I would like to see Kimbo Slice in the UFC eventually.I think that he would have to train his ass off to build his stamina,because it seems like he gets gassed fairly early.Also,he needs to find a new trainer,because as good as Bas Rutten was,Kimbo's ground game is still lacking quite a bit.He's a pure striker with little to no g&p,kinda like Chieck Congo.If both of these fighter found a good ground game,they would be unstoppable.
I would love to see Randy get a hold of both of these guys.Could you imagine that?!
Anyway,from what limited fights that I've seen,I would have to say that pound for pound,the best fighter is GSP,for the fact that when he loses to someone,he beats the living shit out of them the second time.Both Matt Sera and Matt Hughes looked like little bitches their second fights with GSP.He completely dominated them and completely nullified whatever made them successful in their first fights.I feel like the true sign of a champion is how well you do against adversity and how well you come back after a loss,and GSP is the best in rematches.
As far as Lesnar goes,I would love to see someone beat the living piss out of him.He's an arrogant punk and has no respect for his competitors.I know that there is a lot of shit talking before matches,but that's part of the hype that Dana probably tells all the fighters to to do.Brock is just a flat out asshole and I hope that he gets fucked up soon.I don't know who's the big dogs in his weight class but hopefully someone will step up.