
Ok, so I was wrong about ben. I kinda would've liked if they hadn't revealed who sayid was working for and left us guessing a bit, but I suppose that they wouldn't have had another oppurtunity to do it later on without revealing more.

anyway, on to Episode four. I totally did not see that ending coming!

The thing that I found really interesting was that jack lied. He said that there were only 8 survivors of the crash (6 of whom we know get off the island.) So we can assume that he did not disclose any of the details of the people that died on the island and instead just chocked that up to the crash. What that tells me is that we can expect two more people of the presently-alive islanders to die before the Oceanic Six return.

Based on this episode and the overall show I really have a feeling that Sawyer is going to die before the end of the series.

That puts my money on jin and sun being the last two O6. Locke is obviously not going to leave, but he could maybe die before the end. I don't see them killing off claire, I think that viewers would just be too pissed off at that, but it's pretty likely that she doesn't get off the island. I could see desmond dying too, and obviously he's not one of the 06.

Last but not leastly Lost Fans: Since damon and carlton are back they said that they are going to try and shoot for 13 episodes this season.


Hiliary 2020
Ok, so I was wrong about ben. I kinda would've liked if they hadn't revealed who sayid was working for and left us guessing a bit, but I suppose that they wouldn't have had another oppurtunity to do it later on without revealing more.

anyway, on to Episode four. I totally did not see that ending coming!

The thing that I found really interesting was that jack lied. He said that there were only 8 survivors of the crash (6 of whom we know get off the island.) So we can assume that he did not disclose any of the details of the people that died on the island and instead just chocked that up to the crash. What that tells me is that we can expect two more people of the presently-alive islanders to die before the Oceanic Six return.

Based on this episode and the overall show I really have a feeling that Sawyer is going to die before the end of the series.

That puts my money on jin and sun being the last two O6. Locke is obviously not going to leave, but he could maybe die before the end. I don't see them killing off claire, I think that viewers would just be too pissed off at that, but it's pretty likely that she doesn't get off the island. I could see desmond dying too, and obviously he's not one of the 06.

Last but not leastly Lost Fans: Since damon and carlton are back they said that they are going to try and shoot for 13 episodes this season.

Yeah Jin and Sun is a good guess. Especially since Sun must leave the island to avoid dying.
Big question. Why did Ben leave the Island?
Where the hell is everybody else during the flash forwards?
Who is Sayid protecting and why did Charlie tell Hurley They need you.
But like Blackbull said, there are more questions than answers every episode.
I just saw this weeks episode on my DVR. It was pretty interesting.

We now know that Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, and baby Eric got off the island. Now we got to find the last one who was in the coffin.

I'am curious as fuck why Jack and them came up with this Oceanic 6 story saying that only 8 people survived the crash.

Anybody notice Kate at the end looking sexy as fuck in that outfit. I had to rewind and pause the scene of her going up the steps, that booty rockin back and forth in that tight skirt and her wearing them stilletoe's was HOT!

Looks like next week they gonna explain what happened to the helicopter and Daniel Farady might open his mouth and give some explantions.

Where the hell is everybody else during the flash forwards?
Who is Sayid protecting and why did Charlie tell Hurley They need you.

I assume that they are either dead or still on the island. perhaps hurley is the one that convinces them that they have to go back.
Season 4, thus far, is so much more interesting than Season 3, I am shocked. I have liked all 4 of the episodes and am back to eagerly awaiting the new Lost.

Random Thoughts--

--Does Baby Aaron count as one of the Oceanic 6? He was "technically" not a passenger in the literal sense of the word. He was born on the island. Same as Ben. Thought the shocker at the end with Kate and Aaron was awesome btw..

--I found it interesting that Jack either lied or told the truth about "8 survivors" at Kate's trial. Either that's a total lie and there are many, many more people on the island still (like Rose/Bernard/Sawyer, for example) or there's a massive "event" (maybe ISLAND ZOMBIE VIRUS!!!) which wipes people out? I think it it "possible" that 6 people leave the island and nobody from "the real world" (meaning government agencies/authorities) can actually FIND the island to check up on Jack's story...

--Locke is a badass....sometimes a dumbass, but certainly a badass....
I like locke, I always liked locke. I don't know why people are always hating.

I don't think aaron or ben count as the 06. I've also considered the possibility that maybe juliette or desmond also get off the island, but they wouldn't count either.
It seems Ben may be the good guy after all. It sems Ben wants to keep the island out of the hands of them Widmore people who are associated with the Hanso foundation and DHARMA.

It looks like next week we find out who the mole is, from the preview it looks like Michael.

Yeah, I think it's Michael too. Good. He and Walt have to come back at some point.

I am continually impressed with Season 4. It is exciting, interesting and filled with interesting twists and turns and nothing that makes me go "Yeah, right. That would never happen. That blows..."

Michael is the mole and he on the boat mopping floors. Looks like sayid is gonna get some info out of his sorry ass.

