Morrissey embroiled in 'racism' row

I'm not sure if he's racist or if he's just concerned that the culture is being compromised. I wouldn't want to see the British culture diminished.

I only have a problem with illegal immigration.

The world is changing. Sooner or later there will only be one culture on this planet. If Morrissey is so in love with the British culture he should hold on to it. No one is asking him to give up the British way of life, he just needs to accept the changes occurring around him. He love loves fish, chips and spotted dick that's fine. If he is a racist, just come clean. Even though I do not agree with that way of thinking I would respect him more if he was truthful about it.:2 cents:
The world is changing. Sooner or later there will only be one culture on this planet. If Morrissey is so in love with the British culture he should hold on to it.

And how does he do that when he doesn't even live here?

As the joke on Morrissey is that he is actually a immigrant himself living in America.


I haven't heard of him in about 18 years.. didn't think he even mattered any more...


He had one or two solid solo offerings after the Smiths and then... yeah, then I think everyone got sick of the wining.

Then again, releasing a statement like that, shoots someone right back up into the public eye...
Protecting the interests and the culture of your country and its constitution is absolutely normal. Controling immigration is also normal.
I will give you an example, since the opening of frontiers in Europe, we have seen in France more and more beggars and illegal immigration from Romania, Ukraine and also people who hide themselves in cargo in order to immigrate in France. Controling immigration is something necessary, it avoids people working and being paid unofficially as well as having a health insurance. Also it helps to trace if the individual has a clean criminal record and if he is contributive and valuable to the country where he is migrating in.
When one migrates in a country, he has to adapt himself to the customs and habits as well as to the rules otherwise he has no place and will probably not be welcomed in his welcoming country. The country where one immigrates, owes him nothing, he has to say thanks that the country has welcomed him and not think he is all allowed.
Also let me be very clear with one particular point, that anyone who has a strong pride for his country will never let his country's culture replaced, never. One must be totally insane or out of his mind to accept to see his country's culture disappearing or downgraded.
Protecting the interests and the culture of your country and its constitution is absolutely normal. Controling immigration is also normal.
I will give you an example, since the opening of frontiers in Europe, we have seen in France more and more beggars and illegal immigration from Romania, Ukraine and also people who hide themselves in cargo in order to immigrate in France. Controling immigration is something necessary, it avoids people working and being paid unofficially as well as having a health insurance. Also it helps to trace if the individual has a clean criminal record and if he is contributive and valuable to the country where he is migrating in.
When one migrates in a country, he has to adapt himself to the customs and habits as well as to the rules otherwise he has no place and will probably not be welcomed in his welcoming country. The country where one immigrates, owes him nothing, he has to say thanks that the country has welcomed him and not think he is all allowed.
Also let me be very clear with one particular point, that anyone who has a strong pride for his country will never let his country's culture replaced, never. One must be totally insane or out of his mind to accept to see his country's culture disappearing or downgraded.

I agree illegal immigration can cause serious problems for any country. If a country has no records of immigrants or citizens the country will be downgraded sooner or later. I stated earlier having an influx of immigrants legal or illegal is part of that country's culture. Culture is an ongoing thing in every country in the world. The culture of France is not the same as it was fifty years ago nor is it the same practically any country. Times change. People need to accept that cultures disappear, entire empires fall and often times something new an better is born out of that situation. If Morrissey or anyone wants to hold onto their culture go ahead but don't use it hide racist feelings.
I agree illegal immigration can cause serious problems for any country. If a country has no records of immigrants or citizens the country will be downgraded sooner or later. I stated earlier having an influx of immigrants legal or illegal is part of that country's culture. Culture is an ongoing thing in every country in the world. The culture of France is not the same as it was fifty years ago nor is it the same practically any country. Times change. People need to accept that cultures disappear, entire empires fall and often times something new an better is born out of that situation. If Morrissey or anyone wants to hold onto their culture go ahead but don't use it hide racist feelings.

Spot on. This is particularly true of Britain, which sees a new wave of immigrants in every generation, and has done for a very long time.

The real irony in this story is that Morrissey's people were part of their own wave, and they had to suffer people talking about all the Irish taking jobs, changing the fabric of British society, etc.
I'm still a fan of Morrissey's singing, both solo and especially with the Smiths. I saw him live in 2005 and he is still a master showman, over two decades later. However, you have to understand that he is no stranger to making controversial comments and championing unpopular ideas. From all accounts, he is a narcissistic, self-important, self-righteous jerk, and his personal problems with the former bassist and drummer of the Smiths pretty much guarantee the band will never reform, no matter how cool it would be for him to reunite with Smiths guitarist Johnny Marr (who has most recently performed with Modest Mouse).

