
I'm going through separation now after 20 years of marriage.
Sometimes love fades and some relationships just have an expiration date.
It's not very fulfilling feeling being without love especially when you become accustomed to having it.
I hope to find love again.. right now I just want sex! ;)
Exactly. My guy is 37 years older than me. So by the time I'm his age, he'll likely be dead. As much as I'd like to be with someone I could grow old with and as much as I don't want to die alone, I've thought of that exact situation in his eyes. Him living the remainder of his life alone with no one to share it with, and I hate that thought. I'd rather be with him now, have him be happy, than me being selfish and not being with him because I'm too scared to die alone. That's love. Caring more or equally about another person than you do yourself.

joking and kidding asside, love is more than sex, air, etc. someone who you will share your life while here, in this planet, in this life. i wished love couldn't be so fragile and cause pain so much, but we go on with it. someone who is made for and you for him. ages doesn't matter, gender doesn't matter, nothing matters. true love means sharing all u got left in this world.
so what about it?

It's an emotion. Being someone with Asperger's who has trouble interpreting emotions, and sometimes expressing them, I've spent a lot of time (probably more than most, probably more than I should) thinking about it.

From a decidedly clinical standpoint it, like any other emotion, is a product of evolution and serves a logical purpose (fuck you Star Trek). Love bonds people together to create close knit units for mutual protection. This, essentially, helps the propagation of the species since there is safety in numbers, and this also creates a support structure for raising children, giving them a better chance to survive and prosper. This also explains much of what surrounds love. Jealousy exists to protect that unit and help ward off any potential mating competition. The tendency toward protectiveness, especially among males, is there to make sure that the mate will survive and be more likely to bear young. Really, it's all very instinctual. It's one of the basest parts of our nature, and one of our most primal needs since it fulfills such a vital function in helping to continue the species.

From a functional standpoint, as it says in the song "Tear Drop" by Massive Attack, "Love, love is a verb, love is a doing word." Love is decidedly not passive. Ultimately love is work. People have been raised on fairy tales to believe that it's some type of self-sustaining thing that is won through romance, then everyone gets to relax and live happily ever after without bothering to invest any time or effort into keeping things passionate, intimate and interesting. Fact seems to be though that when the romance dies, or really any other part of the relationship, the love will too. As a result love is a very reciprocal thing. Both parties need to be invested in it, and working at it, or it will tend to wither. Each person must try to make the other happy, to please them, to sympathize with them, to understand them, listen to them, to make them feel wanted and desired. Which isn't to say that it's hard work, or at least not always. When both parties are emotionally invested and, as said, it's reciprocal, then time invested in the relationship is time well spent. Making someone you care about smile, or laugh, or cry (in the good way) in turn makes you feel better about yourself even beyond the reciprocity. So it's work, but in a healthy relationship (which is perhaps the minority) it's work you should like to do.

From a practical standpoint, love is greater than the sum of it's parts. In practice it's often overwhelming. It can be disruptive, distracting, destructive, selfish, and petty. Love has made good people do shitty things. Love has led to pain, betrayal, murder, suicide even wars. If there is a terrible thing then chances are that someone, somewhere has done it for love. Which isn't to say that love is bad, merely that is can be powerful, and anything that powerful can corrupt. Love can also soothe, give meaning to life, mend broken hearts, conquer petty hates and bigotries, inspire passion and creativity and valor, be immensely humbling, selfless, self-sacrificing. It can make you do things you never thought yourself capable, both good and bad. It can make you a better person or a worse one. It can fill you with so much hope and joy that it makes you cry and your heart ache, and it can smash you to pieces.

It's kind of important.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Love is....Your ability to put up with another persons bullshit. That's all it is, plain and simple.
Considering how much stuff that applies to, if it was an attempt to be dismissive it's not a very good one. :confused:

Don't mind him. He's a fucking post count spam troll who only contributes (if you can call it contributing) stupid smilies and pointless two- or three-word answers that don't make any sense. At any rate, he won't be posting on this thread again.
Don't mind him. He's a fucking post count spam troll who only contributes (if you can call it contributing) stupid smilies and pointless two- or three-word answers that don't make any sense. At any rate, he won't be posting on this thread again.

I see. Does he not realize there's a post-spam contest for shirts at the top of the page, or is it just not moving fast enough for his spamming needs?
I've been in love.


