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Katie Fey - AKA: Jenya D, Shawnee, Vanesa Gojgik, Eugenia Dior, Eugenia Diordiychuk

Re: Katie Fey / Jenya

Yeah there will be. I just moved to a place where Freeones and similar sites arenot accessible, so I'll have to find another way to post. !
Have you moved to China? :tongue: Don't bother translating the PMOY interview in any case. I've painstakingly retyped it:

PLAYBOY: Jenya, you're very much removed. After so many years in the profession do you still remember the very first shot?
EUGENIA: Sure. Tossed with a girl-boy. No femininity.

PLAYBOY: with a crew cut?
EUGENIA: No, my hair was long, but the habits - pretty darling girl, in the general. Chest was already third in size, but I did always tighten, hid. And then looked at the result of filming and thought of herself: "Hey, nice turns."

PLAYBOY: We saw your pictures very much. How much do you think they all you?
EUGENIA: Say it is very difficult, but I think ... more than a million.

PLAYBOY: A Million!
EUGENIA: All sessions, which I did - all published. There was no one filming, which would be somewhere not go, remained "in the table."

PLAYBOY: When the models talk about their work, usually Kids stories are divided into two types. First look tales, in which the model basked in the sun, sipping a cocktail, and doing whatever it pleases, and run around a photographer, film crew and shoot a group, as she is well and pleasantly. Second - pathetic details of the model of heavy work: work for 10 hours at the site, climatic difficulties, exercise, and so on. And your story - what it would be?
EUGENIA: In my story would have been both. The main thing that I am very fond of filming, and for me it is amazing process. But heavy at the same time. You pashesh (?). Process usually lasts 10-11 hours, but it's for the magazine. The magazine all clear. If removed for the Internet, there are several all I ask, there are no concrete statements. Beaten moments when I was just frustrated, even crying - because they understood that everything can not go.

PLAYBOY: Yes? So interesting that may bring you to tears - for all our surveys you behaved in a rack, despite the different and rather complicated situation. At last you take awkward postures, sitting on a hard wicker chair and nothing to no one not say. When did you say something?
EUGENIA: In fact, if photographed for the Internet - I was mistress of the situation. I was doing there what I want. And when to appear in PLAYBOY - there must be silent.

PLAYBOY: Excellent. next time we think about shooting in the snow - even more so wait for it for long. If we talk about a dream that came true, for you Playmate - a title or victory?
EUGENIA: A victory. I withdraw more than 7 years, and all the photographers told me that those who have withdrawn for the Internet, the way to gloss ordered. But four years ago, I said I would be in playboy, and even falling on the cover.

PLAYBOY: Just four years ago you first time and got us on the page. Under the rubric of "sample". What next?
EUGENIA: Next? More - America. I do not know how, but I know that I will.

PLAYBOY: You something to wear the right shoe, that you have all come true? Or believe in the power of thought?
EUGENIA: I believe in the power of thought, my desktop movie - Secret. Include this film and realize that we must try - and all come true.


PLAYBOY: женя, ты очень много снимаешься. после стольких лет в профессии ты все еще помнишь самую первую съемку?
EUGENIA: конечно. било еще девочка-мальчик. никакой женственности.

PLAYBOY: с ежиком?
EUGENIA: нет, волосы у меня были длинные, а вот повадки - пацанка, в обшем. грудь уже была третьего размера, но я ее всегда подтягивала, прятала. а потом посмотрела на результат сьемки и подумала сама о себе: "слушай, симпатичная, оказывается".

PLAYBOY: фотографий твоих мы видели очень много. как ты думаешь, сколько их всего у тебя?
EUGENIA: сказать очень сложно, но я думаю... больше миллиона.

PLAYBOY: миллионерша!
EUGENIA: все сессии, которые я делала - все опубликованы. не было ни одной сьемки, которая бы куда-то не пошла, осталась "в столе".

PLAYBOY: когда модели рассказывают о своей работе, обычно ети истории делятся на два типа. первые выглядят сказками, в которых модель нежится на солнышке, попивая коктейль, и делая все, что ей заблагорассудится, а вокруг бегают фотограф, сьемочная группа и снимают, как ей хорошо и приятно. вторые - жалобные подробности тяжелого модельного труда: работа по 10 часов на площадке, климатические сложности, физические нагрузки и так далее. а твоя история - какая она была бы?
EUGENIA: в моей истории были бы обе. главное, что я очень люблю сьемки, и для меня это потрясающий процесс. но тяжелый вместе с тем. ты пашешь. обычно процесс длится 10-11 часов, но это для журнала. в журнале все четко. если снимаешься для интернета, там все несколько проше, нет конкретных постановок. бивали моменты, когда я просто срывалась, даже плакала - потому что понимала, что все, больше не могу.

