Seriously, cutting out the bullshit, thanks a ton for this one. I had my camera phone at the ready when they started the song, but, just as I was about to start recording it, the lighting designer called for all spotlights to stand by on the next color change. It's not impossible to record a video with your phone while you do spotlight, but doing color changes requires both hands. Since I was on James, I figured there would be a good amount of movement by him throughout the song, so I didn't risk the chance of starting to record part of it, only to have to cut the video off after a few seconds. In the end, not only did James not move during the song, but the cue that the L.D. called for didn't happen until the next song. That was my biggest regret of that run.
By the next night I figured how to rig my phone on the spot tower railing so it would shoot the stage without me holding on to it. Thanks to that I got a kick ass video of Ozzy and Geezer Butler playing Iron Man and Paranoid with them.