Ladies, Do You Like Guys That Are Jerks Or Assholes?

Unfortunately, a big yes. I know an asshole who is living in debt, 5 years in college and still in its first, and making girls way above his league fall for him and he treats them like crap.
No ladies willing to answer, I guess.

We know you do but why? Why do you reward guys for bad behavior and encourage more bad behavior? Why push aside a nice guy that wants to treat you right?
Confidence is an attractive trait. Arrogance is often mistaken for confidence. Arrogant guys are assholes. Ergo, some girls are often attracted to assholes.

Also, "nice guys" are often confused for weak or fawning. There is an incredibly fine line between sweet and soppy, and the difference in perception is slight between "being romantic" and "desperate to get into her knickers." Being too nice can be as bad as being overtly sleazy in terms of the creep-o-meter.
"nice guys" are often confused for weak or fawning. There is an incredibly fine line between sweet and soppy, and the difference in perception is slight between "being romantic" and "desperate to get into her knickers." Being too nice can be as bad as being overtly sleazy in terms of the creep-o-meter.

Confidence is an attractive trait. Arrogance is often mistaken for confidence. Arrogant guys are assholes. Ergo, some girls are often attracted to assholes.

Also, "nice guys" are often confused for weak or fawning. There is an incredibly fine line between sweet and soppy, and the difference in perception is slight between "being romantic" and "desperate to get into her knickers." Being too nice can be as bad as being overtly sleazy in terms of the creep-o-meter.

Guys that enslave themselves to women might be annoying. But what about a fella that wants to be decent? Scumbags are losers, not decent fellas.

I wouldn't want to be with a woman that thought so little of herself that it seemed like she enjoyed the abuse. I'm not looking for a piece of livestock to brand my ownership on.
Hell no, I like men who are kind, genuine, sincere and generous. Dating "mysterious assholes" went out in my early twenties


When women are young they like the Bad Boy. They like the sense of mystery and intrigue. They like the excitement and feel "I can tame him." Later when they realize they can't and maybe he has mistreated them, and they get older and their looks start to fade, the Bad Boy is no longer interested in them and NOW they go looking for the good guy..........the one they wouldn't spit on if he was on fire but now they are interested in him because their time clock is ticking louder than Big Ben and unless they get someone soon they will never have the baby/ies they want will die single. NOW, the accountant who goes to work every daya and comes home and provides them with a decent life and won't cheat on them and will be a good father to their kids is appealing.

Women say one thing - then do another. Attractive women care more about the bulge in the back of a guy's pants than the front.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
It's that mothering thing which turns into an "I can change him" mentality. Even the nice guys fall victim to this kind of behavior. They sort out your friends. You play too much golf. Blah, blah, blah, blah. With guys that are more rough around the edges it becomes more of a thrill of the challenge. You don't need to ask the women, the men will tell you the truth.
[B][URL=" said:
Aaliyah Love[/URL][/B], post: 8539931, member: 370968"]Dating "mysterious assholes" went out in my early twenties

ah, but you still did date them, lol. why?
Anyone know how to get the attention of a woman who is attracted to a broke asshole is she has more money and status.
the one they wouldn't spit on if he was on fire but now they are interested in him because their time clock is ticking louder than Big Ben and unless they get someone soon they will never have the baby/ies they want will die single.

Or they already got knocked up and now want the nice guy to help her with her kid/children, financially of course.
Hell no, I like men who are kind, genuine, sincere. Dating "mysterious assholes" went out in my early twenties

Good for you. There 'ya go. I stopped being an asshole in my 20s too.

I would rather lose a foolish woman who wants to be treated badly than attain her through domination. At 46 having a few bucks in my pocket I could do more than play a few games of Yahtzee too. I'd rather be a nice guy hoping I meet a nice lady. One could end up being my wife and the mother of my children. There has to be standards for that.
Maybe what we need is a way of talking with a lady, because as I'm finding out, saying hello and whatever you need can be done and who can make you unhappy isn't getting me anywhere.
Or they already got knocked up and now want the nice guy to help her with her kid/children, financially of course.

I must apologize for leaving this part out, too. TYVM for reminding me of it.

Don't forget all of the crying that goes with it and how helpless they fell.

There is a model I was good friends with (NO - I won't name her here). Very good. I thought she was as beautiful as everyone else did. I got invited to her house several times and many times it was just the 2 of us there. One time she took a shower and had me sitting on her couch watching TV while she showered and when she got out she was wearing a robe and looking really hot. She was single at the time and dating some loser but he was a bigshot in the industry so she dated him thinking it could help her career. It did not. She even got pregnant from the guy and had a kid. That was 10 years ago. Not shockingly they split up and she hates him and the feeling is mutual. She is still single and will probably die that way. She used to be HOT. If I posted her name here I know others would agree and say how lucky I was to be her friend. I lost track of the number of times we spoke and she would cry for hours about how bad he was and how much she hated him. He wasn't a "Bad Boy" but rather just an asshole.