I just don't think I've ever had anyone in love with me.
Love is just another four letter word.
Just a chemical reaction
Love is....Your ability to put up with another persons bullshit. That's all it is, plain and simple.


If I were slightly more of an asshole, I'd say these answers sing of either the once broken-hearted lashing out, or the deep cynicism of people that have never truly known love to begin with. But I don't know any of you from Adam, so I won't do that.

Love is.... blimey. I'm 30, and have only had one long term relationship, and have seen a lot of unrequited love in both directions.

The last time I tried to sum up my love for someone in the written form, these are excerpts of what I wrote :

When you laugh, my heart flutters. When I look into your eyes, my knees go weak. My favourite thing in the world is when you smile, especially if it's because of something I've said, and when I'm in your company, I never want to be with anyone else.
To me, you are perfect. You are the person that if I could, I would spend every second of my life with and not spend a single second wanting to be anywhere else. Wherever you go and whatever you do in life, know forever that someone loves you.

Love is the selfless acts, the putting somebody else first. The doing things that put you out and bring you no joy whatsoever, purely for the purpose of making someone else happy. Love is being saturated by rain because you've given them your coat, love is driving to the restaurant so that they can have a drink if they're stressed. Love is driving three hours to collect someone when they could have caught a train, but you know they've had a shitty day and hate the train, so you collect them just to bring them back. Love makes you do stupid, irrational things that make other people think you are crazy, just because you want that person to be so happy. Love is writing down in secret things your other half mentions that they really like so you can buy them for Christmas, even though it's only July. Love is leaving because you have a commitment but coming back for the sake of a few extra hours together, or getting up at 5AM rather than leaving the night before, because you can't tear yourself out of someone's arms.

Love blinds. Love is when something that someone does that would irritate you in somebody else, becomes something that warms your soul. When you have to tell your partner you need to leave a full hour before you really do, because they always take too long to be ready, and then the time ticks around and they say they need a few more minutes (and mean half an hour), love is your heart melting because that's who they are, and you love them for it. Love is being able to ramble on about something your other half doesn't appreciate or understand, but they let you because they know sometimes you just need an ear or to let off steam, and interrupt only to tell you "I love you" because they love your passion, even if they don't share it for that particular subject.

Love is that feeling of getting up and going to the job that you otherwise might hate, but your other half believing in you makes you go in ready to kick ass, and love is coming home in the best mood even if you're shattered, because you're coming home to someone you love. Love is a genuine feeling of looking in the mirror and feeling like a better person because of the person you're with. Love is wanting to put someone else first in all the important matters... but your other half feels the same and you each never find yourself taking more than you have to give back. Love is dazzling, it's colours and tastes and smells and music and sunshine and everything that makes you happy reminding you of the one you love.

Love is that feeling that nothing else matters, as long as you have each other, and that your life has meaning, purpose and a joy that is hard to express in words. Even though I've just had a pop at finding some.
I've been in love.


I just don't think I've ever had anyone in love with me.

That sucks.

Actually, not only does being in love with someone who doesn't love you back suck, but having someone love you, that you just like but don't love back sucks too. Not to mention being in love with two people at once, that sucks. And of course being in love with someone who loves you back but also loves another stinks. And what makes it all worse is that even when you know it isn't right, that it's not going to work because of one of the aforementioned reasons or a myriad of others... you still just can't move on. You can't just turn it off, wash your hands, walk away and be done with it. It's just something that's there and you know it's going to break your heart but it just doesn't matter because the only way out is through. You keep walking down that path, it keeps kicking you in the gut, it keeps smashing your heart to pieces, but you're there until it runs it's course and what's worse is that part of you always seems to still want to be there despite it all. The heart hopes even when there isn't any room for it.

With love, when shit goes wrong, it's always so messy.
If I were slightly more of an asshole, I'd say these answers sing of either the once broken-hearted lashing out, or the deep cynicism of people that have never truly known love to begin with. But I don't know any of you from Adam, so I won't do that.

Love is.... blimey. I'm 30, and have only had one long term relationship, and have seen a lot of unrequited love in both directions.

The last time I tried to sum up my love for someone in the written form, these are excerpts of what I wrote :

Love is the selfless acts, the putting somebody else first. The doing things that put you out and bring you no joy whatsoever, purely for the purpose of making someone else happy. Love is being saturated by rain because you've given them your coat, love is driving to the restaurant so that they can have a drink if they're stressed. Love is driving three hours to collect someone when they could have caught a train, but you know they've had a shitty day and hate the train, so you collect them just to bring them back. Love makes you do stupid, irrational things that make other people think you are crazy, just because you want that person to be so happy. Love is writing down in secret things your other half mentions that they really like so you can buy them for Christmas, even though it's only July. Love is leaving because you have a commitment but coming back for the sake of a few extra hours together, or getting up at 5AM rather than leaving the night before, because you can't tear yourself out of someone's arms.

