Michael Vick should've been executed


I don't think that's it... I think that "stars" are given wayyyyyy more leeway than any of us regular people would get.

***insert one of the numerous celebrity fuck-up examples here***
and as such, I think that the celebs and stars are more likely
While I don't think he deserves death for what he did, it's very hard to forgive such a horrific practice like the one he engaged in for a long time. I'm all for second chances for some things, but there is a line you cross where you don't come back from... now we can argue where that line is drawn all day, but I think we can agree it exists. And for some people, killing innocent animals in brutal ways is over that line, for some it's not. :dunno:
...We can't allow for a talent such as Michael Vick to simply rot away on the vine! C'mon! The clock is ticking, get him out there while he still has time to do what he does best! Dance mutha fucka . . Dance! . . . Entertain! . . . Defy the odds! . . . Squelch the naysayers! . . . Make millions! . . . Have bling!

. . . but remain humble, Mike . . . become a positive figure in your community, don't forget, donate to the cause and encourage others to do the same, become an activist in opposition to the widespread dog fighting culture . . hit the streets of Detroit . . . ;)
The very thought of Vick being executed is way over the top, Michael has done his done his time and deserves to play football again, he got more leeway for sure but he has a second chance and America is about second chances, Vick has a lot reasons to be thankful for where he is, he is doing everything he can right now, the people who are writing that story want attention or do not understand the situation. He's making the best of his second chance and he knows one more misstep, and it is over.
NO.............what a ridiculous statement by Tucker Carlson...he's entitled to his opinion but like they say on Sunday Night Football.........

C'on Man............


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Life isn't a card game. And downplaying racism is rather absurd.

But one has to wonder, considering that Ben Roethlisberger possibly sexually assaulted a woman and there were few is any hysterical calls for justice for him, yet some pitbulls, not exactly a sympathetic dog breed, are killed and retributive justice is considered by some as a proper punishment.

So you're going to refuse to answer the question.

I suppose that's understandable, considering that your "idea" of justice is merely based on personal revenge and not a logical belief in proper punishment for the crime committed.

Also the US justice system doesn't think your idea of equitable punishment is proper, which is as it should be, given that you seem motivated more by your own feelings for a certain type of animal, in this case pitbulls, which are guilty of mauling many innocent people every year, than any idea of justice.

And now you've also decided that not all sadism is the same, which is peculiar considering that if profiting and promoting dogs fighting each other is sadism, why not humans, in Boxing and MMA, who do the same?

Shouldn't someone who makes money off of and promotes the latter be considered even more of a sadist?

Or does your belief in such matters vary according to your personal feelings?

Which if true might lead one to conclude that you consider dogs to be more important and worthy of more legal protections than humans, which would place you in opposition to the vast majority of people around the world.

I think you need to re-read friend - you've just basically re-criticized me for not giving replies that are actually there, and asked me questions that are clearly answered. Read what's there, not what you expect.

And don't be so bitey ... life's too damn short!
It just amazes me how dehumanized people are. We seem to care more about dogs than humans. I'm sorry but I for one think humans are important. Our own species is who I play for. Dogs are nice and mans best friend, but Vick shouldn't go to jail or be executed for killing dogs.

What makes me sick is there was so much outrage over this video of this puppy getting thrown off a cliff.



the way that little bastard wes yelping when he was being thrown was hilarious.

i must have watched that video 26 times now:1orglaugh
Um, people convicted of manslaughter spend more time in jail than did Vick...

Like Donte Stallworth, you mean?

Stallworth was charged with DUI and second degree manslaughter on April 1, 2009... He pled guilty, and received a sentence of 30 days in jail... On July 10, 2009, Stallworth was released from jail after serving 24 days.
Vick fucked up and did something really evil. He did his time and seems to have changed from the whole deal. Let the man have some peace and get back to playing Football.

forget about the dog part.
how about running an illegal multi-million dollar multi-state gambling operation. This alone should of gotten him in bigger trouble.
Vick is a complete mutt. Who cares if he can play football? They should've thrown him into a cage full of the dogs he mistreated and have him maul him to death
Vick is a complete mutt. Who cares if he can play football? They should've thrown him into a cage full of the dogs he mistreated and have them maul him to death


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
As a white guy, I can only say this: he did his time. We can all come up with hundreds of people who got off relatively scott-free for heinous acts. what good is it gonna do? Tired of the bitching. He spent time in jail, he paid his fines, did his community service and has to live with the fact that, in many circles, he is a pariah.