Most impressive and charismatic bad guy I have seen in a long time


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Judge Rico from Judge Dredd
Alec Trevelyan from goldeneye

And the best ever, though not from film medium;
Aron the Moor from Shakespeares Titus Andronicus.
I forget the exact quote, but it runs something along the lines f:
"If I die with but one regret, it will be that I did not do enough evil in my life"


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Another one of my favourite tv villains:

Movies, Tv post em' up lads.....Your favourite villains!

You beat me to it.

Dukat is the man. :bowdown:


^^^Dammit Vlad, you beat me to it! I was just scrolling down to add him.

Alan Rickman is the best. :clap:


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
My top 5 bad guys are:
5. Max Cady ( Cape Fear)
4. Alex DeLarge ( A Clockwork Orange)
3. John Doe ( Se7en
2. Sargent Barnes (Platoon)
1. Norman Stanfield (The Professional) has to be one of the best villians that Gary Oldman ever played.