So he's a jerk, maybe a hypocrite, I can't argue with that. But I can separate the man's art (which I love) from the man himself, and he is an excellent artist, in my humble opinion.
Polish immigrants sent home almost £1billion in the first three months of this year, it has been revealed

The cash taken out of the UK economy would otherwise have been spent in shops, restaurants and other businesses here.

The figures, compiled by the National Bank of Poland, showed that £1.1 billion was sent back from Western Europe to family members living in the former Eastern Bloc country since January.

More than three-quarters of the total is thought to be from Britain, where the majority of Polish migrants moved following the expansion of the EU in


This means that the total siphoned out of the UK economy is somewhere between £825 million and £1 billion - a rise of around a quarter on the same period last year .

It is the equivalent of up to £2,500 sent home by each one of the 400,000 Poles living in Britain.
There just the same as any other immigrants!
A few here and there isn't much of a big deal but this country is flooded with them and when they reach the small towns where the natives are crying for work its causing problems!

I sympathise with those they undercut here, but sadly that's the nature of global free-marketeering

Will E Worm

Morrissey Update

Morrissey sues music magazine for defamation.

Former Smiths frontman Morrissey is suing music magazine NME for defamation after it printed an article in which he discussed his views on immigration in Britain.

The magazine criticized the 48-year-old singer for allegedly saying Britain had lost its identity as a result of higher levels of immigration than other European countries.

"We can confirm we have received two writs from Morrissey's legal representatives pertaining to NME and its editor Conor McNicholas," a spokesman for NME said on Friday.

You're blaming the wrong people.

1) You should be blaming the global system which makes England so wealthy and Eastern Europe so damn poor.

2) Do you blame the immigrants? They are fucking poor. They need to come to England. Do you think people want to come to a place where they may not speak the language and may be hated on by a lot of ignorant jerks? No.

3) Do you blame your government? They're just in it for the money. They don't give a shit about you. They do not care. They use illegal immigration and equal rights laws to their capital gain.

4) Do you want them to change, and act in your interests, and close the borders? What, so we can continue to exploit the rest of the world without the rest of the world being able to AT LEAST send some of their people to where the money is to get that tiny share of the minimum wage that England offers them? Is that really fucking fair?

5) No, if you wanna blame someone for all of this - for the very reason ANY large number of people leave the place they call home - blame our system. Capitalism. Exploitation. Colonization. Economny. England colonized half the world, and now has indestructible links to places like Pakistan and India. There will always be millions of Indians and Pakistanis coming to England. We took their home from them and forced sports and ways of life and sometimes slavery on people. Now they are doing what is best for them, and some of them are moving to live in the land of "plenty" - to try and make a half decent living in the land of their former masters. It's so twisted you know, that any of that ever happened.

6) And what about the rest of the world? We're withholding medicine, and making billions of dollars and our rich are getting richer and richer. We don't have a good system of world government so nobody gets screwed, and America just does whatever the hell it wants to, and so, China does the same, and Europe is very guilty of similar capitalist inhumane heartlessness.

7) If you want to blame anyone, blame the global system. Re-invent your system. Start a new one. Closing borders is a shitty, selfish idea. Let's stop exploiting the fucking world and give people a FINANCIAL incentive to stay at home instead of telling them to fuck off. Let's take care of the world instead of our own country. We have enough to feed and clothe and house the world 50 times over, so why are so many people scraping together the change to flock to England or France or America? BECAUSE WE HAVE SO MUCH AND THEY CANNOT SURVIVE WITH WHAT LITTLE THEY HAVE.

8) If we share a little more of the food, drugs and global profit, with the world, you will find that the vast majority of immigrants never wanted to leave home in the first place.

1) Eastern Europe was under 50 years of far leftism and after the fall of the wall, things got fucked up. In communism, they never knew what were quality goods and big salaries.

2) Do you honestely think it is a country's duty to accept the whole world's misery????? I think not. Look at France who did this during 30 fucking years acting like Mother Theresa by regularizing massively immigrants and giving them money and house in priority before French born and bread citizens.Now the Government has no more money for helping the French born and bread citizens. If people want to migrate in a country, they have to learn the language, customs, habits and rules and accept them.

3) Wrong. Why would a governement use illegal immigration???? Certainly not for gains.

4) Some people have real difficulties to adapt or they don't want to. Also I don't think that wanting a mother theresa assisting system is a good thing. People who just immigrate and leech for social insurance, an appartment and social helps who also don't want to adapt themselves to customs and habits in the country where they migrated in, shouldn't be accepted but sent back to where they come from.

