Dirty Sanchez
bigdan1110 said:its really low to call french-Canadian like that...
No, its low to live in Canada but not consider yourself Canadian. Doesn't really matter, half of those people can't speak English anyway.
would you like hit if i call you a squarehead ? i dont think so...
That's the best you got? Fire away.I haven't been pampered by the Liberals in this country to protect my feelings, so I can take it.
we tried two time to be a country, we failed both time,
What does that say about the french? This is the greatest country in the World, there is no need to try anything. People risk their lives to come live here.
so lets just wait for now and maybe some time in 15-20 years, maybe we'll be a country...:2 cents:
Yeah, get the Liberals out of power, and put some one in power who will tell those people to either shut up, or get out. It is that easy. You either are Canadian, or you're not. Simple.