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Believer In GregCentauro
i really wish i could detonate a nuclear bomb strike from existence, the final season...

In retrospect the final season really made the show trivial to me...
Not the final season at all...just nuke the final 10 minutes and give us a real ending to the series....:mad:

So much for "LOST--The Movie" franchise...:weeping:


Believer In GregCentauro
see, i dont understand this how people could feel satisfied...

season five was epic...no bother in going over what happened but it was full of interesting plot twists and concepts (time travel...sweet) that really kept high interests... but season 6 was just awful. To me it deviated so far from the main characters we loved, that it felt so rushed and sloppy to try and re connect the finale to those characters again...

Season 6 was nothing more than a half premature, half assed attempt to bring closure to a plot and set of characters that required much more effort and time to explain...thats what left a sour taste in my mouth...

i dont care about jacob and the mib, and in the end NOTHING significant about their existence was really explained at all...argghghhhhhh

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
i dont care about jacob and the mib, and in the end NOTHING significant about their existence was really explained at all...argghghhhhhh

I have to disagree. While I didn't really like everything about season 6, it did include some of my favorite episodes of the series: Ab Aeterno and Across the Sea are near the top of my list of favorite episodes, along with Trisha Tanaka Is Dead. Yeah, once we learn that the Losties were really just pawns in a centuries old pissing match between two supernatural brothers, maybe that does put a damper on things for some fans. But at the end of the day, without the struggle between Jacob and MiB, there would have been no story to tell.

Different people liked different things about the show. I generally like sci-fi, but when it came to Lost, I wasn't a big fan of the time travel. How did Eloise know all that she knew about space/time relationships? What made Desmond a "constant"? One second Walt is "special" (though that was never explored or really explained), and the next thing you know Desmond is "special", but in a different way... or in a similar way as Walt??? And how did the Frozen Donkey Wheel transport people through time? Like so many things that the writers threw at the wall to see if it stuck, that just didn't make much sense to me. It struck me as a lazy plot device. And I absolutely HATED the soap opera crap. My girl loved it... and I suspect a lot of other women did too. But for me, it took some effort not to fast forward through those scenes. Some is OK, but enough was enough! IMO, way too much time was spent on the Jack/Kate/Sawyer/Juliette love square. I more enjoyed the mythology. When I saw Dogen with that ancient Roman dagger, I had a feeling I might like where the story was going. And I wasn't totally disappointed.

I think they could have dug deeper and shown more about the various ancient peoples who made their way to the island, but I can live with what they did show. In fact, they could always do a deep dive and explain more about the time before the Losties showed up and that wouldn't affect the ending at all. How did Richard form the Others? Was the first group on the island made up of Egyptians, Greeks... some unknown people? Was Mother in an alliance with some previous form of the Smoke Monster... is that how she killed the Romans? If the DVD set had some extra footage that went down any of those paths, I would definitely buy it. But as much as I liked Hurley and Ben, I really have no interest in 12 minutes of them leading the island. I'm sure it will add something, but just not enough for me to buy a rather expensive box set just to see those 12 minutes.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
So much for "LOST--The Movie" franchise...:weeping:

That's what I'd like to see. I mean, they left enough on the table that a complete movie could be done that wouldn't affect the ending (that we saw) at all. I mean, isn't that what they did with Star Wars? Other than seeing the original, I never really got into Star Wars. But didn't they kind of show the end first and then go back and show how they got there?

I watched and enjoyed the Sopranos. But a Lost movie would make a lot more sense than a Sopranos movie, IMO. And sort of off-topic, but for fans of Rome (the HBO series), they are working on a movie what will include many of the original charatcters and actors. :nanner:
I didn't think that season five was all that great either. It was nice to see the past stuff, but for the most part it was just a cheap way to present the "answers" which we either had already known if you paid enough attention to connect the dots, or they were pretty irrelevant and just raised more questions. So Eloise and Widmore were on the Island in the 50's and part of the army. Big deal. That doesn't explain why they were there and what they were doing and it never did.

And how did the Frozen Donkey Wheel transport people through time?
They did explain that, sort of. MIB built the wheel to tap into the electro-magnetic field/weird matter/ magic light inside the Island. Although it never really explained what the deal with time travel was. In season six it said that all the dharma stations were built to tap into the magical stuff, while in previous season it implied that the electro-magnetic field under the Swan station had different stuff than the weird matter under the Orchid. The Orchid stuff didn't have electro-magnetic effects (although it did cause an explosion when metal objects were exposed to it). In contrast, the Swan stuff didn't appear to have much effect on time traveling, at least to anyone else but Desmond and when it was released it didn't cause the Island to time travel the same way that the Orchid stuff did, only made it visible (possibly). Oddly enough the magic light in the secret cave didn't cause anyone to time travel, which is kind of contradicting the idea that it's the same stuff as the Orchid stuff.

