Hell I am equally surprised that no one has pulled the race card yet.
Life isn't a card game. And downplaying racism is rather absurd.
But one has to wonder, considering that Ben Roethlisberger possibly sexually assaulted a woman and there were few is any hysterical calls for justice for him, yet some pitbulls, not exactly a sympathetic dog breed, are killed and retributive justice is considered by some as a proper punishment.
Anyhoo .... clearly my example was meant as an ideal, not a practical reality.Many might think my example is an equitable legal consequnce of his actions
Finally - it's all about degrees. Any pleasure derived from the suffering of others is, in and of itself, sadistic. But not all sadism is the same. Unless you think the sadism of raping and killing is the same as the sadism from watching boxing.
So you're going to refuse to answer the question.
I suppose that's understandable, considering that your "idea" of justice is merely based on personal revenge and not a logical belief in proper punishment for the crime committed.
Also the US justice system doesn't think your idea of equitable punishment is proper, which is as it should be, given that you seem motivated more by your own feelings for a certain type of animal, in this case pitbulls, which are guilty of mauling many innocent people every year, than any idea of justice.
And now you've also decided that not all sadism is the same, which is peculiar considering that if profiting and promoting dogs fighting each other is sadism, why not humans, in Boxing and MMA, who do the same?
Shouldn't someone who makes money off of and promotes the latter be considered even more of a sadist?
Or does your belief in such matters vary according to your personal feelings?
Which if true might lead one to conclude that you consider dogs to be more important and worthy of more legal protections than humans, which would place you in opposition to the vast majority of people around the world.