

Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
No. But on another subject.
Did I ever tell you I invented the internet?
How did that work out for you? and did you finish your last job? ;)

It worked out great! It lead me to become the spokesperson for all the smart people in the nation, and because I was so busy with that, I was able to open my previous job to someone new! Everything is perfect, the voting public is clearly ready for me as a leader, and I'm not at all deluded.

I once told a woman I coined the phrase "Pardon my French".:dunno:

I once told a woman that I don't eat cake because it goes right to my thighs.:dunno:
The following statement is true.
The previous statement was false.

I don't understand. You just said the first statement was true... but then you said it wasn't true in the next... I don't get it... Why is my head hurting so much!? AHHHHHHHHH

By the way, I once told a woman I'm the reason why the metric system never came to the U.S.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I once said I was Batman. Then I ejaculated prematurely and she figured out I was lying cause I didn't have any Bat Viagra in my utility belt.


Postal Paranoiac
HAL9000 lied to Dave Bowman. And now four astronauts are fucking dead, while another has passed into some creepy-assed dimension.:mad:
No. But on another subject.
Did I ever tell you I invented the internet?

here i was thinking that it was al gore...also i ended the cold war by exploiting the ruskies collapsing economic system to the point of collapsing our economic system...and trickle down economics was my idea