I, too, sent you +rep. Some members just enjoy trolling, flaming, and hazing. The guy that negged you is a self-loathing imbecile.
This member is not worth paying attention to, as
his raging self-loathing is based on repressed homosexuality while he uses gay siurs as his worst insults, like kids used to years ago,
Most of his posts are wrong, dishonest, or puzzling (classic WTF stuff) and he's easily upset...poor baby. He
hates that I'm smarter than he is...
But rep is so worth ...uh...well, I guess it's worth something, as some really get a thrill from it. I had it in the high millions at one time, before one of the resets, but it was a site joke then and it still is.
But you are a whiner like Misfire is, and I'm sure you guys will get along whiningly.
Point of fact, loser...this is a private website, run by FOs as they see fit. Leave if you don't like it, just quit embarrassing yourself by whining like a Liberal.
Mods care or not, members care or not, none of that makes a bit of difference.