5) ok

6) being communist is perhaps better according to you? I prefer to be a good old capitalist than someone who has nothing. You have your chance in America if you don't blow it up, you can succeed and it is the same everywhere else.

7) Before solve problems in your own country before fixing the other countries problems. I am all for closing borders because there is a moment when enough is enough.

8) That is typically socialist. Do you think that people who busted their ass off to have big salaries will give money to people that never contributed to their country? No. For the foods and drugs, you have the red cross that shares those quite well with poor people.
You're blaming the wrong people.

You should be blaming the global system which makes England so wealthy and Eastern Europe so damn poor.

Eastern Europe are poor due to the old USSR. Nothing to do with a global system. Whatever the hell that's supposed to be.

Immigrants aren't always poor people. They can be very rich or skilled. Most illegal immigrants are poor though.

As I've already pointed out the person this thread is on is a immigrant. He's left his country of birth to go live in another. Which is immigration.


:rofl: Yeah, Sweden and Germany have a low influx of immigrants, Morrissey... :wtf:

...and this nerd lives in Rome... doesn't he open his eyes? How many more Brits do Italians really have to hear and endear in Rome or Tuscany?! :D

...he probably came to this clarity while walking out of the English services on his was to the Lord Nelson pub to have an English breakfast - on Via d'Azeglio in Roma. :crash:
(1) Communism is not necessarily far leftism. Communism is enforcing the will of the government on the people, which is also fascism, which is also like naziism, so communism can be seen as far right - intolerance - totalitarianism. That is more right wing than left wing. So it is true - when you become so far left that you enforce an ideal on everyone and punish them for not following your ideal to the letter - you become a dictator, and a fascist, and therefore very right wing, not left wing at all. Not liberal and open minded and free, but staunch and strict and controlling. I could not be any further away from a communist - OR a capitalist. Those are not the only two "ist" in the world, and there is a better way than both.

(3) They use it to populate their very low paying jobs, and to allow business to succeed by illegally hiring people that they can pay far less than minimum wage to. They also use it to scare the people into thinking they are unsafe and in jeopardy from foreigners, to create unrest and therefore, a rallying of voting citizens together, which means they are less likely to focus their anger on the true perpetrators - the iron fisted rulers.

(4) So you want to change the way people think and feel and do things, otherwise they are not allowed in your country? How intolerant is that? So if someone wants to be a Muslim and speak Urdu at home instead of French, you think they should be kicked out? What if they come to France and are unhappy with the French leaders, and campaign for them to be replaced? Or the system? So they should be kicked out for having a point of view? Because that's all I have ever done. Move to America and be unhappy with my leaders and system, just as I was unhappy in Britain. Instead of running away, I would like to see change. Is that a crime? Is that punishable by kicking me out? Half my family were Iranian and I don't like the British government either - so should I be kicked out of my homeland too, England? Back to Iran, maybe? Where I have never been and would never be welcome, as I do not speak the language, and I hate the government, and
I do not share the majority religion? Hmmm?

(6) Don't speak for me. Communism is no better than capitalism. It is more oppressive but also more fair. I don't think it is worse. It is definitely not better. But both systems are disgusting. I want a system where the people have the power, end of story. That is freedom. Freedom to make your own rules. The people decide. Not old rich white men. Everyone.

(7) I agree to a point. But then with so many problems here, why is the US busy invading and bombing other nations? Shouldn't it be fixing all of the domestic problems?

(8) The Red Cross cannot help when the pharmaceutical companies are unwilling to give free drugs or cheap drugs to these parts of the world. I do not think CEOs and tycoons work hard at all. Some of them had to work for their fortune, some did not. But they do not work nearly as hard as the people slaving away doing 80 hours a week for next to nothing. Or the illegals working in the sun for 60 hours a week for a third of minimum wage. That's disgusting. Those people are the backbone of everything. They support it all. And you want to continue to deny them any rights and privileges to support the tiny, tiny, tiny minority of 1% of multi billionaires that exploit and use the system and design it only to their advantage, and sponsor WARS, that they profit from, using taxpayer money, and lie to everyone that the wars are necessary - this is not freedom! Freedom is when it is up to EVERYONE what happens, not just the billionaires, Georges. You are not a billionaire. No billionaire has, or will ever, stand up for you. They will only squeeze any penny out of you that they can. So why do you let them continue to rule over your government and your world?

Nobody said they can't be billionaires. They can. But they should NOT have ANY more political power than ANY of us. One person, one vote. Whether you are digging in the garbage for food, or whether you are Bill Gates. One person. One vote. We all decide. What is best. For all. Of us. Plural.