Not the final season at all...just nuke the final 10 minutes and give us a real ending to the series....:mad:

So much for "LOST--The Movie" franchise...:weeping:

I still don't really like the shows ending, but I can accept it for no other reason than it wraps up the thing and really has no effect on anything proceeding it other than the last 20 minutes or so of the series. After giving it time and thought, I feel that the reason season six was so bad was because the flash sideways was truly an alternate reality in that it had no connection to the events happening on Island. All season we waited for the two realities to merge and after it all that never really happened. The whole season pretty much existed just to set the stage for the last 30 minutes. I think the season could have been a lot more satisfying if it was presented in a different way.

Because of the split of that season in a way that was more disconnected than ever before, we got two half shows which were inferior to what could have been if either story was developed as it's own season. In my opinion the On Island story was the far weaker one and pretty much all of it was unnecessary and could have been left out. The Jacob and MIB mythology didn't really add anything to the shows plot or dramatically change our perception of the Island's history and purpose and took away from the narrative of the core characters. Across The Sea was one of the series worst episodes and should have been left out. We don't need it.

The other season six big myth episode, Ab Eterno, was just the opposite. The only thing wrong with it was that it focused too much on MIB and Jacob. I think it would have worked best in season five though. When all the characters are traveling through time, the last time traveler is Richard Alpert who sees himself long ago. Imagine us learning his heartbreaking story, while at the same time seeing him agonize over it knowing that he is helpless to do anything but watch. And then afterwards, when he is reinvigorated to his life's purpose on the Island, only a little while later Jacob dies. That would have been a real knock out and set him up for how he was in season six.

The whole drive of the season was leading up to Locke fighting against jack, and that is good. I think we all liked that for an ending sequence. In season three Locke blew up the submarine, determined that no one should leave the Island. The Man In Black's goal was to escape the Island. They should have left Locke's body hijacked by Smokey, but keep his same motivation, only upped the ante: Now he's going to kill everyone and destroy the Island to keep it safe from intruders. Most of the MIB and Jake stuff could have been left out and they could have remained more symbolic figures of the universal struggle that played out between the core characters.

In the first or second episode of season six people divide up between the two “teams” and Evilocke promises to let people leave the Island, which we suspect is a lie. After that, you immeditaly have Jacob giving his speech and explanation for the Island and appointing Jack as the new leader. Everyone is killed off the same and the ending is the same with Jack vs. Locke. All the magic light shit is left out. This could be done in only a handful of episodes. Then it should have gone into the flash-sideways episodes.

Jack dies... and then in the next episode he's back on Oceanic 815. Was it all a dream? After season three I said that the last season should be them off the island, just living their normal lives. When we first saw the flash-sideways we thought it was a “What if the plane didn't crash?” This could have been the remainder of the season with them all coming together anyway and living happily ever after. Or if it must have the ending, then instead let that be the twist: That Jack and co really did die and this is the afterlife.
Just bumping this because I do miss this show.

I'm currently doing a rewatch of the series. Say what you will about the ending, it is still my favorite drama of all time
Did anyone get the Lost Encyclopedia from DK?

I haven't got it yet, at 50 bucks cover price It's not worth it. I'm waiting till it comes down, or better for a second edition fixing all the problems of the first one.

I did get a chance to flip through it. The pictures are great, but the rest is somewhat lacking. The editing is very poor and it's filled with typos. It lacks a table of contents or any kind of cross referencing that should be essential to a volume called an encyclopedia. Also disappointing are many core topics receiving little information or left out entirely (no entry on the frozen donkey wheel) while other trivial ones ares thoroughly detailed (such as the section about fictional band Geronimo Jackson).

It does feature pictures and info on pretty much every character to appear on screen, which is pretty cool.

As usual it's spoiled in the introduction which is really a disclaimer by the shows writers telling us not to be pissed off at them because though they had it all planned out from the beginning, they aren't going to tell us anything we already couldn't have known from watching the show. If they really did have a detailed mythology of everything that happened in the Lost world why not put it into print here of all places for the fans that obviously want it?
I'm almost through rewatching season 1...

I seriously doubt I'll ever see a show as good as this one again, but don't think I won't try and find one! :D