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I want to know if this recent episode will go down as the worst episode ever?

I believe that it will.

Here's a comment from the interview that I found pretty right-on:
"It's pretty condescending to say that the only reason many of us disliked this episode is because we didn't like the answers we were given. No: I disliked this episode because it wasn't about anyone or anything I truly cared about, and it came at the wrong time, and it was poorly acted.

There is a good way to tell a story and a bad way.... As you near the climax, you don't suddenly switch gears and tell a story exclusively about two minor characters we barely know. You build momentum and ramp up the excitement and build and build until that climax. This episode totally broke the momentum.

What about the sideways world? We finally had an episode where everything there starts to come together... but the next sideways episode slows down again, and it's just about Jack and Locke. Where's the narrative flow here?

And I'm sorry, but story has to be primarily about characters, and it has to be about characters you care about. I don't care about Jacob or Smokey. I care about Jack and Hurley and Sawyer and Desmond and Ben and Kate. You know, the people in whom we've invested the last six years of our lives.

It's not that I didn't like the answers. It's worse: I wasn't interested in getting them."

I read that interview and I was very turned off. It basically seemed to me to say, "We aren't going to tell you shit, and if you don't like it, too bad. We lined our pockets for five seasons and so we really don't care if everyone hates the ending."

It reminds me of what Steven King did for his 20 +year long series The Dark Tower. Before the final chapter he wrote "Stop reading this now" and said that if you hinge the entire series on the last 20 pages than nothing will be able to live up to expectations and you'll only be disappointed. I thought that took balls, but in a lot of ways it was almost as much as a slap in the face as writing "fuck the fans" to refuse to admit that he'd dug himself into a hole and it was his failure as much as ours if he couldn't write a resolution that people liked, if they loved everything else about the series.
I want to know if this recent episode will go down as the worst episode ever?

It may but I think it will go down as the one that divided most fans about the show.

I watched it yet again because it just felt like I was missing something and upon this third watch, I am falling more in love with the episode. I think people calling this the worst episode ever are definitely overreacting simply because we never got to learn more about the regulars and that is a very sound argument but there are 3.5 hours of the show left (in case people didn't hear, the finale has been extended by a half hour) and I really do think this episode will make a lot more sense when put into context with the remainder of the series.
(in case people didn't hear, the finale has been extended by a half hour)

That's very interesting on account that it has been scheduled since the beginning of the season and wrapped up shooting several weeks ago. I wonder if they felt the need to do some re-editing after hearing the audience responses lately.
That's very interesting on account that it has been scheduled since the beginning of the season and wrapped up shooting several weeks ago. I wonder if they felt the need to do some re-editing after hearing the audience responses lately.

This was actually announced May 4th well before Across the Sea or unless you're referring to the reactions to season 6 overall. I don't know, I have been enjoying season 6. Definitely not my favorite season but still satisfying
Ok people here it goes.........

I got a internet friend who I have been in contact with for years and is trustworthy.

He has gotten word from a associate that has viewed the episodes coming up on 5/18 and the Series Finale debuting on 5/23 is going to change everything you think about the show.

He would not go into detail, but said you may be tempted to go back and rewatch all the episodes starting from the pilot after watching the Series Finale.

I've been hounding him for a week on details, but he said his associate wont give out any info but what I just posted.

Clear out the memory of your DVR's and be ready!
Ok people here it goes.........

I got a internet friend who I have been in contact with for years and is trustworthy.

He has gotten word from a associate that has viewed the episodes coming up on 5/18 and the Series Finale debuting on 5/23 is going to change everything you think about the show.

He would not go into detail, but said you may be tempted to go back and rewatch all the episodes starting from the pilot after watching the Series Finale.

I've been hounding him for a week on details, but he said his associate wont give out any info but what I just posted.

Clear out the memory of your DVR's and be ready!

Please don't tell me stuff like that. I'll start building up hype for it and then will ultimately be disappointed. :thefinger
That's very interesting on account that it has been scheduled since the beginning of the season and wrapped up shooting several weeks ago. I wonder if they felt the need to do some re-editing after hearing the audience responses lately.

This was actually announced May 4th well before Across the Sea or unless you're referring to the reactions to season 6 overall. I don't know, I have been enjoying season 6. Definitely not my favorite season but still satisfying

I will make the assumption that somebody asked them to film an additional 30 min for the DVD and MAYBE they took that opportunity to clarify a few things that they knew might anger the fans.

