I'm getting really fucking sick and tired of this kind of BULLSHIT in the media. Uhhh, the last time I check Palin is a public figure..so her family and etc are open for satire. And if she doesn't like it, go fuck herself
The last time I checked, the law does not protect your feelings. I'm sick of all these people whining because someone's feelings got hurt and etc. Too fucking bad, get some guts for once in your life. I don't see a damn thing wrong with what Letterman said...it was a JOKE, you know a JOKE. If I was Dave, I would have been screw them. I'm sick of these whiny, pansy asses carrying on because someone made a joke about them or whathaveyou. Well guess what if you are a public figure, you are going to be open to that kind of satire and if you can't handle it then you need to find a different job.
Problem is people are getting way to fucking sensitive and then whine when someone has some fun at their expense. If I was a comedian and did a joke like that and then someone whined about it...it would be open season on the idiot for whining about it
:2 cents: