Mixed Martial Arts

i agree with you 100 percent there kebert. lyoto deserves a shot before rashad, the problem is popular fighters make more ppv sales. i bet dana and the ufc didnt bank on rashad beating chuck

i think he is right. i read that UFC is giving Sugar Rashaad the "title shot they promised chuck".
how do you promise one guy a title shot but not the other? even though you would expect the experience of chuck would win out.you can't "backdoor" one guy for the more popular other fighter.
make it even for both.

It's a sad day in the MMA world. We've lost one of the sports real pioneers. Evan Tanner was a true original in the sport. A poet, a writer, an adventurer. If you're familiar with Evan's story, you know he lived his life in a way most would never have the balls to. Everything he did was to challenge himself, while always searching for inner peace. Hopefully he's found what he was looking for.

RIP Tanner
One of a kind
Evan Tanner was a great man, as a fighter and with his outlooks on life.

May he be in peace now.
they dont know how he died? never liked him but fuck. keep us updated on wtf happened to him.

To understand how Evan Tanner died, you've gotta understand how the man lived. He was something of a nomad, never really sticking in one spot for too long. Always up for an adventure. As recently as last year he was living in a sailboat he was trying to fix up. He didn't have to, Evan had a house. That's just the way he chose to live his life.

Tanner set out in the desert on one of his journeys. His last blog spoke of "treasure hunting" but knowing Tanner his "treasure" wasn't gold. He was out there to clear his mind, find himself, whatever you want to call it. Also, he didn't plan on dying out there, although his blog did mention that failure of his equipment might cost him his life. Basically right now the story is that Evan was deep in the desert, ran out of gas and water and in 115 degree heat. He's had close calls just like this over the years, this time I guess he just cut it a little too close.
A few Evan Tanner quotes...

“And to think, there are still places in the world where man has not been, where he has left no footprints, where the mysteries stand secure, untouched by human eyes. I want to go to these places, the quiet, timeless, ageless places, and sit, letting silence and solitude be my teachers.”

"It is a shame that in this society we've been taught to judge a man's worth by what he owns instead of who he is. Everything is surface, and so few look beyond it. A man will sell his soul, he will lie, cheat and steal, for money. If he has it, he can buy respect. Wear the right clothes, drive the right car, have the right friends, that's all that matters. Our lives are consumed in a selfish, self absorbed quest for possessions, the latest and the best in a never-ending cycle until the day we die. We forget what it means to be truly human. We forget the things that really matter. We lose the magic of what life should be.
I won't live by rules that make no sense to me."

"I will do nothing lightly. When I walk, I will walk heavily. When I fight, I will fight with conviction. When I speak, I will speak strongly. When I feel, I will feel everything. When I love, I will love with everything."

"Believe in yourself. Believe in your own potential for greatness. Believe that you can change the world. It is something that is within each of us. Believe in the Power of One"
I'm on Sherdog talking MMA all the time. (WBC Rezen) I've been a member there since 04. I used to post a lot more but it's hard to strike up intelligent conversation on that board.

My favs are Arlovski, Randy, and Clay Guida.

MMA is my passion. I've had two amateur fights but lost one. I'm a BJJ blue belt and wrestled though out HS. My school was Performance JJ in Cherry Hill NJ but I have since moved and stopped training for about two years now. It's always good to meet hardcore MA fans like myself.

As far as last nights show UFN 15. Herman got robbed. I hate the ghettoness of Nate Diaz. Clay is a small beast and I always like to see Houston lose because I lost money in the fight with Jardine.
Yeah, I thought Herman (as much as I dislike him) should've got the nod too. Diaz can fuck right off. We know you're tough Nate, you don't need to try so hard to act like it. Guida, I'll pay to watch that guy fight anytime. He came out and did exactly what I expected him to do, wrestle the shit out of Danzig and tire him out. And Houston Alexander needs to get his ass to a real bjj trainer. You could see that choke coming from miles away.
So it looks like Rich Franklin is going to be fighting Dan Henderson. Here's a fight I've been wanting to see for years, but kinda like Chuck/Wanderlei or Rampage/Wanderlei I don't really want to see either of them take another loss. Without thinking too much into it, I like Hendo's chances against Rich. What's Franklin gonna do? Knock him out? Not likely. Ditto for submitting him. And I hope Franklin doesn't expect to grind out a decision over the guy who basically invented doing just that.
So it looks like Rich Franklin is going to be fighting Dan Henderson. Here's a fight I've been wanting to see for years, but kinda like Chuck/Wanderlei or Rampage/Wanderlei I don't really want to see either of them take another loss. Without thinking too much into it, I like Hendo's chances against Rich. What's Franklin gonna do? Knock him out? Not likely. Ditto for submitting him. And I hope Franklin doesn't expect to grind out a decision over the guy who basically invented doing just that.

i like franklins character,his work ethic but i don't see what makes him so "good" i have seen like a handful of his fights and he has lost a majority of them.and anderson silva beat him down twice.
i like franklins character,his work ethic but i don't see what makes him so "good" i have seen like a handful of his fights and he has lost a majority of them.and anderson silva beat him down twice.

You gotta see more Rich Franklin fights then man! The two times Anderson rearranged his face are the only times he's lost in the UFC (he got KO'd by Lyoto in Japan too) but other than that he's beaten everyone he's fought. Shamrock, Tanner, Nate Quarry, David Loiseau, Okami, Hamill, Jason MacDonald. Not exactly chumps, and he destroyed most of those guys. All the respect in the world to Franklin, I think he's great but it seems like Henderson poses a lot of problems for him.
You gotta see more Rich Franklin fights then man! The two times Anderson rearranged his face are the only times he's lost in the UFC (he got KO'd by Lyoto in Japan too) but other than that he's beaten everyone he's fought. Shamrock, Tanner, Nate Quarry, David Loiseau, Okami, Hamill, Jason MacDonald. Not exactly chumps, and he destroyed most of those guys. All the respect in the world to Franklin, I think he's great but it seems like Henderson poses a lot of problems for him.

i have seen a decent amount of franklins fights. i like him but i just think henderson is going to beat him. i just feel like franklin reaches reaches reaches and finally gets 2 steps foward then takes 1 step back
not a big fan of his and i believe he should have retired years ago but..........
tonight i'm the BIGGEST fan of KEN SHAMROCK!
if he exposes Kimbo and beats him NOT by decision that should be the end of the "mystic" of Kimbo!
not a big fan of his and i believe he should have retired years ago but..........
tonight i'm the BIGGEST fan of KEN SHAMROCK!
if he exposes Kimbo and beats him NOT by decision that should be the end of the "mystic" of Kimbo!

well scratch that since shamrock backed out due to a cut this afternoon in practice.
guessi have no need to continue Recording this show.
kimbo is fighting Seth Petrocelli in shamrocks place


Tig Ol' Bitty Expert
OMG..........Kimbo Slice TKO'd in 14 sec
I am glad it was on network TV cause if I had of paid for Pay Per View I probably would of put my foot thru my TV


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
OMG..........Kimbo Slice TKO'd in 14 sec
I am glad it was on network TV cause if I had of paid for Pay Per View I probably would of put my foot thru my TV

Holy shit, I just watched that on my DVR. HAHAHAHAHA, no...way.

He didn't just get TKO'd...he got his ass THUMPED.
In a perfect world it would of been Shamrock tearing his leg off, but I'll take Seth Petruzelli dropping Kimbo with a jab any day. I'm still laughing.