Michael Vick should've been executed

Obama is a dumbfuck for congratulating him. Is he just trolling the entire nation very subtly?
How about MV and a pit bull fighting it out, and MV can only use his mouth to fight with?

Why when no other circumstance in our justice system provides for that (victims taking on their assailants in a one on one). Besides, the animals he committed crimes against are dead...further the one's that are pack broken would submit anyway....or didn't you know this about pack animals?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
He paid his debt, so let him alone....unless or until he does anything to warrant otherwise.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
That nonsense. We don't have a legal system based on lex talionis for most crimes.

Also how do you know if he's a sadist? It could have just been dog fights to him.

But by that logic, boxing fans are sadists, as are MMA fans.

Hmmmm ... where to start deconstructing this.

First of all - possessive apostrophe please. If I'm going to be criticized, at least do it with correct grammar and comprehension. That's ....

Anyhoo .... clearly my example was meant as an ideal, not a practical reality. Although there is plenty of precedent for lex talionis ..... Aequitas legem sequitur . Many might think my example is an equitable legal consequnce of his actions

And if we're going to start throwing latin around, then your next point about 'how do yo know he's a sadist, it could have just been dogfights.'

I refer you to the principle of acta exteriora iudicant interiora secreta ...

Finally - it's all about degrees. Any pleasure derived from the suffering of others is, in and of itself, sadistic. But not all sadism is the same. Unless you think the sadism of raping and killing is the same as the sadism from watching boxing.

Actus rea. mens rea .... he had both.

To judge him based on that is not unfair. So, to that end, Vick is raptus regaliter.:D


Lord Dipstick
Let him fumble some more next week that might cause them to lose......theres still time for execution playing in Philly!:1orglaugh
the punishment has to be proportional to the act that someone committed: if someone that brutalizes animal deserves death, what deserves someone that killed a human being?
what that guy did is obnoxious, but we have to remember that there are actions that are more deplorable than that...

I like dogs, cats, bunny rabbits, lil b@by ducks, mice (OK, not mice!), etc. as much as the next person. And I really disagreed with what Vick did. I have no use for people who fight animals for sport, whether they're dogs, chickens or bulls. But with that said, as soon as the PETA folks said that Vick had assembled breeding contraptions so that the male dogs could "rape" the female dogs, I had to roll my eyes. I've got a news flash for PETA: go to any farm where selective animal breeding takes place, and you'll see loading shoots and breeding stations where the same thing takes place. I'm not saying that the female animals get off on it. But I don't think they need counseling or need to be taken to a domestic violence shelter for puppies and cows either. People REALLY need to lay off the idea that whatever we feel is right or wrong for humans directly applies to animals. That was almost as dopey as the femi-nazis who wanted to charge some dairy farmers with animal cruelty/sexual perversions because they forced female cattle to submit to being milked.

Ya know, if we could find a way to round up all the flakes and wingnuts on the left and the right, I think that's who we should execute.
i don't think that animals are lower beings, but i think that to talk of rape in animal reign is incongruous: consent implies will and i don't think that in this case we can talk about will...

acta exteriora iudicant interiora secreta
why this principle is followed? is it reasonable to judge a personality by the behavior of the person?


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
why this principle is followed? is it reasonable to judge a personality by the behavior of the person?

Yes. We are what we do ..... again, it's about degrees. Because someone enjoys sadism, doesn't mean they are 100% sadistic. Someone who repeatedly enjoys, facilitates, promotes and profits from sadism ... well, then I think you can safely argue that sadism is a big(ger) part of their psyche.

If you punch me in the face during a verbal argument, given the myriad other choices available to you, I'd be on solid ground judging you as a person by your personal actions.
Let him fumble some more next week that might cause them to lose......theres still time for execution playing in Philly!:1orglaugh

Vick's sitting against Dallas. Bruised quad.
I'm surprised no one has turned this into a political, anti-conservative issue yet.

Hell I am equally surprised that no one has pulled the race card yet. Its not like Bill Maher said it. It was friggin Tucker Carlson on Sean Hannity's show on the Fox News Channel. Come on! If that isn't a situation just begging to have the race card thrown in its face then I don't know what is.
Who gives a crap? I swear I wish they'd put LeBron James and Michael Vick in a room together with two glocks.

Just so people will freaking stop talking about them!!!


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Hell I am equally surprised that no one has pulled the race card yet. Its not like Bill Maher said it. It was friggin Tucker Carlson on Sean Hannity's show on the Fox News Channel. Come on! If that isn't a situation just begging to have the race card thrown in its face then I don't know what is.

You mean to say that white right wingers on a white right wing show might have a sotto voce race card to play ..... nah .... I mean, would they ..

now repeat "white right wingers on a white right wing show" ten times as fast as you can for a prize ......
Hell I am equally surprised that no one has pulled the race card yet.

Life isn't a card game. And downplaying racism is rather absurd.

But one has to wonder, considering that Ben Roethlisberger possibly sexually assaulted a woman and there were few is any hysterical calls for justice for him, yet some pitbulls, not exactly a sympathetic dog breed, are killed and retributive justice is considered by some as a proper punishment.

Anyhoo .... clearly my example was meant as an ideal, not a practical reality.Many might think my example is an equitable legal consequnce of his actions

Finally - it's all about degrees. Any pleasure derived from the suffering of others is, in and of itself, sadistic. But not all sadism is the same. Unless you think the sadism of raping and killing is the same as the sadism from watching boxing.

So you're going to refuse to answer the question.

I suppose that's understandable, considering that your "idea" of justice is merely based on personal revenge and not a logical belief in proper punishment for the crime committed.

Also the US justice system doesn't think your idea of equitable punishment is proper, which is as it should be, given that you seem motivated more by your own feelings for a certain type of animal, in this case pitbulls, which are guilty of mauling many innocent people every year, than any idea of justice.

And now you've also decided that not all sadism is the same, which is peculiar considering that if profiting and promoting dogs fighting each other is sadism, why not humans, in Boxing and MMA, who do the same?

Shouldn't someone who makes money off of and promotes the latter be considered even more of a sadist?

Or does your belief in such matters vary according to your personal feelings?

Which if true might lead one to conclude that you consider dogs to be more important and worthy of more legal protections than humans, which would place you in opposition to the vast majority of people around the world.
Yes. We are what we do ..... again, it's about degrees. Because someone enjoys sadism, doesn't mean they are 100% sadistic. Someone who repeatedly enjoys, facilitates, promotes and profits from sadism ... well, then I think you can safely argue that sadism is a big(ger) part of their psyche.

If you punch me in the face during a verbal argument, given the myriad other choices available to you, I'd be on solid ground judging you as a person by your personal actions.

And here i think we agree. But i think that someone has to be punished not for his sadism, but only for the real actions he did. If you punish the sadism and not the sadistic deed who can determine the type and the last of the penalty?

This is the reason why - technically speaking - i think that the maxim you quoted is incorrect :2 cents:
It just amazes me how dehumanized people are. We seem to care more about dogs than humans. I'm sorry but I for one think humans are important. Our own species is who I play for. Dogs are nice and mans best friend, but Vick shouldn't go to jail or be executed for killing dogs.

What makes me sick is there was so much outrage over this video of this puppy getting thrown off a cliff.


I would've embedded a YouTube video of it but YouTube scrubbed that video clean off the site so the troops wouldn't get a bad rep. Fuckin joke.

But then this video, ah no big deal, killing humans is nothing. Murdering families in their cars as you drive, yeah thats not so bad. Let that be on YouTube. Shows how fucking cowardly and pathetic soldiers in Iraq are but more importantly shows how they have no care for their own fellow species. That's not normal. These people should be executed for this video. Vick is fuck all.
