Let Me Ask You Anything

Interesting and thanks for jumping in. But then, if an unhappy incident could trigger depression, wouldn't it be true that a higher level of happiness could at least lower the amount of depressive attacks?

Certainly it would lower the amount of incidents where a specific stimuli triggers depression, but so often depression is something that creeps into your brain even without an obvious trigger (or at least it is for me).
Could depression be the same as unhappiness? And if yes, could it be prevented, if not cured, "simply" diminishing the pressure on our kids, redefining the meaning of success and building a less competitive society (in fact, aren't they antonyms?)?

The simple answer is no. I do have some knowledge in this area. My wife is bi-polar, my father suffers from severe depression and I have friends that have some mental disorders from situational depression to schizophrenia. Reducing stress would never hurt anything but, for more severe cases there is a lot more involved.


Torn & Frayed.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
It looks like "ask me anything" is the new trend these days :suicide:
But i'm more interested in asking you, rather than being asked ;)

So, if you dare to be asked anything by me, state it here and i'll make you any questions i want. It goes alone that i'll expect you to answer :D
Very well; bring it.