Love blinds. Love is when something that someone does that would irritate you in somebody else, becomes something that warms your soul. When you have to tell your partner you need to leave a full hour before you really do, because they always take too long to be ready, and then the time ticks around and they say they need a few more minutes (and mean half an hour), love is your heart melting because that's who they are, and you love them for it. Love is being able to ramble on about something your other half doesn't appreciate or understand, but they let you because they know sometimes you just need an ear or to let off steam, and interrupt only to tell you "I love you" because they love your passion, even if they don't share it for that particular subject.

Love is that feeling that nothing else matters, as long as you have each other, and that your life has meaning, purpose and a joy that is hard to express in words. Even though I've just had a pop at finding some.

I can more than relate to all that. I've definitely felt everything you just described to a T. Well, I've felt it TOWARDS someone, and much more, though my feelings have never been reciprocated, and I doubt if they ever will. Great post, though. If I could rep you, I definitely would. :hatsoff:

That sucks.

Actually, not only does being in love with someone who doesn't love you back suck, but having someone love you, that you just like but don't love back sucks too. Not to mention being in love with two people at once, that sucks. And of course being in love with someone who loves you back but also loves another stinks. And what makes it all worse is that even when you know it isn't right, that it's not going to work because of one of the aforementioned reasons or a myriad of others... you still just can't move on. You can't just turn it off, wash your hands, walk away and be done with it. It's just something that's there and you know it's going to break your heart but it just doesn't matter because the only way out is through. You keep walking down that path, it keeps kicking you in the gut, it keeps smashing your heart to pieces, but you're there until it runs it's course and what's worse is that part of you always seems to still want to be there despite it all. The heart hopes even when there isn't any room for it.

With love, when shit goes wrong, it's always so messy.

You just described the past 15 months of my life. Nikki and bodie could tell you what I'm talking about. :(
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You just described the past 15 months of my life. Nikki and bodie could tell you what I'm talking about. :(

Sorry, man.

I'm still muddling through some heartache myself. I'm in the tail end of it, I hope. Not the first time, probably won't be the last. It's terrible, it really is. You ache, and you feel sick to your stomach, there's anger (not even necessarily toward anyone, just the situation and the perceived injustice of it), there confusion, and frustration, and frustration, and frustration. And it just all seems so wrong. And you start wondering what could have been, and what you could have done differently, and how much better everything could have been, and it makes it worse. The doubt, the uncertainty, the confusion. And it just feels like you're spiraling, like you're falling. And life just inches forward the whole time, and eventually it starts to hurt less. But damned if it doesn't seem to take forever. And what's sick is that at just about any point on your way to getting things together it just takes one slip, one misstep, one backtrack and it swallows you whole again. Like it doesn't really go away, just gets buried and it can be so easily dug back up. And it seems like the pain is the worst thing you can imagine, but the alternative is just empty. And that's worse. Better to risk heartache and fail, then to consign yourself to that. So you get knocked down, you get broken, you get scarred, but you have to move on, even if you need to do it by crawling your sorry ass further down that road. You've gotta keep going and try again, because it's important.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.

If I were slightly more of an asshole, I'd say these answers sing of either the once broken-hearted lashing out, or the deep cynicism of people that have never truly known love to begin with. But I don't know any of you from Adam, so I won't do that.

Nope, just a realist. I've been married to a wonderful woman for 15 years, been in love at least once before...maybe twice. Think about it in simpler terms. You tolerate the tooth paste tube being squeezed in the middle, you accept that the toilet paper now rolls over the top, instead of from underneath. All of those little things...all of the bullshit. If you didn't love that person, you wouldn't stick around. I wouldn't put up with stupid shit from a room mate, or even most close friends...but the one I love, yeah, because she's special.

All it is, is your ability to put up with their bullshit.
Love is a beautiful, enthralling, and mysterious thing. I consider it to be the most powerful of all emotions, for it is the only one that can overcome the rest of them. It is of no wonder, therefore, that it has been the inspiration of artists and poets since time immemorial.