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Major Scientists Confirm: Global Warming Panic Is a Hoax


For the record, I am not saying that we should not do anything. I strongly believe that the environment must be protected.

I mean to say that I don't trust our caring for the environment to any politician.
Ok so when, I was in college. The globalwarming/climatechange/ice age people said most of the seacoast area's were gonna be underwater by 2015 due to glacial melt, sooooooo why the alarmest message? and maybe they sould, you know take it down a few clickes....seriously i mean if you don't want me to hate the player and the game!!!


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I'm all for doing a part to make things a little cleaner. If you can walk there than do it. Those canvas bags hold more that those plastic ones and don't cut into your hand. That said, is the planet warming? Yea for the past however many years you want to measure. Let's say that the scientists and the governments do everything that they know to reverse global warming in 10 years. Done deal. The sun suddenly becomes less active now. You can't tell the sun what to do and when it's going to do it. Ice age is predicted. Will the scientists have a plan to make the planet warmer again? I really don't people can do anything more than be just a little more cleaner and hope for the best. An asteroid could slam in here and fuck everything up.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Conservative starts with conservation. Why do these current social conservatives mock anyone who wants to act responsibly?


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
As an aside, our apartments a few years ago installed a separation of trash system. Recyclables in one, trash in the other. Must have been government enforced. Fine. The thing is that I had a trash dumpster a few steps out my back door and would have to walk nearly a city block across a road to dump my recyclables. Fuck that. A year later they put a recyclable next to my trash dumpster. Cool, I'll separate now. I recently seen the trash people scoop up the trash and next scoop up the recyclables and throw them both into the same opening in the back of the truck. Shocked to say that this is a regular procedure. Why am I separating my stuff and paying for 2 dumpsters when the trash collection's end up in the same pile anyway?
Open your eyes, Moonbats!!! The scientists say they fucked up! It's a scam.. a rip-off, a joke, a falsehood, a lie, etc., etc. They wven admit it! lol


The official position of the World Natural Health Organization in regards to global warming is that there is NO GLOBAL WARMING! Global warming is nothing more than just another hoax, just like Y2K and the global freezing claims in the 1960's and 70's were. Global warming is being used to generate fear and panic. Those behind this movement are using it to control people's lives and for financial gain.

There are not many individuals, groups, or organizations willing to stand up against this fraud that is being perpetuated for fear of being persecuted, harassed, and ostracized by those who support global warming within the scientific and other communities. But fortunately, a few have decided to do the right thing and take a stand against this evil, proving just how unscientifically founded global warming is and exposing those who are behind it. Below, you will find links to information and articles showing the proof that global warming is nothing more than just a bunch of hot air (pun intended).

The date that you see by each headline is the date when it was posted here. If you know of a news story, research, or information that should be posted here, please let us know and provide us with a link.

The articles posted for previous years have been archived and links are provided to them; by year.

--------> http://wnho.net/global_warming.htm <--------


Open your eyes, Moonbats!!! The scientists say they fucked up! It's a scam.. a rip-off, a joke, a falsehood, a lie, etc., etc. They wven admit it! lol


The official position of the World Natural Health Organization in regards to global warming is that there is NO GLOBAL WARMING! Global warming is nothing more than just another hoax, just like Y2K and the global freezing claims in the 1960's and 70's were. Global warming is being used to generate fear and panic. Those behind this movement are using it to control people's lives and for financial gain.

There are not many individuals, groups, or organizations willing to stand up against this fraud that is being perpetuated for fear of being persecuted, harassed, and ostracized by those who support global warming within the scientific and other communities. But fortunately, a few have decided to do the right thing and take a stand against this evil, proving just how unscientifically founded global warming is and exposing those who are behind it. Below, you will find links to information and articles showing the proof that global warming is nothing more than just a bunch of hot air (pun intended).

The date that you see by each headline is the date when it was posted here. If you know of a news story, research, or information that should be posted here, please let us know and provide us with a link.

The articles posted for previous years have been archived and links are provided to them; by year.

--------> http://wnho.net/global_warming.htm <--------

Well, I'm about to call you a liar. If it's any consolation, I had to work hard to do it. It required the internet and a trip to the WHO website. I'm drained.


WHO is committed to engage actively in the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC), with member states, and relevant partners to promote effective climate and health policies which promote health protection.