Before she had a kid I wanted to go out with her on a real date and dropped hints but she wanted no part of it. I thought so much of her that if she had asked me to Marry Her I would have.

Now that she is single, has a 10-year-old kid and is past her prime (although still nice to look at) she is looking for someone to date and hopefully Marry. NOW if I asked her out I know she would accept and want to get in a relationship with me but now it is ME who wants no part of a relationship with her. I don't even want to fuck her for fear of getting her pregnant and having to deal with her for the rest of my life and pay her child support for some time.

She wanted Bad Boys and Assholes and she got what she wanted - when she was Young and Hot. Now that she is in her 40s, not as young, not as hot and with a kid - any guy with a pulse will do. She might find someone but every day I wake up and go to bed I am beyond grateful it is not me
I must apologize for leaving this part out, too. TYVM for reminding me of it.

Don't forget all of the crying that goes with it and how helpless they fell.

There is a model I was good friends with (NO - I won't name her here). Very good. I thought she was as beautiful as everyone else did. I got invited to her house several times and many times it was just the 2 of us there. One time she took a shower and had me sitting on her couch watching TV while she showered and when she got out she was wearing a robe and looking really hot. She was single at the time and dating some loser but he was a bigshot in the industry so she dated him thinking it could help her career. It did not. She even got pregnant from the guy and had a kid. That was 10 years ago. Not shockingly they split up and she hates him and the feeling is mutual. She is still single and will probably die that way. She used to be HOT. If I posted her name here I know others would agree and say how lucky I was to be her friend. I lost track of the number of times we spoke and she would cry for hours about how bad he was and how much she hated him. He wasn't a "Bad Boy" but rather just an asshole.

Before she had a kid I wanted to go out with her on a real date and dropped hints but she wanted no part of it. I thought so much of her that if she had asked me to Marry Her I would have.

Now that she is single, has a 10-year-old kid and is past her prime (although still nice to look at) she is looking for someone to date and hopefully Marry. NOW if I asked her out I know she would accept and want to get in a relationship with me but now it is ME who wants no part of a relationship with her. I don't even want to fuck her for fear of getting her pregnant and having to deal with her for the rest of my life and pay her child support for some time.

She wanted Bad Boys and Assholes and she got what she wanted - when she was Young and Hot. Now that she is in her 40s, not as young, not as hot and with a kid - any guy with a pulse will do. She might find someone but every day I wake up and go to bed I am beyond grateful it is not me

Great story. You know the best part? The happy ending.

Aaliyah Love

Official Checked Star Member
ah, but you still did date them, lol. why?

I was young and dumb. I don't think I should be held accountable for any of my stupid decisions from when I was young lol! I learned my lesson and moved on tho.. You men spend too much time trying to figure out WHY a woman does what she does. but most of the time, you don't believe you when we tell you anyways.

Here's an example of something I've encountered on this very board MANY times:
"All pornstars are gold diggers!"
me: "Ive never dated a guy who made more money than me or had anybody but myself pay my bills. I grew up poor and work my ass off to pay my bills. I live in a small apartment in the valley. what?"
forum guys: "yeah right, she's lying!"

LOL.. Seriously, just be yourself and hang around like minded people. If some chick is gna date an asshole, let her. She's too dumb for you anyways.

Also, being NICE is a BARE MINIMUM. You don't get laid just because you're a good person. I always hear guys whine about "why don't chicks like NICE GUYS?!" but.. what do you have to offer.. in terms of personality, passions of yours, things to talk about, etc? Maybe sometimes the "bad guys" get picked over someone who is "nice" because they are intriguing. They have things going on in their lives that are interesting other than being a "nice dude" and a "good listener."

Personally I'm attracted to multi-faceted guys.. Guys who are passionate about SOMETHING, and pursue that passion. Someone who has interests and hobbies and family and friends in their life whom they are social and active with. Someone who's going to have more going on in their life than just a job they hate and... ME. I also like to date people I feel are slightly out of my league. People who I think are smarter than me and have their life figured out a little more than I do. They inspire me and attract me.

Aaliyah Love

Official Checked Star Member
Good for you. There 'ya go. I stopped being an asshole in my 20s too.

I would rather lose a foolish woman who wants to be treated badly than attain her through domination. At 46 having a few bucks in my pocket I could do more than play a few games of Yahtzee too. I'd rather be a nice guy hoping I meet a nice lady. One could end up being my wife and the mother of my children. There has to be standards for that.

Yeah.. isn't everyone an asshole in their teens/early twenties? I know I was, and most of the people I hung out with were, too! LOL! But hopefully you live and learn.. some people do, some don't;)