is their fault. Most people can learn a skill or obtain an education with proper motivation and effort. Many people just don't have the motivation or make the efforts. Instead they end up with valueless jobs that pay poorly.
in my opinion i think the majority of CEo's are paid too much. you have these people who have so much money that they don't know what to do with it while their are other people out there starving. people always defend the rich by descrbing how much they pay in taxes....completely disregarding the fact most wealthy people make more in a year than what many made in a life time or will make in a life time.

and also sports stars. lebron james, brett favre , tiger woods, manny ramirez. these guys make gobs of money for having extraordinary skills but they are still overpaid. yes they entertain us and yes some of their abilities are superb but like the people i classify as "rich " one needs a 23 + million dollar contract.

this is all my opinion of course and as in nearly every case their are always exceptions.
All poor people aren't poor because it is their fault. You can't blame people with mental or physical handicaps for being poor. It's not their fault. They are simply not capable.

However, I feel that most people are capable which leaves very few legitimate excuses for being poor. It's not about hard work. I agree alot of people work hard and still have nothing to show for it. People work hard at Wal-mart and gas stations but their hard work is for a valueless service that anyone can do.

Rather, the key is working hard toward something that society values and will pay money for those services. Ultimately, it takes skills or an education for your work to have value. That's the problem with most poor people, they don't have the skills or education to earn more. In general, that is their fault. Most people can learn a skill or obtain an education with proper motivation and effort. Many people just don't have the motivation or make the efforts. Instead they end up with valueless jobs that pay poorly.

How much did you pay for your education? Its obvious it didn't come with real life experience. It taught you how to theorize trade me spots, just for one month. I wouldnt have paid a dime for the education you recieved, because if it was woth a damn you would have been taught that there is no solid answer for why anything happens. Everything is fluid, always in motion everything changes. There is no key. People are poor because if they weren't, others could not be rich. When it comes down to it I dont trust anyone, or think any respect is deserved, when they leave high school and jump into the college machine only to graduate and tell everyone that is the one true path through life.

Any chimp can be taught to do ANY job. The key is to be Very charismatic and fool everybody into doing things your way. Be it through advertising, fear, phsycological manipulation, or paying them just enough money to support their family but not achieve a better, higher position in life. Then not giving them enough hours to get that pay in an economy that is not hiring. Because those college educated people "with skills" couldn't pay for that fancy new house that you decided you just had to have when you hadn't paid off your college loans. You just had to buy that new car also didn't you?

Yeah when you look at it really hard, all those really smart harvard and yale, college educated CEO's are the ones that put alot of people in the position to need the assistance of the welfare system. I was in the military and when I got out the economy took a dump, and my chosen profession is not hiring many people at the moment because people cant afford the service that I recieved an education in. So I work between 6 and 20 hours (if im lucky) a week in a different profession then I would like to and collect partial unemployment while I look for a second and/or third job.

Truth is there isn't alot of work available my resume fucking sparkles with experience cant get a job though, so im stuck being over paid, because I am not valued by society.
Theres nothing wrong with athletes getting paid but they should make less. Rookies should get capped. Matt Stafford guaranteed to get $42 million is gayer than aids.
How much did you pay for your education? Its obvious it didn't come with real life experience.

Regarding experience, I'd consider my year and a half of clinical externships real life experience.

Without being specific, my education was more than $100,000 and well worth it. I think a lot of people don't think they can afford an education because it is expensive, and I can't deny that it is expensive. But, it is the best investment someone can ever make as long as they are smart enough choose a career/field that will give them work after graduation. Think about this, if a person's education allows them to land a job that earns $100,000 a year, and they have to pay back $8,000 a year in education loans, that person is still ahead $92,000. In the long run the investment into their education/career can't be beat.

I wouldnt have paid a dime for the education you recieved, because if it was woth a damn you would have been taught that there is no solid answer for why anything happens.

Sure, there is an answer for why most things happen: cause and effect. Pretty straightforward.

When it comes down to it I dont trust anyone, or think any respect is deserved, when they leave high school and jump into the college machine only to graduate and tell everyone that is the one true path through life.

Respect is earned.

I never said education was the only way to a good job. I said a person needs to have skills or an education for the person to be valuable to an employer. A person doesn't have to go to school/college to have skills. A mechanic has skills. A plumber has skills. These trades can be learned a variety of ways and they are trades that people value and pay for their service. Other examples: An athlete has skills, an entrepreneur has skills, a contractor has skills. None of these require a specific education.

I'm also mindful regarding education that some forms of education are pretty useless. What does a math or history major go on to do? Teach? I don't know. Those are pretty useless majors without a lot of value. People need to choose fields/majors that people demand the services of.

Any chimp can be taught to do ANY job.

Really? Can you teach a chimp to be a heart surgeon?

The key is to be Very charismatic and fool everybody into doing things your way. Be it through advertising, fear, phsycological manipulation, or paying them just enough money to support their family but not achieve a better, higher position in life. Then not giving them enough hours to get that pay in an economy that is not hiring.

People get paid based on the value of the service they provide for their employer. Cashiers don't get paid much because it's a service anyone can do. Professional football players get paid millions because few can do it and they make millions for their owners and the NFL.

If a job pays "just enough money to support their family but not achieve better" then that's all that job is worth.

I was in the military

Thanks for your service. I have total respect and gratitude for those that serve. Won't they help you pay for if you want to go back to school?

When I got out the economy took a dump, and my chosen profession is not hiring many people at the moment because people cant afford the service that I received an education in. So I work between 6 and 20 hours (if im lucky) a week in a different profession then I would like to and collect partial unemployment while I look for a second and/or third job.

That's why people need to choose a profession that they know will provide them with good work. I have a friend that has always wanted to be an actress. That's great. It's her dream. Will she ever make money? No. She's not the next Julia Roberts. If it's her dream or not, it's a bad career choice.

Truth is there isn't alot of work available my resume fucking sparkles with experience cant get a job though, so im stuck being over paid, because I am not valued by society.

Any resume can sparkle with experience. It all depends on what the experience is of. Experience paying video games or watching tv isn't going to produce many good jobs. Experience in mechanical engineering or nuclear medicine can produce many good jobs.

Regardless, if your chosen profession isn't producing jobs, then you need a new chosen profession.
Most over-paid people (people are a plural, mean a group of people)

In this case, lawyers throughout United States are the most disgusting group of people who charge most.

The most disgusting people are so-called lawyers representing "wrongful death" clients who will collect millions. Those lawyers are blood-sucking animals causing the collapse of the economy.

Every small and big businesses have to buy in ten of millions of dollars of insurance because those blood-sucking lawyers will file lawsuits against you if anyone slips and fells on the pavement in front of your business. WTF !

Definitely lawyers. Who in some cases metamorphosis into politicians.
Hedge fund managers, now why do they need a fuckin salary then a billion of dollars in bounus??