WHO develops discussion papers, guidance documents, and recommendations to improve health protection in international health and climate change negotiations and agreements.


Human activities, particularly burning of fossil fuels, have released over the last 50 years, sufficient quantities of CO2 and other greenhouse gases to affect the global climate. The atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide has increased by more than 30% since pre-industrial times, trapping more heat in the lower atmosphere.

According to the Third Assessment Report (2001) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), some effects include:
•The global average surface temperature has increased by 0.6° + 0.2° C over the last century;
•Globally, 1998 was the warmest year and the 1990s was the warmest decade on record;
•Many areas have experienced increases in rainfall, particularly mid to high latitude countries;
•In some regions, such as parts of Asia and Africa, the frequency and intensity of droughts have increased in recent decades;
•Episodes of El Niño have been more frequent, persistent and intense since the mid-1970s compared with the previous 100 years.

Global emissions of carbon dioxide are still increasing. Estimates of future population growth and energy use are used as inputs to global climate models, in order to project future climate change. Reviewing outputs from a range of such models, the IPCC has made the following predictions for the next century:
•Global mean surface temperature will rise by 1.4°-5.8° C. Warming will be greatest over land areas, and at high latitudes;
•The projected rate of warming is greater than anything humans have experienced in the last 10,000 years;
•The frequency of weather extremes is likely to change leading to an increased risk of floods and drought. There will be fewer cold spells but more heat waves;
•The frequency and intensity of El Niño may be affected;
•Global mean sea level is projected to rise by 9--88 cm by the year 2100.

Many countries are working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Unfortunately, current international agreements are not sufficient to prevent the world facing significant changes in climate and a rise in sea levels.




I plead the 5th...
Open your eyes, Moonbats!!! The scientists say they fucked up! It's a scam.. a rip-off, a joke, a falsehood, a lie, etc., etc. They wven admit it! lol


The official position of the World Natural Health Organization in regards to global warming is that there is NO GLOBAL WARMING! Global warming is nothing more than just another hoax, just like Y2K and the global freezing claims in the 1960's and 70's were. Global warming is being used to generate fear and panic. Those behind this movement are using it to control people's lives and for financial gain.

There are not many individuals, groups, or organizations willing to stand up against this fraud that is being perpetuated for fear of being persecuted, harassed, and ostracized by those who support global warming within the scientific and other communities. But fortunately, a few have decided to do the right thing and take a stand against this evil, proving just how unscientifically founded global warming is and exposing those who are behind it. Below, you will find links to information and articles showing the proof that global warming is nothing more than just a bunch of hot air (pun intended).

The date that you see by each headline is the date when it was posted here. If you know of a news story, research, or information that should be posted here, please let us know and provide us with a link.

The articles posted for previous years have been archived and links are provided to them; by year.

--------> http://wnho.net/global_warming.htm <--------

Your whole life is a hoax. You dumb dumb. Now are you ever gonna reply to this... - http://board.freeones.com/showthrea...Probably-not&p=6656840&viewfull=1#post6656840
I'd like to ask a question to our "esteemed" critics of environmentalism: how come you guys are so vehemently opposed to cleaning up the environment?

I'm not opposed to cleaning up the environment. However the Left has gone berserk with MMGW and is trying to impose it's will upon individuals and their freedom to do what they want. They want criticism of MMGW to be a crime. Interesting how the Left have become what they preached the right would..........authoritarian. The Left in Australia wans to murder the camels living in the outback because they "are carbon emitters". Fucking insanity. The more they tell me what to do the more I'll resist.
Ive been a lifelong skepticxin the global warming panic. Putting aside the fact the Al Gore and his fellow alarmists have gotten rich from the years of telling us tge sky is falling (figuratively speaking) ive never seen any significant change that supports anything being said about the changes.
Hey, the vast majority of scientist tell us something is happening, including nearly all of them that specialize in the subject, overwhelming scientific data collected has told us something, common sense should be telling us something, and there are all those pictures from space of the melting ice going at an alarming rate that isn't returning...

...but hey there are a couple pet scientist out there and some people that are television personalities that tell us the weather that pretend to be scientist (I won't even mention that the majority of them even think climate change caused mainly by humans is real) are telling us what their political agenda wants that's different from what that freaking mountain of evidence says.

Hmmm, who to believe? Yup, that's a tough one.