Miley Cyrus is shit

Yep, another pop sensation of little or no value to the well being of the human race. And her acting just sucks balls!
While Miley doesnt have the best vocals, her songs are still entertaining and the whole young girl gone wild imagine is totally hot. Well until she gone as bad a lindsay lohan who went from hot to just plain sad. She's hot now so enjoy her while you can now!


Just got neg repped , lol

Miley's still shit though :thefinger

If I let my 8 year old go on FOs she'd insist on neg repping you for infinity plus one...:D
Personally I think all the time spent worrying about a Disney Tweenie star is really silly and a bit pointless...I don't watch her except during the summer months when my little girl stays with me. Then I get to watch Wizards, On Deck, and everyones fav Hannah "Smiley Miley" Montanna.
Good luck to her, for a little kid she's a good singer and actress, has a shitload of time on stage and in front of a camera, and has a bright future ahead of her...unlike many of her detractors here on FOs and elsewhere.:rofl:
I could live happily if I never saw her again, but I think she does a good show for the kiddies and her movie was a pretty decent effort.
(I sat 8 rows back with a Mom and 2's what a parent does.)

And PLEASE take back the Beckhams!!!
We'll keep Miley at home...
You want us to take that bitch back? We already have Lady Gaga to worry about! Can you imagine if we had both of them? At the same time?!? :eek:
Just wanted to let yz know that

Will yz Americans come over to Britain and take her back?

Just seen her on TV , her music is shit , name checking MJ in her song is sad

Plus we dont need her polluting our ears with her bubblegum pop music

So please take some pity and when she returns to the USA..........keep her there :wave2:

On behalf of so many of us Yanks I would like to personally aplogize for Billy Ray Cyrus and his little hell spawn. But please remember that our suffering inflicted by them never ends because they are Americans and we are stuck with them like herpes. I am sorry to hear that they have invaded your country, I don't wish that kind of pain or embarresment on anyone, but at least in your case they'll go away.
If I let my 8 year old go on FOs she'd insist on neg repping you for infinity plus one...:D
Personally I think all the time spent worrying about a Disney Tweenie star is really silly and a bit pointless...I don't watch her except during the summer months when my little girl stays with me. Then I get to watch Wizards, On Deck, and everyones fav Hannah "Smiley Miley" Montanna.
Good luck to her, for a little kid she's a good singer and actress, has a shitload of time on stage and in front of a camera, and has a bright future ahead of her...unlike many of her detractors here on FOs and elsewhere.:rofl:
I could live happily if I never saw her again, but I think she does a good show for the kiddies and her movie was a pretty decent effort.
(I sat 8 rows back with a Mom and 2's what a parent does.)

And PLEASE take back the Beckhams!!!
We'll keep Miley at home...



Torn & Frayed.
On behalf of so many of us Yanks I would like to personally aplogize for Billy Ray Cyrus and his little hell spawn. But please remember that our suffering inflicted by them never ends because they are Americans and we are stuck with them like herpes. I am sorry to hear that they have invaded your country, I don't wish that kind of pain or embarresment on anyone, but at least in your case they'll go away.

You know,normally I hate it when people take it upon themselves to speak for me without knowing my opinion,but in this case I say thank you.


Lord Dipstick
And take this mufuckin' Susan Boyle mongoloid back too.....with interest! :nono:
You know,normally I hate it when people take it upon themselves to speak for me without knowing my opinion,but in this case I say thank you.

I don't mind. :thumbsup:
She should do a flick where she porks a Billy Ray lookalike, a Taboo type theme. I would love to see Billy Ray split her tight rectum.