:rofl: That's exactly what I thought when I first saw that.
Now that's funny!
:rofl: That's exactly what I thought when I first saw that.
Yeah, exactly, so why won't you wait? What's wrong with that? Do you like the show? I don't think so. It sounds like you(and a lot of other people) want the show to end right now since you want every explanations straight away! Are you in a rush? Personally, I like the show AND I don't want the show to end anytime soon, so I'm actually glad they don't explain everything too fast!The bad thing about introducing Jacob is that most likely they will not explain him until the end of next season.
It sounds like you(and a lot of other people) want the show to end right now since you want every explanations straight away! Are you in a rush? Personally, I like the show AND I don't want the show to end anytime soon, so I'm actually glad they don't explain everything too fast!
I think it would be great if the two chicks that come into the scene in the Looking Glass turned out to be the same two chicks that Charlie was in bed with earlier in the episode.
"Hey, we remember you!"
*Cue whacka whacka guitar*
it the looking glass why they need a submarine??? otherwise couldn't they just use a boat to get on and off the island...