some news Lost fans!
featured in this weeks TV Guide. according to actress emilie deraven (spelling?) she says that she has not been told at this time that her character (Claire) is going to die, so if you can believe it, that pretty much concludes she will make it till at least season's end.
Also nice to know, damon and carlton confirmed that we would see the Oceanic Six get off of the island in the season finale. they also said we will see what happens after the season 3 finale flash-forward (confirming what we have speculated, that it has been the farthest future chronological event so far).
and just for the rumor mill, the latest crazy theory that seems to be getting some buzz is that Aaron is Jacob. I dunno..figure that one out yourself.
I thought the scene where Jack visited Hurley in the nuthouse was one of the best scenes in a long terms of spine-tingling "Lost" factor...
Was anyone else turned on by Kate this episode...running around in her panties...coming out of the shower dripping wet...yum yum SCHWING!
And what are your sources for this?
the future time-line seems to go as follows:
-Ben and Sayid team up to go after Widmore.
-Sun has her baby.
-Kate's trial.
-Hurley crashes his car and goes to the mental institute.
-Jack moves in with Kate.
-Jack goes to the funeral.
did I leave anything out?
edit: an alternate suggestion (aka. not mine) is that the order is Sun, Ben, Sayid, Hurley goes mental, Kate trial, the rest the same.
but as I said, and it's been confirmed by the producers, that the funeral aka. season 3 flash forward is the last event (so far).
This episode threw me off big time.
We see Lockes past, and its obvious he is connected to the island. Mr. Eyeliner pops up and meets Locke. It's obvious the Others can travel through time in some way, or they are immortal.
Locke finds the cabin, and Jacks father and claire is in there. Claire is sitting there like she knows whats going on and smiling about it.
This episode was a head spinner.