Smoke monster has "technically" been on the show since Episode 1. We can argue or probably we agree that "Smokey" has undergone quite a few changes along the way, from shaking trees, to skinning pilots alove to blowing up the ground to slinking down holes :dunno: I have a difficult time reconciling that this creature from Episode 1 is the same as what has been presented this season. It was supposed to "protect" the island according to Ben? Well, so much for that. Smokey has wanted to get off the island from Day 1.

They've had plenty of time to "clarify" how "Smokey" came about. Now that they FINALLY get around to it...meh. I agree with the interview, it's too damn late. The show has ALWAYS been about the characters...all the other "stuff" --DHARMA and "The Others" was secondary.

I already expect that I will be bitter when the show finally ends.
I don't think they had this show well thought out since Season One like they want us to believe. It's just nothing but a big mess. I think they just made it and then discovered they had a huge hit and then tried to milk it and make stuff up as they went along. Then viewership started to drop off and they finally got together in Season 3 and started to design how they were going to end it. Just my feelings about it.

I really hate the Flash Sideways stuff. It's annoying. I don't know how it's going to play into the finale but I think they should have just done away with Flashbacks, Flashforwards, and Flashsideways a long time ago because we got to know the characters really well in the first two seasons. A few flashbacks would have been fine here and there when introducing new characters or showing what this one person has been up too since they were gone etc. They just got annoying.

I am looking for a big letdown in the season finale.


Hiliary 2020
Jacob was the leader of the 12 tribes of Israel. In the Hebrew Bible he is the NON IDENTICAL TWIN brother of Esau who, in Genesis, vowed to kill Jacob because Jacob stole his birthright as the leader of the tribes. Wow...

Also, anyone notice the light went out when smokey emerged? I'm wondering if he has now become the embodiment of the light and, as their mother said, must never leave the island or it's basically all over for humanity. So maybe Jacob isn't protecting the world from smokey, he's protecting the world from smokey getting out and basically damning everyone when the light is extinguished?

Remember when Locke, the real one, first ran into the monster? He described it as a bright light to Eko (season 2) and in season 1 told Jack that what he saw was the eye of the island and said it was beautiful (just as MiB described it to his mother)

So how did that story end?

i watched it a few times, I'm not sure that the light did go out.
it got dark, for a second when the smoke began to emerge, but they didn't show it again after the smoke took off in the forest.

also what do you mean " when the light is extinguished"?
assuming its still glowing, how would it get put out?
I think youre on to something, i just cant put it into any rational perspective myself.

and yeah, i always remembered locke saying that, he was the only one.

also from the episode "When Jacob asks his mother what lies within the light in the cave she replies: "Life, death, rebirth."


Hiliary 2020
i just watched the last episode and I am now pretty much on the side of MIB.

jacob is following the orders of a woman who bashed in the skull of an innocent young mother 10 seconds after she gave birth.
who does that shit? a psycho thats who.
seems pretty evil to me.

then 13 year old mib finds out that she killed his mother, and he's got the balls to leave, which is the least that i would do.
but not pussy jacob, he stays with her, like a coward.

later mib just wants to leave, maybe get some pussy, check out the world.
And what does she do, she goes on a mass murder spree and destroys his only way off.
who is she to tell him what he can do? is he a slave to her?

seems to me that mib has free will, and jacob is just blindly following the words of a psycho killer.

go mib.
i just watched the last episode and I am now pretty much on the side of MIB.

jacob is following the orders of a woman who bashed in the skull of an innocent young mother 10 seconds after she gave birth.
who does that shit? a psycho thats who.
seems pretty evil to me.

then 13 year old mib finds out that she killed his mother, and he's got the balls to leave, which is the least that i would do.
but not pussy jacob, he stays with her, like a coward.

I don't know. They've known the other woman for 13 years now and she is all they've known as a mother figure. I don't think it'd be as easy as you think it might be. I know it'd be hard for me

later mib just wants to leave, maybe get some pussy, check out the world.
And what does she do, she goes on a mass murder spree and destroys his only way off.
who is she to tell him what he can do? is he a slave to her?

seems to me that mib has free will, and jacob is just blindly following the words of a psycho killer.

go mib.

