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mel gibson new movie "the passion of christ"

hate tp be the thorn in the butt but they aint his ideas.....this film is a remake of an old film which aint no different...starred william defoe and was pretty good

dont get me wrong mel gibson is an idiot for changing history and all..but he's not responcilbe for this other then to much violence
I hate to talk too much about a movie I haven't seen yet but I know enough to say that "Passion" is not a re-make of The Last Temptation of Christ ... assuming that's the Dafoe film you're refering to. From what I understand, Passion of Christ basically focuses on a very specific part of the Bible, that being the Fourteen Stations of the Cross (where Jesus carries the cross to the place of his crucifixion, all the while being mocked, tortured, spat upon... look it up if you don't know the rest...). I admit I'm not well-versed when it comes to the Bible, but I'm fairly sure that the true severity of Jesus' suffering is only glossed upon. Gibson's intent was to tell this part of the story; to show the "passion" it takes to endure that kind of pain and humiliation without giving up.

I for one find that quite moving, and even though I don't consider myself all that religious, I don't think that's a requirement to liking the movie.
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passion of the christ is a remake of one part of the last temptation of christ is that better?...lol

same cover same jist only not really specifically blaming jews for all the violence in the bible....
dude everyone is saying thats its antisomethingorother....all depeneds what religion you are in....its obvious why the christians love it....cause well their thge guid guys aint they??? *hic*


Staff member
Big Boy said:
Hey georges if you can reasonably tell me how it was antisematic ill show you a green dog.

because it blatantly shows jews as responsible of the death of jesus christ if you knew that mel gibson belongs to an extremist christian group you would have changed your point of view.

just giving you my opinion


georges :) ;)
I have seen the movie a few times and i am not by no means into the christ thing.. But growing up i was rasied christian and have read the bible a few times and the movie it's self is really just like reading the bible and picturing it in your mind..the reason i think for all the crap that he has been getting is because its about "christ" the thing you don't talk down upon..And the movie depects romans,jews and other races putting there part into the killing of christ..It just seems to be that jews are more soft hearted about things ..well thats my two cents..


Staff member
SiliconeTits said:
whats with the sig georges?...its a little freakish dont you think?...

no offence

freakish or not i am just speaking my mind. everyone's entitled to his own opinion and thaughts as far as i know.do you by the way think that i am going too far with my sig or that i am unrespectful towards women????:confused:it was gif a sm gif that i have seen a year ago on mad and i saved it on my hdd and so where is the problem???please don't categorize me in the bad minded persons and don't say please that i am not entitled to choose my sig .

thanks for respecting my new sig despite it is kinda hardcore sorry for the sensible souls i apologize in advance


georges:) ;)


Staff member
my sig has been removed it was too offensive i think. maybe i did a bad idea by putting it.so i will post an apology for the offensed parties.


georges:) ;)
I saw it last night and its still in my head, just figured I'd post about it...Yea it is a long winded post, sorry...

I was raised Catholic. Today I do not consider myself anything, I claim no religion. There are some things about the bible I believe and some I don't and there are many things about the Catholic church I despise. And as far as Christianity on a whole, born again's and "Jesus Freaks" creep me out. But I have no problem with Christians that do not push their ideals on me, claim that I am going to hell, or treat me as inferior... So I don't follow anything other than my instinct or my heart. Organized religion of any kind just isn't for me. That being said it was still difficult just to watch this as a "movie" without letting my upbringing interfere with my thoughts on the film.

But as a "Movie" it was fucking amazing. It was fucking beautifully shot, the cinematography was breath taking, every inch of celluloid was like a renaissance painting. It was just amazing to look at. And the atmosphere through out the film was incredibly tense. The entire film had this dreadful feeling to it and I don't have the writing skills to even begin to do it justice. Satan in the film is used so very effectively, the character really gives you the chills. It’s very subtle but very effective. The film does have a strong "super natural" tone. Demons, Satan, and all sorts of shit. Jesus seems "otherworldly" his eyes have a strange glow throughout the film, I assume to symbolize that he is not an ordinary man... There is also a lot of other symbolism that I could spend hours talking about, most of it will probably be lost to someone that isn't familiar with the Bible. But so much care and hard work went into this epic. Every inch of this film was so well planned out. I was in utter amazement by what I was seeing...

And yes the movie is as violent as everyone is saying, for the most part it is 2 hours of torture on the screen. It is hard to believe the film got an R. Any other film with these levels of violence would have an NC-17 for sure... It’s not only violent and gory but it is sadistic as hell. Its rough, a real rough ride. It’s so tragic and sad. But again the violence in the film is just as beautifully shot as the rest of the film. Mel Gibson uses the blood as paint for his canvas. I don't want to give anything away but there is a shot at the end of the film that could have been a scene out of Shogun Assassin...
There has never been anything like this, ever, and there never will be again. This is fucking it folks.

Filming it in the original languages of that time really added to the film. If it were in English it wouldn't have worked. It gave the film a sense of realism. Idiots that bitch and complain about subtitles make me fucking sick. Some asshole behind me in the theatre kept saying shit like: "Ah man, I gotta read this!" "Movies that you gotta read suck". I wish this prick would have kept his ass at home. Open your fucking minds a little people, fuck! I hate ignorant fucks like this.

Is it Anti-Semitic? NO. In order for the film to be anti-Semitic it would have to say that all Jewish people are evil pieces of shit. But I guess that everyone has forgotten that Jesus was Jewish, all of his disciples were Jewis, his mother was Jewish. The film has plenty of sympathetic Jewish characters, not all Jewish portrayed in the film are evil. But the simple fact is that the Pharisees wanted Jesus DEAD because he threatens their leadership, shit on their teachings, and in their eyes was Blasphemous. They wanted him dead and they had the Romas kill him. This is the way the story goes. It’s the way it is in the Bible and the film was based on the stories. The Pharisees are no more "evil" in the film then they are in the Gospels. So if the movie is anti-Semitic then so is the bible. Look, Jewish followers don't agree with the New Testament so why would they agree with the film? And why does anybody give a fuck? "Shut your fucking holes"...

The media is all over the story that Mel Gibson's father is an Anti-Semite. So my question is, what the fuck does that have to do with the movie? Mel Gibson's father doesn't have shit to do with this movie! Mel Gibson is his own person and he shouldn't have to answer for what his father has said. It really pisses me off that some Jewish people are talking shit before having seen the film and using the director's father as proof that the film is anti-Semitic... FUCKING BULLSHIT. I have a friend and his Father killed his mother. So does this mean my friend can't get married and have a normal relationship? Is he destined to kill his wife as well just because his father was a murder? Fuck no, he is his own person. People need to get the fuck off of this, its wrong...

So did the movie make me want to go to Church? No. Did it make me think. Yes I'm still thinking about it. Did it make me want to kill some J-E-W-S. No. And what exactly is this movie? Some will say it’s a religious propaganda film. Some will say it’s an art film. Some will say it’s a gore movie. And some will say it’s enlightening. In my opinion its a little of all these things. But what was cool was that it wasn't one of those lame cheesy bible movies that you have seen before. Fuck that tame shit. The Bible is a violent book and its about time someone made a film based on the bible that reflects that. This is brutal and tragic. Go see it
georges said:
my sig has been removed it was too offensive i think. maybe i did a bad idea by putting it.so i will post an apology for the offensed parties.


georges:) ;)

cant remember what it said for the life of me now...but i wasnt critising you in an evil way georges...not intentially anyways....just thought it might offend others/....but good o for removing whateva it said


Hate to burst everyones bubble, but it was the jews who were responsible for Jesus' death. Saying so doesn't make you antisemitic.

What did georges sig say anyway?/ Leave it to you silitits to always find something offensive in others peoples opinions. It's called freedom of speech, at least here in the US.

BTW, I found this movie to be very brutal yet very moving, the theatre was as silent as it can get, you could hear a pin drop. So many people crying and smiffling. Easily the best movie I have ever seen, and definitely plan on getting the DVD on August 31.
lastchance said:
Hate to burst everyones bubble, but it was the jews who were responsible for Jesus' death. Saying so doesn't make you antisemitic.

What did georges sig say anyway?/ Leave it to you silitits to always find something offensive in others peoples opinions. It's called freedom of speech, at least here in the US.

BTW, I found this movie to be very brutal yet very moving, the theatre was as silent as it can get, you could hear a pin drop. So many people crying and smiffling. Easily the best movie I have ever seen, and definitely plan on getting the DVD on August 31.

jackass you dont even know what it said so quit being judgemental before you even know what your talkin about

and i dont even know who you are...never spoken to you before
oh btw hey scorp looks like you still aint found anything betta to do with your time....whats this now...chance number 5?...lol

where is georges these days anyways!??....ive been here twice now in two days and i aint seen his name online....gotta be a record for me!.....figured hs posts would be close to 5 mil now too...crazy stuff.....has he still got the highest count or is someone challenging the title race now?
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Why do you think i asked what it said in the first place??


lastchance said:

What did georges sig say anyway?/ Leave it to you silitits to always find something offensive in others peoples opinions. It's called freedom of speech, at least here in the US.

If you'd have seen the sig, you would've found it offensive too. That's why it was taken down, it glorified rape. Georges has apologised for his mistake and it's all in the past now.