Yes, it was way over the line!
Could you imagine the liberal media outrage that would be happening right now if someone made a hateful comment about B.O.'s daughters.
The whole thing is a ridiculous reach for Dave & Authors, I mean, did palin make some grand appearance at this ball game ? You know, the chaufered, body guarded up, black Caddy Escalade with bright painted lettering on the side reading, "Sarah Palin • I'M HERE" Roll out the red carpet
So BFD, the woman is at a ball game in New York with her daughter :dunno: Why the fuck should we have to know about it ?
Did you ever hear what Rush said about Chelsea Clinton..or Senator McCain said about Chelsea Clinton???
What would have happened to Letterman if he had made a joke like that about one of Obama's daughters?
Palin was on the Today show this morning. She insists that there's no other way to interpret Dave's joke as meaning anything other than the statutory rape of a 14 year old girl.
However...when asked if the comment from her camp about how they need to keep the 14 year old away from creepy old man Letterman was maybe also over the line, she insists there are several ways of interpreting that and of course the meaning that was intended was the meaning that was not suggesting Dave is a pedophile and therefore everyone should just drop it.
Can you say "hypocrisy."
I saw that interview. The Palin family really needs to go far far away and never come back. Their 15 minutes are up.
He made a joke about an adult girl (who got pregnant out of wedlock) getting knocked up again. What's the big deal?
And don't tell me he was talking about the 14 year old. Anyone who thinks he meant anyone other than 18 year old Bristol is too stupid to watch Letterman.
AMERICA NEEDS TO STOP BEING SESITIVE.....ITS A JOKE....A JOKE....A FUCKING JOKE....if you dont realize the key word in here its JOKE...did it hurt anyone? idnt even know about ti till now which means noone cares...thats just my two cents...not to be rude ...
dont know what he said, dont care. people need to stfu and get a sense of humour.
I saw that interview. The Palin family really needs to go far far away and never come back. Their 15 minutes are up.
I just want to see where you stand on these things...while it a comedian's right to say would be okay with someone making a joke about Nicole Simpson's murder (for example)?
Ms Palin gave a fairly measured and calm response on CNN yesterday...she's still a candidate I reckon for 2012![]()
Ms Palin gave a fairly measured and calm response on CNN yesterday...she's still a candidate I reckon for 2012![]()
I can't speak for that individual, but people have been fine with it in the past. Letterman's made jokes about it regularly every time OJ Simpson is in the news.
No. Those are jokes about O.J. not Nicole....two totally different things. O.J. is a's not taboo to joke about him. In fact, it's the opposite.
If someone made a joke about Nicole Simpson and the nature of her murder...I doubt that they could stay on the air.
"O.J. was so distraught over the killings, he kept missing really easy putts."
There's an allusion to Nicole Simpson's murder right there. That joke is of the same degree, if you will, as the Palin joke, that is, both were indirect jokes on the issue.
No sir. That is a reference to O.J. and his misgivings (feigned distress over the murders, missing putts).
That is not making a direct joke about Nicole Simpson, the nature of her death or the motivation behind her killing.
I could give you examples but out of sheer taste I won't.
The word killing indicates the murder itself, as in, Nicole Simpson.
As I said before, it's not an explicit reference, but the allusion in that joke is the exact same in the Palin joke.