PLAYBOY: да? вот интересно, что может довести тебя до слез - на всех наших съемках ты вела себя очень стойка, несмотря на разные и довольно непростые ситуации. на последней ты принимала неудобные позы, сидела на жестком плетеном кресле и нечего некому не говорила. когда же ты что-то говоришь?
EUGENIA: на самом деле если фотографироваться для интернета - я хозяйка положення. я делаю там., что хочу. а когда снимаешься в PLAYBOY - там надо молчаты.

PLAYBOY: отлично. в следующий раз мы подумаем о съемке в снегу - тем более ждать его недолго. если говорить о мечте, которая сбылась, для тебя Playmate - это титул или победа?
EUGENIA: это победа. я снимаюсь уже более 7 лет, и все фотографы говорили мне, что тем, кто снимается для интернета, путь в глянец заказан. но я четыре года назад сказала, что буду в playboy, и даже попаду на обложку

PLAYBOY: как раз четыре года назад ты первый раз и попала к нам на страницы. в рубрику "проба". что дальше?
EUGENIA: дальше? дальше - америка. не знаю, как, но знаю, что будет.

PLAYBOY: ты что-то носишь в правой туфельке, что у тебя все сбывается? или веришь в силу мысли?
EUGENIA: верю в силу мыслию мой настольный фильм - секрет. включаешь этот фильм и понимаешь, что надо стараться - и все сбудется.
Re: Katie Fey / Jenya

Ummm I translated the Facts and Commentary interview today. The whole thing. I know you probably wanted more from the radio interview, but I felt like doing this one today. There's a lot of good stuff in this one. And I couldn't find the radio one on my computer. It'll have to wait for another day....

One of the world's most in-demand erotic models is the "Playmate of the Year" in the Ukrainian edition of Playboy magazine.

In order to be known as the sexiest and most desirable woman in the country, 26 year old Jenya Diordichuk worked for a long time--about four years. During that time, she was one of the most demanded erotic models in the world. Millions of internet users have come to appreciate the beauty of this delicate Ukrainian, with her pert size 4 bust. In Europe and America, dozens of Jenya fan clubs have popped up. The infamous Playboy magazine offered her two photoshoots in one year; for any other girl, one shoot a year is all they can get.

"For me, it was the principle of the thing," Jenya says. "I really wanted to dispel the myth that an Internet girl would never get into Playboy, because the magazine's sheen seems to bring out the worst in models from the Web. I mean, a lot of Ukrainians for some reason think that the Internet only pumps out cheap shit, pornos. All I do is get naked, that's it. In Europe and America it's totally different: there, I'm a star, and when I go there, I get dozens of people who come to meet me. They take pictures, they ask for autographs. There are about seven million links to my photos on the internet!

"But the second reason why I wanted to get into Playboy was to prove to a certain boy that I'm not worse than--and actually much better than--a lot of other beautiful women. Once, when I was about 18, my boyfriend and I were walking around Odessa. And in one of the kiosk windows we saw a copy of Playboy. On the cover was a beautiful, busty blonde girl. Then my boyfriend looked at her and said, 'What an awesome girl. Why can't you be like that?' I remember how awful it felt. I answered 'I don't know when, but I will be on the cover of Playboy. I'll show you!' Of course, when I started shooting nude, he got mad, and once actually threw down an ultimatum: either me, or your work."

So you chose the work, and you broke up?

"We did break up, but not because of that. We were passionately in love, almost to the point of being unhealthy. When we met in a night club, it turned out that me and Sergei were born on the same day, only his birthday was 13 years before mine. But at that time I was dating another guy. After contemplating it for a long time, I bought a train ticket and went to my hometown Druzhkova (Donetsk region of Ukraine) to break the news: I had found a new love. Then in the middle of the night, I hear some sound, some screams in the train car. Suddenly the door to my compartment opens up, and in the doorway stands Sergei... with a pistol in his hand! As it turns out, he left Kiev in his car to catch up to my train and see me. His friends were telling him on his cell phone the places and arrival times of where the train would stop, but Sergei had been late a few times... It was six hundred miles out of Kiev that he finally reached the train! He flew into the car, and they, of course, didn't let him in. Then Sergei pulled out his pistol, started waving it, and yelled, 'Let me in! My beloved girl is in there--I must see her!' He asked me to leave the train and return with him; he was afraid that the guy who I had planned on breaking up with would try to keep me there. I said no. Then Sergei decided to go with me, but I talked him out of it--I wanted to talk to my other friend in peace and with no one else there.