So I guess the Oceanic 6 is...

-Baby Aaron

Curious to know how they got off the island and what happened with everybody else. And how did Kate get Claire's kid.

I was thinking Ben was going to be good guy, but that Capt got me thinking otherwise....but Michael did say dont trust the Captain.

The promo hyped that "someone is gonna DIE NEXT WEEK"...I guess do we all assume it's Michael?

I thought this most recent episode was fantastic. Just well done. I will say that the only thing that bothers me so far in Season 4 is Juliet. She just annoys. Nice rack, nothing else.

I remember back in Season 1, Hurley said to Jin, "Dude, you have a hot wife"...maybe that sneaky big bastard Hurley showed up at Sun's door thinking, "I'm gonna git me sum of that ass...."! Go Hurley! Go Hurley!
I was thinking the same thing when Hurley knocked on the door, I was like, damn Hurley took Jin out and got Sun for hisself!




Closed Account
Last episode was the worst episode of lost I've ever seen. The boat stuff was good, BUT I REALLY DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT JIN AND SUN AND HER FUCKING BABY. It's so boring. Next week is Michael's episode, so hopefully we will see what happened to him, and how he got on boat.

And really, him being the mole on the boat was pretty predictable.
I don't remember anything with Hurley in that episode... I guess I'll have to watch it again.

I wouldn't say that was anywhere near the worst episode ever, but it was definitely the worst episode so far this season.

If you'd been paying attention at all you'd have known that Micheal was going to show up, and it seemed pretty much certain that he was going to be the mole as soon as it was first mentioned. Are we just that good at playing detective and everyone else was surprised? I'd like to think so, but it seems far more likely that the show is just getting predictable.

I really don't care about anything that Juliette has to say. Old married guys throwin back some beers and shootin the shit on a fishing trip was a pace killer. And the thing that really pissed me off was them purposely withholding to show Jin at the end, so that people would be guessing if he got off the island or not.

They've explicitly stated that they want to keep people speculating who the O6 are... presumably until the end of the season. I think that just knowing that anyone gets off the island is a big enough reveal, and we don't really care who they happen to be in particular. Drawing it out is a pretty lame way to create drama on the show, especially with all the other plot twists that they've already drawn out since season one that they could be wrapping up instead.
Saw last nights episode tonight.

Walt's explanation on what happened to him when he left the island was good.

Funny seeing Mr Freindly being gay. LOL! Once again they introduce a new hatch, this one is called "The Temple".

A lot was explained in this episode. if you missed it, check it out on ABC website.

Fucked up we got to wait until the end of april for the next episode. Next month they gonna explain how the Oceanic 6 got off the island.



Closed Account
I don't know what to make of that episode. Ok, Tom is gay... A few of you might of already thought that from AGES ago when he said to Kate "don't worry, I'm not into that" when she was getting changed (or something like that).

I'm sad Frenchie is dead, she was one of the few who seemed to really want to just get off the island...

I still think Micheal is a total cunt, a few of my friends think he is great, but he killed those girls in cold blood, and I will never forget that. Wanker!

I hope answers are coming in the next few episodes, because I'm starting to really dislike it...
I thought last night's ep would be better than it was. I was sad that Rousseau "bought it" so cheaply. I mean. C'mon. She's a Season 1 character, she deserved a better death scene than that one. Lame.

I about vomited my snack up when Michael pressed the red button on the bomb...and it was the equivalent of the joke gun that springs the BANG! flag..that stupid little "NOT YET" note was....:mad::mad::mad: DUMB

I was wondering how Beardy McFriendly (Tom) left the island, went to Manhattan and then got back to the island in time to take part in the Season 3 finale (the beach attack). Does all his travel actually synch up with the timeframe of the show? I was puzzled how he could leave the island when the sub is blown up, right? Is there a Dharma airplane stashed somewhere?

Tom got shot in the Season 3 finale, right?
If you remember, Tom told Michael that the island will not let you die.

It is possible all the characters that have been killed might still be alive somewhere on the island or in a different timeline.

the Michael explanation wasn't disappointing, but it didn't really reveal a whole lot. I mean it showed why he came back to the island, but it didn't really show what happened after he got off the island, which I thought was kinda the important part. He just took that little two person boat all the way from timbucktoo to the USA, pulled into Ellis island NYC and then took a cab to the bronx?

I didn't really like that it pretty much invalidated all of Michael's storyline, for him to do all that to leave and then just come back a month later, makes it pretty pointless.

there sure is a whole lot of people that died on the island, so if all of them came back, that would be pretty crazy. But then again, we did see locke get shot and then he was pretty much fine like a week later.

I just have a hard time believing that the Island effects people in the real world. They could have just faked it, switched the gun during the fight.

It was nice seeing all those old faces again. But am I the only one that feels like nothing really happened in that episode? If they are going on a break now, that's a pretty crummy way to go for a mid-season ender. we are flashing back to season 3 here, and that's not a good thing.