Everyone knows that Trump is a racist who wants to stop illegal americans from coming to this country. He also colluded with Russia and stole the election so they wouldn't get sanctions for invading Korea.
Trump and his uneducated base are going to jail.
Say whaaa????????
If that was complete and Udder sarcasm that disregard my words over here.
Wanting to stop or at least control illegal immigration is not racist.
It doesn't make you a racist.
If so than pretty much every country with the exception of the Eastern European UN countries in the past several decades are racist.
Illegal immigration is still illegal last I heard.
Colluded with Russia, stole election.
Well its been well over a year. Lets see that proof.
Surely if there was any they would have destroyed him with it by now.
Invading Ko-Rea?
Ain't nobody invading Korea.
Listen and I'll tell you.
BUsiness run the world son.
Banks and other huge business brother.
They own the governments and the politicians- ALL OF THEM.
Yes cuz the richest of the rich are in charge. They own it all, they control it all.
Seems only obvious and natural right sis?
Two reasons the USA ain't attacking Korea.
1- they would get their asses handed to them unless it went nuclear.
And although WAR is good for business in the long run in most cases, Nuclear WAR is not.
2-Nuclear War is very very bad for business. Cant sell nothin to dead people. Cant rape nuclear polluted real estate.
But the threat of nuclear WAR? Oh that is great for business just like the threat of a hurricane is great for the bottled water and battery business.