Medal of Honor "modern" in 2010

Ea announced Medal of Honor is leaving the WWII scene and doing a modern
1st person shooter based on the Tier 1 operator which is a relatively unknown entity directly under the national command authority. This takes place in modern day Afghanistan. Ea dice the dudes behind Bad Company are handling the multiplayer......

Could be interesting but who knows at this point.....
A franchise that primarily did WWII games now decides to switch to modern warfare... never heard of anything like that being done before...

A franchise that primarily did WWII games now decides to switch to modern warfare... never heard of anything like that being done before...


Game companies coping off of each other is nothing new. GTA III came out and the next thing you know every game under the sun is an open world sandbox game. God of War sells like gangbusters and now we have Darksiders and Dante's Inferno coming out.
Game companies coping off of each other is nothing new. GTA III came out and the next thing you know every game under the sun is an open world sandbox game. God of War sells like gangbusters and now we have Darksiders and Dante's Inferno coming out.

I agree, but its like what are they supposed to do,not touch that genre or era in a game cause someone else is doing it and doing it real good????? If its a great game,fuck it I'm in......I dont believe in favoritism.
I remember MOH from the PS2 days, it was great then but only for single player. I never played online PS2 because i didn't want to fork out for the network adaptor thing so im not sure how MOH was online (if it had an online, but from what i remember quite a few games on PS2 had net play, its just if anyone ACTUALLY went online). If its good, ill probably buy it, even though it'll be so similar to COD.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I still have MOH: Frontline for PS2 :D
I will be checking this out. I am not into favoritism either. Competition is a good thing, the consumer only wins in the end. All you could do is try it and if it sucks, just move on. It will keep Infinity Ward on their toes with the next Modern Warfare game. Just my two cents.
I've always liked the MoH games and a change of scenery and time could be a good thing, no matter if someone else did it first.


milf n' cookies
Fantastic news! It's about time!

I can't wait! :thumbsup:
:nanner:Awesome news, can`t wait :nanner:

Fuck no way, i don't think it will do that great since MW2 just came out, but i'm looking forward to it!

They just anounced the project man, the game will be out probably in one year from now least one year.

So between MW2 and this new MOH Modern, we have in spring 2010 Battlefield BadCompany2.

Wanna bet that BC2 will be better tahn MW 2 ?
We need more fictional war games. All those gay ass world war 2 games got old real fast. Make some shit up. That's why we play video games. Not for a fuckin history lesson.
Make some shit up. That's why we play video games. Not for a fuckin history lesson.

I actually have alot of respect for a good shooter game that portrays historical events well. I think it's fun to play through something that has historically happened too. Unfortunately, WWII is played out, but come on... There are many other wars that could be touched in this aspect. They don't even have to be FPS, or even a shooter really... Look at Rome: Total War.
I actually have alot of respect for a good shooter game that portrays historical events well. I think it's fun to play through something that has historically happened too. Unfortunately, WWII is played out, but come on... There are many other wars that could be touched in this aspect. They don't even have to be FPS, or even a shooter really... Look at Rome: Total War.

Yeah I agree. I love history games.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
When do I get to play a WWI video game? If they did that right it'd be the bee's knees.