(1) Communism is not necessarily far leftism. Communism is enforcing the will of the government on the people, which is also fascism, which is also like naziism, so communism can be seen as far right - intolerance - totalitarianism. That is more right wing than left wing. So it is true - when you become so far left that you enforce an ideal on everyone and punish them for not following your ideal to the letter - you become a dictator, and a fascist, and therefore very right wing, not left wing at all. Not liberal and open minded and free, but staunch and strict and controlling. I could not be any further away from a communist - OR a capitalist. Those are not the only two "ist" in the world, and there is a better way than both.
(3) They use it to populate their very low paying jobs, and to allow business to succeed by illegally hiring people that they can pay far less than minimum wage to. They also use it to scare the people into thinking they are unsafe and in jeopardy from foreigners, to create unrest and therefore, a rallying of voting citizens together, which means they are less likely to focus their anger on the true perpetrators - the iron fisted rulers.
(4) So you want to change the way people think and feel and do things, otherwise they are not allowed in your country? How intolerant is that? So if someone wants to be a Muslim and speak Urdu at home instead of French, you think they should be kicked out? What if they come to France and are unhappy with the French leaders, and campaign for them to be replaced? Or the system? So they should be kicked out for having a point of view? Because that's all I have ever done. Move to America and be unhappy with my leaders and system, just as I was unhappy in Britain. Instead of running away, I would like to see change. Is that a crime? Is that punishable by kicking me out? Half my family were Iranian and I don't like the British government either - so should I be kicked out of my homeland too, England? Back to Iran, maybe? Where I have never been and would never be welcome, as I do not speak the language, and I hate the government, and
I do not share the majority religion? Hmmm?
(6) Don't speak for me. Communism is no better than capitalism. It is more oppressive but also more fair. I don't think it is worse. It is definitely not better. But both systems are disgusting. I want a system where the people have the power, end of story. That is freedom. Freedom to make your own rules. The people decide. Not old rich white men. Everyone.
(7) I agree to a point. But then with so many problems here, why is the US busy invading and bombing other nations? Shouldn't it be fixing all of the domestic problems?
(8) The Red Cross cannot help when the pharmaceutical companies are unwilling to give free drugs or cheap drugs to these parts of the world. I do not think CEOs and tycoons work hard at all. Some of them had to work for their fortune, some did not. But they do not work nearly as hard as the people slaving away doing 80 hours a week for next to nothing. Or the illegals working in the sun for 60 hours a week for a third of minimum wage. That's disgusting. Those people are the backbone of everything. They support it all. And you want to continue to deny them any rights and privileges to support the tiny, tiny, tiny minority of 1% of multi billionaires that exploit and use the system and design it only to their advantage, and sponsor WARS, that they profit from, using taxpayer money, and lie to everyone that the wars are necessary - this is not freedom! Freedom is when it is up to EVERYONE what happens, not just the billionaires, Georges. You are not a billionaire. No billionaire has, or will ever, stand up for you. They will only squeeze any penny out of you that they can. So why do you let them continue to rule over your government and your world?
Nobody said they can't be billionaires. They can. But they should NOT have ANY more political power than ANY of us. One person, one vote. Whether you are digging in the garbage for food, or whether you are Bill Gates. One person. One vote. We all decide. What is best. For all. Of us. Plural.