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Believer In GregCentauro
This is truly how I feel about the finale as well,

"Do you remember the hatch lighting up? Or Jack blasting In Utero and realizing that you were witnessing—I still shit my pants thinking about this years later—a flash-forward? That was why we kept watching the show: The amazing, game-changing, cliffhanger finales.

And so it stood to reason that maybe they would pull together this pitiful excuse for a season with some kind of halfway-coherent, tightly-paced, tightly-plotted finale that would answer some of our lingering questions and wash the taste of C.J. Cragg as Hypatia out of our mouths. Ha, ha! Why did I think that?

What we got instead was another two hours of running around the goddamn island with everyone having feelings and stuff—which wasn't even that bad, honestly!—and then, and I have to type this in caps because it's the only way to really let my rage out, IT TURNED OUT THAT THEY HAD ALL DIED. All of them! And not even all together, simultaneously, in some awesome disaster/explosion. They had all died, at various times, throughout history. (Except for Michael and Walt, apparently!) And then they, like, remembered that they were dead, in this terrible, unfortunate excuse for Heaven they had created, and the Church went to white, and Jack was lying there, dying, with the dog.

The dog. I swear to God, Abrams, Super 8 better be a fucking masterpiece.

Look: I had given up on getting any interesting answers to any of the thousands of questions I still had. When the explanation for "the whispers" came, I hung my head, and thought, "Well, I guess this is how it has to happen."

But I expected more from the flash-sideways (I cannot believe they have compelled me to use that word, "flash-sideways," though I suppose it is technically a "flash-way-the-hell-forward-to-when-everyone-is-dead"). I have taken a creative writing class or two (can you tell?) and do you know this thing they teach you? "Don't end your story with all your characters being dead." It is like cheating. It is worse than cheating! It is the wussiest thing a writer can do. And these smug dickheads went ahead and did it."
And it ends with Jack dying from a pussy ass stab wound... and Sayid and Shannon???? wtf...

That stab wound was really deep, it practically went in all the way to the hilt. Had Jack been near a hospital, it could have been fixed but not even he could do anything about it and it was too severe to allow the island to heal it over time.

I have read the reason they put Shannon with Sayid was because the actress who played Nadia couldn't do the part due to scheduling which sucks because (in season 1) her thing she wrote on the back of a picture to Sayid "you will find me in the next life, if not this one" would have fit perfectly for that situation and would have helped their claims they may have known the ending for some time (still calling bullshit on that one)

Dharma brought the polar bears and sharks. Dr. Chang just called their experiments "ridiculous" so he obviously felt them to be unimportant but in the Swan filmstrip they wanted to study zoology on the island but why they decided on polar bears is beyond me.
Although they did seem to imply that the polar bear appearing on the Island while Walt was seeing one in Hurley's comic book had something to do with his "powers"... that was a plot device that was pretty much dropped after season one.

I think that everyone would have liked to have seen more of that, but it was clearly just an early idea for the show that was put in without any plans to develop it further than that. As the show progress and became apparent that it was going to continue for much longer than a single season, they let it go and it really did have little to do with anything in the overall plot.

Like it or not we did get the answer to the polar bears and the sharks: They were leftovers from the Dharma Initiative's animal experiments on Hydra Island, as demonstrated by showing Jack in the shark tank and Sawyer and Kate in the bear cages in Season Three.

What I'd like to know is why the hell did they send a polar bear into the teleporter in the Orchid station? Charlotte is seen excavating it's bones complete with Dharma logo in Tunisia, the teleport destination, in the opening of Season Four.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
They mentioned Jacob in season 3 and one could argue that MiB was introduced in the first episode as he was the smoke monster. But yeah, the fact that the whole series boiled down to Jacob vs MiB was introduced a little late. I really wish they made more of an argument as to why MiB was so evil and if he left, it'd be the end of the world. In human form he seemed like an alright guy and I could see why he wanted to leave

I agree with this^!

I had been on Team Jacob - I took the bait. But after seeing Across the Sea, I really began to see MiB (the poor guy never even got a proper name!) as a more sympathetic character. Yeah, certainly in human form, he was just a guy like Jack or any of the Losties: he just wanted to leave that damn island. Who could blame him for that? And I'm not even sure that I buy Jacob's contention that him leaving the island would have meant the end of humanity. As we came to see, Jacob and the truth often didn't go together.

Other than not seeing Eko in the church (and I understand that was a conflict with the actor), the main thing that I didn't like about the church scene was not seeing MiB (in his real form) in there. The church was supposed to be a scene where the most important people in Jack's life came together, right? Well, who would be more important to a man's life than the person who killed him?! I mean MiB was a MUCH more prominent figure in Jack's life throughout his time on the island than... Shannon! :facepalm: We all know that the only reason Shannon made it past the pilot was because they needed some eye candy and Maggie Grace has legs (or "sticks", as Sawyer said) that put Ivanka Trump to shame.