I took the reason she prevented him from leaving was because she somehow knew he had a purpose to fulfill on the island but he is definitely practicing free will. Don't forget though, Jacob has shown signs of preaching free will (especially before Ben stabbed him "You have a choice, Benjamin")

Their "mother" also thought of humans the same way MiB thinks of them as greedy, corruptible destroyers. Jacob thinks the opposite of his mother and believes they can be good. So he's not a total robot to his mother
So nobody wanted to discuss Lost? Do y'all think Richard is dead? (I personally don't) Ben is back to his old ways but I think he's trying to con MiB. Zoe is dead and thank god for that, hated the bitch. Jack is the new Jacob and who didn't see that one coming. Desmond is getting shit together and I thought he was going to try and run over handicapped Locke one more time (I was laughing my ass off).

I also laughed at the part where right after Richard got knocked away by smokey, Ben just silently creeps back to the house and had one of the most nerve-wracking talks I've ever seen on TV. When not-Locke pulled out his knife, I thought for sure he was just going to stick it in Ben right there. Great episode and am now not looking forward to this show ending (secretly I am so it ends while it's on top, but I have never been this addicted to a show ever!)
Good episode. I dunno I thought Zoe was kinda hot. Just me I guess. I think Richard is dead but hope I am wrong. Ben, I am starting to think that deep down he is just a coward and will do anything to stay alive. I knew Jack was going to step up to be the new Jacob. Yeah I thought Desmond was gong to have another try at Locke lol.

Alternative universe Ben and Danielle Rousso looks like they might become an item. That would be werid seeing them get together lol. I bet Juliet is Jack's ex wife and she will be in the finale.
I think Richard is dead. WHat was his famous last line, "Wait everyone. He wants to talk to me. I'll be right back" :rolleyes: or something like that....

Nah, Richard is gone.

Jack is Jacob. It makes sense. Although it means that Jack and Kate will never "get together" at the end. :weeping: She's not staying at the island. She and Sawyer are :love-smi: which is an attractive pairing, the sex would no doubt be hot between them, but they'll be fighting and a pretty miserable couple. The "good guy," Jack, loses the girl in the end, every time.:(

I can't believe the finale is this Sunday. It seems too soon. :o We need another 4 episodes to actually answer stuff....
I loved Jacob's reason for crossing Kate's name off the list. :) Truly an "awww" moment for me.

Really? That seemed like a pretty stupid, contrived reason. If she could still become the Leader if she wanted to, then why even cross her out? Another thing that makes no sense but is supposed to impress (read: distract) us with a snappy one-liner.

I bet Juliet is Jack's ex wife and she will be in the finale.

Good theory.

I'm not going to speculate further on what is happening and what could happen, I just have some overall observations about the show.

All I have to say about last weeks episode is that there's only two hours to go and they are still whispering secrets? Widmore was useless and dispatched without thought, his only point seemingly just to be there for the hell of it.

The biggest let down of the show, beyond the silly mythology and the lack of any resolution to the many hanging threads is the characters themselves. They've gone through all this and they really didn't get much out of it.

Jack has learned to act on faith, but his problem was that he always had to take responsibility for things that weren't his fault. As Sarah said, he always needed a problem to fix. Now he's the new Jacob and it's his job to save the world.

Hurley has always been insecure with himself and lacks confidence. Jacob spoke to him more than anyone else and he could have stepped up and proved himself by taking over his role, but instead he passed it off.

Kate couldn't trust anyone, and she did learn to do that on the Island, but after she got off it fell apart because she couldn't trust Jack.

Sawyer is a dick that is really a sensitive guy inside. He hasn't changed at all. He's shown his true self to Kate, but after she left he lied to himself and to Juliet.

Sayid maybe grew the most when he decided to accept and in some ways embrace his killer instinct, but he never could change and it didn't get him anywhere.

Jin and Sun just had a bad relationship. After the forced intimacy of the Island they quickly reconciled by just deciding, "hey, let's not be assholes to each other." No real character growth there and they got no resolution, just to die together.

Ben is just an asshole. Whenever we get sympathy for him, he just acts like a dick again. But that's Ok, I like Ben as an asshole.

and of course Locke always felt like his life had a great purpose that was held back and his mantra was "don't tell me what I can't do!". His only purpose was to be a puppet for a James Bond villain.
I had to laugh at your synopsis of Sun and Jin. Jacob said in one of the episodes this season, "Your love is special" when, now that you mention it, we never really saw them live life on the island as a "newly committed couple" :dunno: Jin was always tagging along on whatever mission came up, Sun stayed behind and helped out Claire..then they got "separated" for, what, 2 1/2 seasons?

I will say that I hope I never see Claire again. She ran into the "Ugly Smoke Monster" somewhere along the way and Yikes :eek: I don't think even Charlie would stick around with her if he saw her now...:1orglaugh: