Ketchup sandwiches and other things stupid poor people eat

You do realize that nearly every place you named is fast food, low-dining "poor people" food, right? Getting a fucking taco is different than dining on lobster and driving a Mercedez, which is how you made it sound. Government entitlements are bare bones at best, and many, such as SSI, don't even account for food in calculating cost of living. But continue to be brainwashed that poor people are stealing your money and living the good life. Some people abuse the system, yes, that's inevitable. The VAST majority are struggling to live day to day.

That website you linked is about as unbiased and reliable as the shit I took this morning.
So $214 a month, PLUS $142 for every child isn't enough food stamps. You do realize that if your a single mother of 3 you get around $700 a month in stamps not including Cash EBT which would be around $500 a month. What fucking planet you live on? If you can't eat on $700 a month you need to squirt out a few more kids to get even more benefits. What a dumb fuck
Bobobrowne seems to be rather pissed at food stamp abuse being pointed out.
Bobobrowne seems to be rather pissed at food stamp abuse being pointed out.

I know a girl that has 5 kids, gets over $700 in food stamps and almost $800 in cash EBT(welfare) a month. That's not including free subsidized housing and medicade. She sells half of her food stamps every month to buy drugs.

I know this because I'm the one who buys them. I might draw heat for doing so and people might call me part of the problem but if it's wasn't me it would be someone else. I'll be damned if I'm gonna turn down $350 in food stamps for $150 cash. Fuck that
Heinz is better than hunts and helps john kerrys wife out more. this thread is an ad for secy kerrys involvement in ketchup scandal