Most over-paid people (people are a plural, mean a group of people)
In this case, lawyers throughout United States are the most disgusting group of people who charge most.
The most disgusting people are so-called lawyers representing "wrongful death" clients who will collect millions. Those lawyers are blood-sucking animals causing the collapse of the economy.
Every small and big businesses have to buy in ten of millions of dollars of insurance because those blood-sucking lawyers will file lawsuits against you if anyone slips and fells on the pavement in front of your business. WTF !
In this case, lawyers throughout United States are the most disgusting group of people who charge most.
The most disgusting people are so-called lawyers representing "wrongful death" clients who will collect millions. Those lawyers are blood-sucking animals causing the collapse of the economy.
Every small and big businesses have to buy in ten of millions of dollars of insurance because those blood-sucking lawyers will file lawsuits against you if anyone slips and fells on the pavement in front of your business. WTF !