"Requiem for a Dream" is pretty fucked up, but I think more for the tragedy of it than for any real shock value - I mean, on a second watch, the 'ass to ass' scene is just downright hilarious.
Until she got her boobs chopped down, I always thought Jennifer Connelly was so sexy. She's still very attractive, but I'd like to bitch slap the surgeon that obliterated those fine titties. He should have his license revoked. Anyway, on a second viewing, I almost felt guilty as I fast forwarded through the serious parts of "Requiem for a Dream" and hit the Jennifer moments. Yep... I almost felt guilty. :tongue:
Funny Games was really a sick, sick movie. I watched it three times because it kind of draws you in, but it really is a sick plot. I get nautious just thinking about it.
Turistas was another really fucked up sick type thing. i won't ruin either plot but they definitely fit brutal.disturbing by far.
Funny Games was really a sick, sick movie. I watched it three times because it kind of draws you in, but it really is a sick plot. I get nautious just thinking about it.
Turistas was another really fucked up sick type thing. i won't ruin either plot but they definitely fit brutal.disturbing by far.
I just watched Turistas lastnight for the 2nd or 3rd time. IMO the only really sick part of the movie was when the maniac "Dr Unlce" was removing the girls organs. I liked the movie don't get me wrong. but it could have been much worse. :uohs:
Funny Games was pretty good, I myself couldn't see 2 sarcastic, know it all fuckheads doing that to my family or I, but I guess it does happen @ times. I love Tim Roth & Naomi Watts was pretty easy to look at as well. :yummie: just my :2 cents: :thumbsup:
I just watched Turistas lastnight for the 2nd or 3rd time. IMO the only really sick part of the movie was when the maniac "Dr Unlce" was removing the girls organs. I liked the movie don't get me wrong. but it could have been much worse. :uohs:
Funny Games was pretty good, I myself couldn't see 2 sarcastic, know it all fuckheads doing that to my family or I, but I guess it does happen @ times. I love Tim Roth & Naomi Watts was pretty easy to look at as well. :yummie: just my :2 cents: :thumbsup:
death sentance
the kingdom
a history of violence
maniacop series
eastern promises
shutter island
bone collector
the hitcher
new jack city
silence of the lambs
Italian film Gomorrah, a gritty look at the mafia (not glorified Hollywood type) how the poor live in Italy which makes our housing estates look like Beverly Hills. Film was generally depressing and hard to watch but was good at the same time.
Brazilian film City Of God had a similar effect on me, especially the rape and kid killing scenes
A Clockwork Orange is pretty disturbing, Training Day is fucked up because shit like that really happens, The Good Son is just creepy, and the remake of The Last House on the Left is way too graphic.
Italian film Gomorrah, a gritty look at the mafia (not glorified Hollywood type) how the poor live in Italy which makes our housing estates look like Beverly Hills. Film was generally depressing and hard to watch but was good at the same time.
Brazilian film City Of God had a similar effect on me, especially the rape and kid killing scenes
A Serbian Film probably, not sure why I watched it as it had nothing of any merit despite laughable claims as to its allegorical meaning.
Funny Games is far more annoying than disturbing. I don't need a director to make a really violent film & then in a rather patronising manner tell me off for watching the film!
The Oliver Stone film "Natural Born Killers" with Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis. A true story, the author John Grisham had a close friend of his killed by a copy cat killer who saw this movie nineteen times. Mr. Grissham still has alimosity towards Mr. Stone.
Other disturburing films, all of the Hannibal Lecter films, starring Anthony Hopkins. Jodie Foster refused to to the remake, "Hannibal" because of its bloody, gory, violent nature. Instead Julianne Moore took over the role of FBI agent/profiler Clarice Starling.
It took me 14 years to view "The Silence of the Lambs" just for that reason. I did see all three films in the series.
Although I liked the last movie, the prequel, "Red Dragon" because the FBI agent played by Ed Norton fights him off in the opening scenes...
August Underground: Modrum. Couldn't watch more than 2 minutes of it.
BTW, funny story: someone posted a link to a 5 minute clip of it on 4chan. People had no idea what it was and FREAKED out. They were like, report it to the FBI! Call the cops! It was Charlie Sheen and 'Guinea Pig' all over again. Finally, someone said it was a movie and stop worrying.
The movie Wolf Creek was pretty terrible and very sexist and very violent against women. I didn't like how those girls were being tortured. Big turn off. Another is Valentine's Day and I Hate Valentine's Day. Both movies disturbing.