So what the heck happened to MiB in the afterlife??? They could have made him an "Easter Egg", and just stuck him in a corner of the church and not even acknowledged him. Let it only be the sharp eyed viewers who'd catch his presence. That was a BIG miss, IMO.
Anybody see the the full 12 minute clip of "The New Man In Charge?

I have seen it, but I cant get it to repost on here.....does anybody know where to find the full clip? Youtube only has a 1 minute clip of it.
Anybody see the the full 12 minute clip of "The New Man In Charge?

I have seen it, but I cant get it to repost on here.....does anybody know where to find the full clip? Youtube only has a 1 minute clip of it.

I had a link sent to me by a friend, but the clip was removed from the site. I saw it though. It just makes me miss the show even more :crying:
I'm sick of those two douchebags. I'll read the issue on the news stand.

LOST for me consists of a flawless Season 1 and Season 2...and Season 3, 4, 5 were mediocre...and Season 6 restored the Glory until the last couple of minutes of the Series Finale.

I am still hung up on the "it's not a dead show" bullshit that those two assholes floated years ago.

Flann O'Brien's, "The Third Policeman" pretty much "blew the wad" of the series and the series finale. It's a very strange book if you want to read it. I didn't like it.

I don't know if I will add the rest of the seasons. I probably will because deep down I do believe it was the best American television show since the XFiles and even the XFiles ended poorly when Mulder left the series (2?) years before it ended....

I agree also about Jacob and MIB being a giant 'MEH' when it comes down to it. I just don't give a shit about them as much as I care about the original characters.


Official Checked Star Member
I definitely don't have the same interest in season 6 as I had in all the other seasons. I didn't care what was going on in the sideways world until the characters started remembering. That is when I started getting emotionally connected to the show again.

So I do feel frustrated that more episodes could have been spent on Jacob & the MIB. We didn't need that many Sideways episodes because the characters were already well established.

Or how about some more time spent at the Temple? There were so many references to The Temple over the course of the show and so little time was spent at the Temple & with those characters. I think you could have done a whole other amazing show JUST about the power structure of The Others at the different spots on The Island over different periods in time. Jacob & the MIB were clearly messing with The Others equally, even though The Others were all about being on team Jacob.

Anyway we have to accept that the writers had their own perspective and view point on LOST (obviously) and we would have our own. Hell, there are Skaters out there who probably hate LOST now because Kate ended up with Jack in the end. That wasn't the main focus of the show for most people. But it was really important for Skaters!

The writers wanted to the story to about the journey the main characters went on. And ultimately they used the mystical/sci-fi elements as literary devices to help us get to know the characters better.

The End was a good finale from that view point of the show and I still enjoyed it as a stand alone episode.
^ Couldn't have said it better myself

The main thing that bothers me upon rewatch(I'm rewatching the series for the season 6 DVD release) is that during seasons 1-3, we were led to believe the Others were all incredibly strong, skilled at fighting, knowledgeable, so secretive but in the end, seemed to serve no purpose. Like when they kidnapped some of the people from the plane crash, those people seemed to just accept why they had to be with this group and we never learned why.

I loved the series and the finale but that was definitely my main gripe was about the others. But that's why I loved the first two seasons was the mysteries and all the fans griped about not getting enough answers throughout the series and when we got them, it was usually just lackluster. That's why I believe we're much better off not getting all the answers as everyone seemed to demand.
wow this thread is still going?. the show is over why is this thread still making my head hurt every time i come in it.
Question: I'm re-watching season 1 and the episode where Jack turns in his father for being intoxicated during an operation. Could you turn your own father in for such a thing if a similar predicament came to you? I don't think I could
But that's why I loved the first two seasons was the mysteries and all the fans griped about not getting enough answers throughout the series and when we got them, it was usually just lackluster. That's why I believe we're much better off not getting all the answers as everyone seemed to demand.

The problem wasn't that we were better off not getting the answers, it was, as you said, in the way that they were given.

I'm told that we will find out the "answer" to the Dharma pallet drop in the new episode- that sums it up right there: a five second blurb four years after it was at all relevant.

I've said it before the problem with the answers is that they were just given out in one expository dialogue, as if the producers themselves were speaking through the characters to the audience, and not incorporated into the plot in any way that effected the storyline- and then never mentioned again.

"by the way dude, those whispers are the people that died on the Island."

oh well. :facepalm:
Question: I'm re-watching season 1 and the episode where Jack turns in his father for being intoxicated during an operation. Could you turn your own father in for such a thing if a similar predicament came to you? I don't think I could

Christian seemed to treat Jack like he was an incompetent, weak, pussy...so, I get Jack's character in Season 1..given this setup, yeah, I would've done the same thing. :thefinger