Montreal Expos going to move to Washington D.C.

You guys probably dont care very much, but Montreal have officially lose their baseball team. Their moving to Washington D.C.

Its really a sad sad day for baseball fan in Quebec, espicially in Montreal... i've been following them since i was a kid... but i guess the people didn't care anymore, so i wish them good luck in Washington next season...


Member, you member...
What will they be called? The Washington Expos or the DC Expos?


Closed Account
maybe they'll call them the senators like they did before they lost their last team. :D
Odds on favourite to be called the Senators (an obvious rip off from Ottawa's NHL team who were winning Stanley Cups back in the 1920's. :) )

Although, today on PTI, the name the Washington Grays sounded kinda cool.
They will probably called Senators...

But you what, they still haven't a found a owner to buy the team in DC, the major league will be the owner again... Bud Selig should be fired for doing such a bad job as a commissionner... :mad:
:crying: Rest in Peace Expose. You'll always be in our hearts in MTL even though we never actually went to youre games or cared much if you won :tongue: just playn'
I don't mind having another team so close to me here in baltimore. I know a lot of local people are upset because that's going to take away from the O's fan base, but fuck it. DC is the 8th largest market in this country, so the moneys there to be made.

I would hope they would go with something other than The Senators though. I mean look what happend to the last TWO teams that carried that name in the city, they became the TX Rangers and the MN Twins.....Bad omen that Senators name is.

The Greys sounds like something different.

Maybe the DC Congressmen....:dunno:
ok lets name the great players that went through montreal.
i will start:
Larry walker
Randy Johnson
pedro martinez
If they had a REAL salary cap and revenue sharing in this league, the Expos could have been as great as the Green Bay Packers in the NFL... And now if the NHL does'nt soo wake up, a lot, i mean a lot of team will move or simply just disapear...


Closed Account
i was joking about the senators name. i'm sure they'll come up with something else.

i remember for a while wondering what the Titans were gonna be called when we got them as the Oilers. for a while rumors were going around they were gonna be called the Copperheads (cuz we have so many around here) but I think Titans is still badass.
harold said:
ok lets name the great players that went through montreal.
i will start:
Larry walker
Randy Johnson
pedro martinez

Harold, I hope it was an oversight, but you have to list Vladimir Guerrero as one of the best. I wish this kid would have signed with the Yanks, just so he could get the props he desreves. Have a look back at their team in 1994. It was the best team to ever take the field.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure Randy Johnson never played for the Expos. Before Arizona, he played in Seattle
Eaglez1 said:
wow interesting.
Sad to see the baseball fans in Canada lost their team :(
We still have the 2 time World Series Champs Toronto Blue Jays. And considering the french in that province have wanted to separate from the rest of Canada, the Expos haven't been "Canada's team" for a long time.

Now, only of the frogs in that province would move too. Then we'd be on the right track.
Dirty Sanchez said:
Harold, I hope it was an oversight, but you have to list Vladimir Guerrero as one of the best. I wish this kid would have signed with the Yanks, just so he could get the props he desreves. Have a look back at their team in 1994. It was the best team to ever take the field.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure Randy Johnson never played for the Expos. Before Arizona, he played in Seattle

He was trade to seattle, long b4 he became the dominant pitcher that he is today. Besides, I dont think Montreal could have afforded to keep him anyways.

Lets not forget the these other great players of the expos.
Tim Wallach
Andre Dawson
Tim Raines
Moises Alou

ps: MLB really needs a cap, or its only a matter of time of teams will be joining the expos.
Here are some of the names the boys on PTI discussed on the show today.

Angelos (named after Baltimore owner Peter Angelos who is none too happy about DC getting a team).

sabrefan, congrates. I was totally unaware he was with Montreal at one point. 1988 was a long time ago.
Yeah, Johnson played originally for the Expos... but they trade him with Brian Holman for Mark Langston in 88 i think...

By the way, i will not respond to the frog comments... its really low to call french-canadian like that... would you like hit if i call you a squarehead ? i dont think so...

so please be polite and respect others opinion, we tried two time to be a country, we failed both time, so lets just wait for now and maybe some time in 15-20 years, maybe we'll be a country...:2 cents: