
I'm watching some specialist videos
I don't have problems with other shellfish. It's just shrimp that fuck with me sometimes. I've had shrimp twice this past week with no problems, but I always keep my fingers and toes crossed.

I've found that I just have to moderate myself when I go out to eat. Yeah, some places like Cheesecake Factory and Claim Jumper have no diet-friendly food whatsoever, but you can still moderate your portions. Since December I've lost 20 pounds, yet I've semi-regularly gone out to eat. I've been using an Android app called My Fitness Pal to help me keep track of my caloric intake, exercise, weight, etc., and so far it's working great.

I find that I can't do a diet where I have to measure out portions which is why Dukan works for me.
I find that I can't do a diet where I have to measure out portions which is why Dukan works for me.

Not sure what Dukan is, but I don't measure portions. I just input what I eat, and it calculates how many calories I've consumed. I think that it's mostly helped because I can visualize how much I've eaten that day/week/month.
At least you appreciate finer things and that is good to see. Problem is for me that it is hard to find a balanced diet, because often industrial food is tasteless and is not really consistant. I prefer a good old fashioned frühstuck like the Germans do in the morning, a good lunch/brunch and eat much less in the evening. I have gained some weight during the last three years but I am always keeping an eye on my weight. used to be 75kilos now 81kilos. Also I remarked that people gain weight when working in a sedentary job.


knows petras secret: she farted.
well it was delicious. and i even make pepper salt shrimp.

yeah, i can actually cook chinese. so suck it.


Official Checked Star Member
here is one of my all-time favorites...this one I had at this little cafe in Provence and I have to say one of the great culinary experiences of my life!
The legendary Croque Monsieur (Mr. Crunchy)

Bruschetta in Firenze that was to die for!

and here is one I make at home all the time but instead of aluminum foil I use parchment paper...
You get a piece of salmon and lay it in the center and spread your choice of veggies around it. I used broccoli and mushrooms which was great. Add a decent size patty of margarine in the center and spread some diced garlic over the veggies and salmon. on top of it all lay a slice of wright brand bacon (my personal favorite) which will be for the flavor.

here is a photo of what it will look like at this point:

next you fold the parchment paper and create a pouch with the ends of the paper folded underneath so it stays in place which will look like this:

Now you put it on the center rack of a preheated oven at 400 degrees for 35 minutes. The beauty of this is that the parchment paper causes the food to steam and works kind of like banana leaves which I use on the grill sometimes to cook fish which is THE BEST! :)
So after 35 minutes take it out and it will look like this:


I like to garnish it with some diced onion bell pepper and diced tomato on the plate and remove the slice of bacon. You can eat it if you want but I use it strictly for flavor and this is a healthy meal after all! :)
So here we fucking good does THIS look? :)


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
The legendary Croque Monsieur

Those are delicious, I make those homemade, now I'm really getting hungry. Sorry but world cuisine is a big passion of mine. ;)


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Let me wrap up my feelings in a picture, because I am drooling too much for speaking :drool2:


Keep it up!!!


Postal Paranoiac
Masaman curry with vegetables
Thai seafood soup
Swordfish with olive oil and angelhair pasta
Steak strips with snow peas and sweet and sour
Jalapeno mashed potatoes
Ginger and molasses cookies


Official Checked Star Member
Just woke up and gonna head to the Rays vs Marlins game today. Haven't been to the new Rays spring training complex yet so should be fun! Made a frittata for breakfast and took some pics :)
WOuld love to make this thread into something great so please, keep posting your food experiences :)

spinach, purple cabbage and red pepper Frittata

Read more:
Veggies sauteed in olive oil first

pour in the egg

and voila!

anyone else make frittata? I would like to hear your version :)

have a great Day! GO RAYS!!!!!!!!
I made about 2 pounds of Chocolate-covered espresso beans tonight. :yummie:


knows petras secret: she farted.
anyone else make frittata? I would like to hear your version :)

thats a nice looking one. i used to make them when i cheffed over at the hilton. wasnt as fancy as that. we did the typical crap. potatoes, tons of fresh spinach, tomato, mushroom, i forget what else. topped it with cheese at the end.

the cabbage is a good idea.
Today I had quite the gourmet feast. Top Ramen (chicken flavor obviously, I'm not a barbarian), Aldi's brand bologna on wonder bread with yellow mustard from the dollar store, and I washed it all down with a Faygo Red Pop. I think for dessert I'm going to have some swiss rolls then shoot myself with a rented shotgun.


Official Checked Star Member
lmao :) this morning I just made a cafe Ole and had toasted baguet with goat cheese and honey and oregano.......... simple but delicious :)

look how fancy I can get! :) next time maybe say vote for Mariah? :) for Miss Freeones or a fan sign? lol



knows petras secret: she farted.
Today I had quite the gourmet feast. Top Ramen (chicken flavor obviously, I'm not a barbarian), Aldi's brand bologna on wonder bread with yellow mustard from the dollar store, and I washed it all down with a Faygo Red Pop. I think for dessert I'm going to have some swiss rolls then shoot myself with a rented shotgun.

tell your mom you want better stuff next time she goes grocery shopping.