Google and Wikipedia could have answered all this for you instead of bringing it to a girl who said very clearly in the first post, "I have very strong views on this". You opened a can of worms, and that is why I'm annoyed. Plus, I'm pretty sure that most any girl would get pretty fucking upset with you if you compared what they did to prostitution.
See, here's the funny thing - you are annoyed that one would even dare to compare you to a prostitute, as if what
they do is so wrong or immoral or something. Well, not all people think that being a porn star is the most kosher of lifestyles. Personally, I don't give a shit. To each their own. But, there
are comparisons between the two and I wanted to know what you thought was so different between the two.
"View"? "Thought"? No. Last time I checked there were cold hard facts when it comes to discerning the two. Hence why one is called an escort, and one is porn star.
Cold hard facts? Kind of like the fact that porn stars are paid money to have sex with people, which, since you brought it up, is directly comparable to a prostitute or an escort? Yes, there
are differences,
as I said before, but there are impossible-to-ignore comparisons between the two as well, which is another reason why I was interested in hearing what you thought about it.
I said I wasn't gonna waste my time to state the obvious, but if you're gonna keep on and on and on about it, here it is.
The girls who work at the Bunny Ranch are taxed performers who engage in sexual activity with others, some of which do so on camera. But, they're not porn stars; they're prostitutes. That's another direct comparison between the two. Yet another reason why I was interested in hearing what you thought the differences were.
Escorting is a fancy word for prostitution. And to give you an unbiased definition for that:
In escort prostitution, the act takes place at the customer's place of residence or more commonly at his or her hotel room (referred to as out-call), or at the escort's place of residence or in a hotel room rented for the occasion by the escort (called in-call). This form of prostitution often shelters under the umbrella of escort agencies, who ostensibly supply attractive escorts for social occasions. While escort agencies claim never to provide sexual services, very few successful escorts are available exclusively for social companionship. Even where this type of prostitution is legal, the ambiguous term escort service is commonly used. (See call girl). -- Wikipedia (who knew?!?!)
Wikipedia? A reliable resource? I think not. If you want to use cold hard facts as part of your rebutal, I would suggest avoiding Wikipedia for any sort of reference, as it is available to be freely edited by everyone in the entire world, whether they know what they're talking about or not.
Again, they are words, which have definitions.
Since you want to use exact definitions of words as part of being a "cold hard fact"...
Main Entry: pros·ti·tu·tion
Pronunciation: \ˌpräs-tə-ˈtü-shən, -ˈtyü-\
Function: noun
Date: 1553
1 : the act or practice of engaging in promiscuous sexual relations especially for money
2 : the state of being prostituted : debasement
That's not
my definition; it's
the definition. Yet another reason why I was interested in hearing what you thought the differences were.
You don't ask for someone's view or thoughts on what color an orange is. It's ORANGE. Plain and simple.
There are various shades of orange. Some people are color blind. Therefore, orange is not always orange. To you orange is one thing, to me it's another. Yet another reason why I was interested in hearing what you thought about the differences between porn stars and escorts. You sit on one side of the table and I sit on another. Even though we're sitting at the same table, we both have different views that are in front of us. That is exactly why I wanted to know,
from somebody in the industry, what you thought the differences were.
If you're offended, I'm sorry. That wasn't my intention. If I planned on offending you, I would've laid it on pretty thick. Feel free to look at some of posts on this forum, because I've been known to be a complete asshole at times when I want to. Is this one of those times? No, absolutely not. I feel as if I'm being completely civilized, but apparently you think much differently (which is fine - as I said, to each their own). I asked a question, you got offended, you threw out some insults, I rebutted and here we are. So, once again, if I offended you...
I'm sorry. But, this is a public forum where we are free to talk about pretty much whatever we want. Not everyone is going to agree with you, support your point of view or even say nice things about you.
FYI - Since you are an OCSM and are pretty much given the privilege to say whatever you please without consequence and I am just a lowly member that has to walk on eggshells around OCSMs, I'm bowing out of this. I don't feel like continuing this and getting banned for it. This would be such a ridiculous way to lose my privilege to visit this forum. So, have a nice day.