

Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
why dont you guys stop bashing KoRn and get a fucking life

So tell me how to do a play on words with the name of the band is bashing them? And you tell ME to get a fucking life???

No one is bashing anyone, Brody. Lighten up, dude. Just having some fun.
So tell me how to do a play on words with the name of the band is bashing them? And you tell ME to get a fucking life???

No one is bashing anyone, Brody. Lighten up, dude. Just having some fun.

Agreed. I actually like Korn AND am a BIG fan of Hole, who are of course broken up for awhile now. And I thought it was funny. :dunno:


Actually, by the looks of things, I doubt that the band members speak affectionately of each other to begin with :1orglaugh They're kind of crude dogs, but hey, that's their style. I doubt that we could insult them here.

Aside : Wow ! I haven't been following the band (or any music) much in the last 3 - 4 years . . . Silvera (percussion) split the band too ? ! He had a totally unique sounding set ! Looks like he's opened up a steakhouse of some sort :dunno:
Freak on a Leash is my ringtone at the mo :) If I had to pick an album it would probably be follow the leader.
Actually, by the looks of things, I doubt that the band members speak affectionately of each other to begin with :1orglaugh They're kind of crude dogs, but hey, that's their style. I doubt that we could insult them here.

Aside : Wow ! I haven't been following the band (or any music) much in the last 3 - 4 years . . . Silvera (percussion) split the band too ? ! He had a totally unique sounding set ! Looks like he's opened up a steakhouse of some sort :dunno:

He left the band as well? I don't know about that. To hear that Head came back after "finding Christ" is a little odd however. :dunno: They are about as hardcore a band you will find nowadays. All that other stuff on local metal stations is pussy, IMO.

Freak on a Leash is my ringtone at the mo :) If I had to pick an album it would probably be follow the leader.

Freak on a leash could have been one of the great metal albums. There is some solid stuff on there. It's probably my second favorite after Untouchables. BTW, I have never heard Life is Peachy or the last one they released.