"Libs" vs. "Neocons" Threads.

Nah, fuck that. Communism is the only way. You in America will understand when we assimilate you.

We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.

Your culture will adapt to service us.

Resistance is futile.



Uh bartender..you can close his tab now.

You would be correct. Is there anything neocons haven't fucked up? And let's not leave libs blameless in wars like Iraq. If I remember correctly, just about ever congressperson voted for the Iraq War.
You would be correct. Is there anything neocons haven't fucked up? And let's not leave libs blameless in wars like Iraq. If I remember correctly, just about ever congressperson voted for the Iraq War.

A presidential administration is responsible for war policy (it's prosecution)...congress only funds it.

The demos were in no political position to oppose it on the grounds pressed for by the Bush administration. Again...the only real wars GOPers are capable of prosecuting well are the ones over public opinion.

These clowns could convince their mind-numbed drones that crucifixion was a day spa activity and everyone should try it once.

As it stands..they were able to convince people it was worthwhile to spend a trillion rebuilding Iraq but spending less to fix our own healthcare crises will send the US to hell in a hand basket.:rolleyes:


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
So you get your jollies that way? Weird.

Somehow me having Worf as my avatar, making benign typing errors, and naming myself pete rose lessens the legitimacy of what I'm saying. Are you in the 3rd grade?

I think that the stance of the 3rd-frader with the added spice of as many from HUGE vocabulary to bullshit your way through and make your post sound elaborate while still going on 'No it's NOT!!!' that causes the topics to run for ages while not going anywhere from the initial 'I'm right, you're wrong, that's all'

And chasing any typo to prove the other one is stupid. Ignoring personal lack of grammar or sense.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
The west needs it's very own Hirohito. A living god, who we can all serve mercilessly. It's obviously the only viable solution to our problems.

I'm thinking Miley Cyrus?

You are so out of touch, it hurts.

It is clearly Rihanna

He said "serve mercilessly" not "BEAT mercilessly".




What? There's NO WAY that's too soon. It's been months now. Oh, COME ON!!!
You disagree? I haven't seen too many liberal/Dem Presidents since FDR do anything resembling success.

Just saying, on the heels of blunder after blunder after fucking blunder in prosecuting wars against 2 fairly unarmed nations with the world's greatest fighting force...your statement was at minimum hysterically funny and ironic.:hatsoff:
I think that the stance of the 3rd-frader with the added spice of as many from HUGE vocabulary to bullshit your way through and make your post sound elaborate while still going on 'No it's NOT!!!' that causes the topics to run for ages while not going anywhere from the initial 'I'm right, you're wrong, that's all'

And chasing any typo to prove the other one is stupid. Ignoring personal lack of grammar or sense.
I'm not exactly sure what a frader is.
Is there anything neocons haven't fucked up? And let's not leave libs blameless in wars like Iraq. If I remember correctly, just about ever congressperson voted for the Iraq War.

No. Not even close.

In the House the voting was 297 for, 133 against, with 3 abstaining.
Of the 133 against, 126 were Democrats.

In the Senate the vote was 77 for, 23 against.
Of the 23 against, 21 were Democrats.
No. Not even close.

In the House the voting was 297 for, 133 against, with 3 abstaining.
Of the 133 against, 126 were Democrats.

In the Senate the vote was 77 for, 23 against.
Of the 23 against, 21 were Democrats.

Biden just called Iraq the Administrations' biggest success last week. ;)


What about the center??????????????????????????? They just not got a voice?


They just don't have any real national support. CLosest people that come to mind are Ross Perot and even a guy like Pat Buchanan. It's a shame, but that's the system here in the US.

Likely gotta define themshelves more, Get good manifestos on the go and other shit....Ramp out some charismatic fookers....God there has to be killing to be made right about now....They just arent selling it probably cant define themshelves well enough lol.
Likely gotta define themshelves more, Get good manifestos on the go and other shit....Ramp out some charismatic fookers....God there has to be killing to be made right about now....They just arent selling it probably cant define themshelves well enough lol.

I went to a speech by super-uber-liberal author Tom Hayden for a class and he said there likely would not be a third party with success ever in America, and this was in the midst of the Ron Paul Revolution. There is just no real history of third party success in America. Minnesota and Jesse Ventura was the most unlikely victory ever, and the success of Ross Perot was pretty remarkable as well, yet he was independently wealthy, so much of what was spent on both campaigns was out of his pocket. Just like lefties like Herb Kohl and Michael Bloomberg; basically bought their elections. It's America, land of gullible ostriches.


Perhaps a reflection of people in general....Like your right man the center never does well even in other countries they just do enough to hold some seats, Usually gotta cut deals with some side, or 1 side runs to them when they need the leverage.

People I guess have to go with some sorta extreme lol.