Montreal Expos going to move to Washington D.C.

bigdan1110 said:
its really low to call french-Canadian like that...

No, its low to live in Canada but not consider yourself Canadian. Doesn't really matter, half of those people can't speak English anyway.

would you like hit if i call you a squarehead ? i dont think so...

That's the best you got? Fire away.I haven't been pampered by the Liberals in this country to protect my feelings, so I can take it.

we tried two time to be a country, we failed both time,

What does that say about the french? This is the greatest country in the World, there is no need to try anything. People risk their lives to come live here.

so lets just wait for now and maybe some time in 15-20 years, maybe we'll be a country...:2 cents:

Yeah, get the Liberals out of power, and put some one in power who will tell those people to either shut up, or get out. It is that easy. You either are Canadian, or you're not. Simple.
Well then why we are treated differently than the rest of the country ? If we were really canadian, everbody would be treated the same, and to tell you the truth, i dont think french-canadian are treated the same way as the rest of Canada.
bigdan1110 said:
Well then why we are treated differently than the rest of the country ? If we were really canadian, everbody would be treated the same, and to tell you the truth, i dont think french-canadian are treated the same way as the rest of Canada.

Absolutly right. The French are treated better (hello adscam). When a team or athlete from every other Province, except for Quebec, wins something, they proudy raise the Canadian Flag in honour. frenchies raise the Province's flag instead. Do you think there is a place anywhere in North American that you could get a legit, tax paying job that didn't require you to speak English, outside of Quebec? Why is it, that all throughout the Provinces in Canada, by law, there has to be both English and French road signs on all Provincial highways?

It is this simple. If you don't like Canada, don't hold a referundum, get the fuck out!!!! It is sickening how much some coddle the french in this Country. (remember, these are the people that didn't want to join Canada's army in WW II, because Canada was going to war to help England. Why should the french help the English? Maybe because the English were fighting the German's in France!!!! Thank God for the English, or everyone in France (and Italy) would be speaking German right now.

Dan, I'm sure you've seen Slapshot, so here goes

Come on, the were a lot of french-canadian going to WWII, my grandfather on my father side did want to Normandy, and he was lucky to comeback alive because all he's friends got kill outhere, and guess what, their were all french-canadian too, so maybe some of us did'nt to go, but the truth of the matter is that a lot of them did went.

I never want very far outside Quebec so i did'nt know they were roads signs in both language.

You're making good point, but its like the argument between Brino and George, whatever we'll be saying, we'll never change our minds on the issues, so lets just leave it at that...

Btw, How many times you went to see the Expos in Montreal ?
Dirty Sanchez said:
Harold, I hope it was an oversight, but you have to list Vladimir Guerrero as one of the best. I wish this kid would have signed with the Yanks, just so he could get the props he desreves. Have a look back at their team in 1994. It was the best team to ever take the field.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure Randy Johnson never played for the Expos. Before Arizona, he played in Seattle

nope randy johnson started his carrer iin montreal then was moved to seatle. after that he was traded to houstan were he played for half a season...then he was traded to arizona.:pimpdaddy
bigdan1110 said:
Btw, How many times you went to see the Expos in Montreal ?

Once (twice in Toronto). But since we knew absolutly no french (besides Tabernack), we had a hell of a time getting to the stadium, and were treated rudly by a number of employees because they refused to speak english.

A few might be the bad seeds, but there enough of them to give the frogs their bad rep.