Laws are for little people.
An FBI investigation? That's cute.
An FBI investigation? That's cute.
But doesn't intent matter? The fact that she didn't intend to send classified info?
He never said she didn't break the law. He said she was grossly incompetent and extremely careless. That should instill confidence in the electorate. The FBI just admitted the candidate is stunningly incompetent and because of her ineptitude, she gave national secrets to hostile entities.
Not according to the statute.
I could plow my car into or even narrowly miss a crowd of pedestrians because I was driving "extremely careless" but had no intent to put them in danger. I'm pretty sure I'd be charged with a crime if caught.
And she's a G'D liar. She flat out said she never sent anything marked "classified." How 'bout TOP SECRET?
And she INTENTIONALLY set up a personal email server to cover up whatever shady shit she was involved with.
As soon that this sh1t going on,NATO is waiting to unleash WW3 ASAP,I said,War on Russia is all they want and its late as Deustchebank bankrupts.
Also NDA law in 2009 is a self-hanging
Apples and oranges. In classified information cases, intent is key. You must find credible evidence that the person intentionally mishandled classified info. This is in contrast to crimes like theft or drunk driving in which you do not need to prove intent. If you drink and drive, you face the consequences, even if you didn't intend to drink and drive
Again, according to the applicable statute (18 USC 793) intent is not a factor so here's your red herring back. And she did show intent when she set up personal email servers (as in plural) to conduct State Dept business including classified info. How is that not intent?
I'm actually tired of debating this whole issue, I'm not even a fan of HRC but I'll leave with this....Basically if someone wants to know why they didn't bring charges against her, the answer is pretty simple and Comey himself said it in the press conference. Said Comey,"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts." Simply put there is no legal precedent
It's pointless to bitch about cuntface skating on this because the deck was stacked. Fucking dumbasses like Sally Kohn are gloating about this purely political move by a cowardly justice department and openly saying it doesn't matter if cuntface is as trustworthy as a Brazilian hooker or the safety record of a V-22. They're still going to blindly vote for her because they're told cuntface is the best chance to continue their march off a fucking cliff.
I had hoped there would have been a better candidate than Trump but voting third party is a waste of effort.
There was a great episode of "wrecked" on TBS tonight where they held an election. To put it succinctly, there were two shitty candidates and one of them convinced a worse third candidate to "split the stupid vote" in an attempt to get a marginal win. The stupid vote won, however.
If a third party candidate stood a chance in hell of winning I'd definitely consider casting a ballot for them but then I'd be part of the stupid voting block if they caused a Hilldebeast win.
Oh stop it. As soon as Bernie gives the Sandernistas the green light, you'll vote for Pantsuit.Join me and vote Gary Johnson
Oh stop it. As soon as Bernie gives the Sandernistas the green light, you'll vote for Pantsuit.
Oh stop it. As soon as Bernie gives the Sandernistas the green light, you'll vote for Pantsuit.
If Sanders isn't nominated 6 of 10 will vote for Trump
More likely that 6 of 10 won't vote at all.