Based upon what evidence? This site was originally promised to start on 24/12/12 - then literally 1 day before this start date we were informed that it had been postponed. We then were informed that the start date would be at the end of January - but that never occurred. I am now wondering just how many more delays there will be?
and I agree with this....
Michelle's holding page has no links or any references to any web developers or design company who are helping to make this site with her. Given that she's been plugging it for a while now, I would have expected a professional company to have included some kind of link/reference to their own site for their own advertising purposes if this was being done by a professional company.
My personal suspicion, and this is only based on her recent tweets about the subject, is that Michelle is producing this herself, which I must say - fair play to her, but if you're trying to achieve a professional image for a new website, I'd have expected someone to spend a little money on getting someone in to do this for her, rather than taking it all on herself and struggling to achieve the deadlines she's set for herself.
She's mentioned a family emergency at Christmas which delayed her Christmas Eve launch, and there was another planned launch at the end of January...
now, if I was launching my own site, I would be paying someone to do this for me, so it could go live on Christmas Eve when it was scheduled - the only "work" involved for Michelle ahead of the launch would have been to agree the layout etc (which would have been done weeks/months ago) and the site would be sitting there right now, fully built and just ready for uploading the content. Then, Michelle would just need to send them the videos/photos to upload and away you go.... site is released and it's being managed by someone who does this for a living
the fact that nothing has happened in months suggests to me that this is her doing it for herself, which is why family/personal stuff comes before doing the site - I'm not saying it shouldn't, but if someone was doing this for her, there wouldn't be so much demand on Michelle's time so she could have her "home life" and let the professionals get on and release the site for her