1) Communism is born indirectly from Karl Marx socialist ideas, which are based on the share of the capital, same equality of salaries and equality in terms of properties. Nazism is a short for national socialism based on the national preference of one race and which you add the concept of socialism which means sharing the goods, revenues and properties with people of your own race and discriminating others. Both communism and nazism made over 40000000 of deaths during WWII. Socialism and communism are left wing principles not right wing principles. Nationalism is right wing but that has been know since decades. Stalin was a far left wing bitch who sent millions of people to the goulag because they didn't agree with him. The communism under Stalin was mainly based on a forced adoration of Stalin by people and also of a share of all the goods they had. Thinking you are all due and all alowed is being an anarchist and a pinko. There are rules in every country where you migrate in, there will always be authorities who will make sure laws are fully enforced and the constitution respected, that is absolutely normal. If there was a better way than both, it would have been adopted long ago but fact is that it doesn't exist.

3) That is your opinion and not what the majority of people thinks, the Government is not that dumb to shoot itself a bullet in the foot.

4) When you come in a country, so you have to abide blindly and fully to the rules and habits of that country and not impose your views or your religion because they will probably be not accepted but rejected. In some middle eastern countries if a western citizen doesn't respect a custom or habit which is in use in those countries, he can be punished. Being too laxist and too tolerant is not good at all. At home people can speak whatever language they want, it is not my business. But there is one thing on which I judge people law abidance, respect for the rules, respect for other people, trustworthiness, good behavior and discipline. You probably don't know that in France some people have been kicked out and lost their citizenship because they behaved unproperly against the constitution but against the moral code as well. Unproper behaviour can lead to this. There is a behavior code wherever you go and none wants nor likes disrupters or anarchists. You can't change the mentality of a country and its billion of people. See how many Americans disagree with you about the 2nd amendment and on many of your utopic/irrealist visions about the USA. I am not even American but I have far more points of agreement with them than you.

6) That will never exist even in your dreams unless you like anarchy.Perhaps should we let decide unexperimented people or noobs at life to take the wrong decisions? No, thanks. I am against this.

7) Another Michael Moore cliché for me. The US is helping other countries. Without US in KOSOVO or in Afghanistan, things would have probably gone worse. Doing nothing is twice more blameable than doing something to fight rogue regimes and their allies. And remember that if there was no Marshall Plan, Europe wouldn't have been what it is now. You don't fight the ennemy by surrendering, never.

8) You used that argument in another discussion. I am not a billionnaire but don't worry I am not that poor. I know the problems of low payed work force, it doesn't date from yesterday. In my country, most of industries are being delocalized and what is representing more than 60% of GDP is the tertiary sector which employs qualified personnel not illiterated illegal immigrants. So claiming that illegal immigrants are the backbone of the economy is false.
Morrissey is spot on. To accuse him of being racist is a ridiculous idea. The problem this world faces now is that if a white man says anything that might involve any other race, creed, colour or nation then he is deemed a racist rather than an individual voicing an opinion. The racism and PC cards have been played too much and it's terrible that a man can't make a statement about the country he once loved without being persecuted globaly.
He has also been accused of racism for waving the Union Jack flag. This to me defies belief that a symbol of our united countries of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales can be deemed a racist gesture - what ever happened to national pride, pride in our identity ? Americans proudly wave there flag on any occasion possible and rightly so - they are proud of their nation and all it stands for. This ridiculous country has even tried to ban us from having the St George cross flag on churches !! With reactionary movements like that is there any wonder this country is going to rack and ruin and people with a voice and opinion like Morrissey speak out ? Morrissey, i salute you.

dick van cock

Closed Account
Morrissey, who has spent most of the last decade living in LA and Rome, told NME magazine that countries like Germany still had their own identity and complained of not hearing "British accents" on the streets.
What exactly is "German identity"? We've been quarreling over here about this issue for almost 40 years (or more)... Maybe Mr. Morrissey can tell us :confused:

:sing: Panic in the streets of Carlisle


How does a rabid, patriotic Englishman feel about an Irish immigrant or descendant of them, Stephen (Morrissey)? :D
:rofl: Yeah, Sweden and Germany have a low influx of immigrants, Morrissey... :wtf:

...and this nerd lives in Rome... doesn't he open his eyes? How many more Brits do Italians really have to hear and endear in Rome or Tuscany?! :D

...he probably came to this clarity while walking out of the English services on his was to the Lord Nelson pub to have an English breakfast - on Via d'Azeglio in Roma. :crash:

No, I think he did it walking out of one of the thousands of Indian restaurants we have here :D

After all the English love a good curry (which we actually invented) after a few beers.