
Torn & Frayed.
We think alike then Elwood :) Where the hell is everybody else? I've posted more shit the last couple days than I did during the contest and ....I guess the Pink writers aren't the only ones to take a break!

I don't know....does this mean I get you all to myself?:cool:

Well thank you again :)I've finally made that difficult decision....and got the surgery to make me who I know I've always been.....prepare yourselves.... As for your disobedience......bend over...your punishment awaits you!!
OMG you got that surgery....oh what's it called??!! Oh yeah...you got an Addadicktomy done!!! :eek:



Saw the pic with your... hood ornament on the shirt thread... giggled like a girl for a moment... is that role reversal?
You chose a nice model, i'd have to say, nothing to scare the girls off, plenty to keep them calling or so i'm led to believe. and with a bit of a rug, even.

with the marriage post reminded me of the poor guy in oklahoma who had been married to a 'woman' for years only to find she wasn't. Ewwww...
confess, i'm puzzled though... if married who would need anything like clothes? i can't ask... at least until SCOTUS decides that marriage includes more than a man and a woman... figure they'll have to open it to multiples, then we'll have to see what my better half says...

don't sweat next year... i'd have penciled you in if Petra had pulled your pic.
and glad to hear you admit that tone and fitness take work... i nearly have to get out the duct tape when people insist 'they don't do anything' as if what they do is some big secret... evey 100 calories more you burn or less you ingest in a day contributes to about 10# a year... my colleague suggested even just walking an hour a day would do wonders and he was right... son n i will be enjoying the Vegas 1/2 marathon again this year (started to prove to the ex i wasn't a pos couch potato, now it's something to do with the new improved wife and fam)... but that's enough i must be drinking.

Pax to all... go try to win one of those shirts!

Mandy Flores

Official Checked Star Member
Saw the pic with your...MAN-hood ornament on the shirt thread... giggled like a girl for a moment... is that role reversal?
You chose a nice model, i'd have to say, nothing to scare the girls off, plenty to keep them calling or so i'm led to believe. and with a bit of a rug, even.

with the marriage post reminded me of the poor guy in oklahoma who had been married to a 'woman' for years only to find she wasn't. Ewwww...
confess, i'm puzzled though... if married who would need anything like clothes? i can't ask... at least until SCOTUS decides that marriage includes more than a man and a woman... figure they'll have to open it to multiples, then we'll have to see what my better half says...

don't sweat next year... i'd have penciled you in if Petra had pulled your pic.
and glad to hear you admit that tone and fitness take work... i nearly have to get out the duct tape when people insist 'they don't do anything' as if what they do is some big secret... evey 100 calories more you burn or less you ingest in a day contributes to about 10# a year... my colleague suggested even just walking an hour a day would do wonders and he was right... son n i will be enjoying the Vegas 1/2 marathon again this year (started to prove to the ex i wasn't a pos couch potato, now it's something to do with the new improved wife and fam)... but that's enough i must be drinking.

Pax to all... go try to win one of those shirts!

The rug made it easier to blend with my skin :) Crazy that he didn't know she was a he....gotta really wonder about that one. I really want to go for it next year, but I don't see how anyone can overtake the Miss and i don't know if I want her to not try for it just for me. We'll see...it's a long ways off! I'm definitely going to the party next year...I hope Petra let's me take my camera to post a bunch of picks for you guys!

Yeah, I work out a lot! I get so tired of it, but you see yourself naked enough times and you realize you better keep your ass in shape!! I cut out all refined sugar and most complex carbs and milk...helps a bunch!
Well as you know me I'm rather giving, so c'mere, Mandy... :blowjob:

Btw, couldn't they put you a more beautiful penis on? And can you please laser your pubic hair again like you've done with your pussy? :thumbsup:

that's how you'd be if you have been a male. but i still think your better as a female, miss mandy.


Works for panties
Looks like we have visitors...but seriously....where is everybody else right now....Miss Freeones hangovers?

I don't know about everyone else, but I've been drugged out after having wisdom teeth removed, and have really only recently become more coherent. Haven't had any pain, but I can't do any of this :bedbounce: or this :rubbel: for like a week, or else I'll have a very unpleasant pounding in my mouth where my teeth used to be. :)suicide:) Which sorta means this whole site is sorta useless to me for alittle while and just temptation that may lead to bad things. Although, I can alteast look forward to a very good time in a few days :D
Looks like we have visitors...but seriously....where is everybody else right now....Miss Freeones hangovers?

You know I usually disappear after the contest is over.

But you have my word that I'll stop by time to time and post here.

Now if only I can figure out how to rear-end you without your paying me back...:brick:
Studying for an Accounting exam..Can't make that sound sexy if I tried so I've basically been in hermit mode the past few days and this weekend.

In regards to that picture. Did it all yourself eh Mandy? I thought your PHD was in another discipline ;)


Miss Mandy,
i'm going to use you as my muse to get to the gym or get on the treadmill more regularly, so thanks in advance... i keep hearing if i do it for three weeks it'll become a habit and be easier. and what you see in the mirror on your worst day is amazing compared to what i'll be doing to the poor glass! in any case, your efforts are worth it, but you'd be amazing even if you were a couch potato.

Ban... hope the sockets heal up. I can see that being an active participant would lead to throbbing in the wrong head... i suspect you could endure in a more passive role... what better excuse will you ever have for that!?

al, hope the exam goes well... i suppose if you're managing the accounts for Petra and FO or Miss Mandy's Cayman deposits it would be a wee bit sexier... the accounting of the Miss FO voting? sorry, i'm at a loss... my first roommate in college had a sign over the bed, 'remember how much beer you can buy with $40,000 a year... now study' I worked Tuesday through Thursday... well, except for pitcher night wednesday at the pizza place. Ahhh those were the days (pre internet... shudder).

Hope y'all have a great weekend, i'm off to try to win a shirt...

Pax, RA


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
You did your own surgery? :eek:

I love how you keep things and yourself interesting. :) Not that I ever got tired of eating your ass and pussy. But now I can also suck your cock for you. Awesome. ;)

I wonder what comes next. :)

Mally, what are you doing? Mandy has plenty of feet showing in her pics and is now showing us her dick. Is that not enough for you? What more does she have to do for you to buy a trial subscription?