Guys, what about this YouTube clip is so 'douchebaggie'?
It shows a group of soldiers, obviously more than enthusiastic, shooting away with various weaponry, and, as the video shows, not making any major impact on their operative target.
And the cost of ammunition is very high, as you will not deny.
But the problem with the war is: It's goal is supposed to be nelping the countries they are in and bringing democracy and human rights - with personell that first thing they join the army learn one thing:
Do Not Question Authority.
If Your Superior Says Shoot, Shoot.
If, like in the case in the situation in the video mentioned above, you want to kill a group of enemy combattants, it is okay to attack a quarter where civilists live.
If that is your idea of bringing goodwill to another country, I for one say: You are bringing more harm to those countries.
And the war on drugs, which is crucial to eliminate the Taliban / Al Qaida funding, is a total desaster. In fact, production is going through the roof.
So what reason are you burning that gigantic mass of money for, and why let so many of your soldiers die für a useless cause?
It shows a group of soldiers, obviously more than enthusiastic, shooting away with various weaponry, and, as the video shows, not making any major impact on their operative target.
And the cost of ammunition is very high, as you will not deny.
But the problem with the war is: It's goal is supposed to be nelping the countries they are in and bringing democracy and human rights - with personell that first thing they join the army learn one thing:
Do Not Question Authority.
If Your Superior Says Shoot, Shoot.
If, like in the case in the situation in the video mentioned above, you want to kill a group of enemy combattants, it is okay to attack a quarter where civilists live.
If that is your idea of bringing goodwill to another country, I for one say: You are bringing more harm to those countries.
And the war on drugs, which is crucial to eliminate the Taliban / Al Qaida funding, is a total desaster. In fact, production is going through the roof.
So what reason are you burning that gigantic mass of money for, and why let so many of your soldiers die für a useless cause?