Have you been disappointed in love?

"For three and a half years after I broke up with Sergei, I didn't have a serious relationship. Even up until now, actually. I can't trust a man. I mean, when he looks you in the eye and tells you that he can't live without you, and you honestly believe him, and then it turns out that some other girl is nursing one of his babies... what can I say? It hurts. I also really wanted to start a family, to have a baby. But instead, I jumped headfirst into my work."

Do you remember your first photoshoot?

"I was 18. I was hanging out with a guy, and right there on the street a photographer and his assistant came up to us and offered to do a photoshoot. We agreed that I would be photographed with my clothes on, and that the photographer would teach me how to carry myself in front of the camera, to pose properly. He, by the way, truly did teach me a lot. But every now and then, naturally, it would start: show your left shoulder, show your right shoulder (she smiles). I exposed my chest almost immediately. The photographer assured me that he was shooting for a Japanese agency. But soon enough, I got calls from my friends, telling me that they had seen my revealing photos on the internet. I was mortified, I became depressed. The photographer hadn't told me anything--he just went and without asking sold my prints to people who make adult websites. After six months, I realized that there was no way I could change the situation, which meant that I had to change the way that I was going to deal with it. I noticed that I didn't look half bad in the roll, and I decided why not? I also understood that on the Web, where there are no producers, there is a sort of 'natural selection': either you become popular, or you don't.

"I got totally naked about two years after my first shoot. I had seen the work of one photographer on the Internet--his pictures were erotic, fashionable, slightly macho, but not vulgar. They excited me, and I agreed. I don't regret it. To this day, I've had about 500 photoshoots, and most of them were for the internet."

Does that pay well?

"On average a model can earn about $4-5k a month. Here it all depends on how well known you are. They might pay you $200 for a shoot, or they might pay you $10,000. Not long ago I participated in a Spanish project where I was shot fully clothed for a book about Greece, and for two days of shooting I got $20,000. For the internet I only work with one photographer. He and I are friends, so it's easier to negotiate the price. Photographers are very jealous about their models, they don't want to share them with their competitors. We have an oral agreement that I will be faithful to him."

Is it usual to have an intimate relationship with a photographer?

"It's exaggerated. I can't imagine how you could work with someone you sleep with. In order to achieve the proper feel, sometimes during a shoot I imagine that there's a hot guy standing in front of me. But in that case, I'm seducing the camera lens, not the photographer."

Do you have a sense of your power over men?

"I have a sense of my popularity. Admirers from various countries write hundreds of letters every day. And it's interesting that there are a lot of women among my fans. I feel their energy, and it gives me the power to be indifferent to those who spit venom, who curse me, who don't understand and don't approve. I used to get nasty letters from, for example, different religious people. Come to your senses, or you're going to burn in hell. Now there are different threats, like 'I'll make it so you no longer want to live.' That's not a very peaceful way to be. That's why I deleted my Odnoklassniki.ru page. Although, it was through that site that Nikita Nagibin from Playboy Russia found me. At first my pictures came out there, then they noticed me in Ukraine."

Do any well-off guys try to buy your love?

"I'll talk about one experience. It happened four years ago around New Year's. At that time I was only shooting for the Web under a pseudonym, so it was hard to find me. But, through the various agencies, photographers, and people in this community a respectable looking woman finds me and makes me a proposition: there is a famous director in Moscow who is making a TV show, and he wants me to play the lead role. She even showed me scripts.

"I was dreaming of the cinema then! So we fly into Moscow, and were met by a first-class Mercedes. I sat in the car and thought, this Russian filmmaker must live very well if they pick up me, so young and unexperienced, like this. They took me to one of the most expensive hotels. A room fit for a king, marble floors... Once again I'm amazed. This guy must be loaded! The next day they take me to the studio where I met the famous director and the actors. I don't remember their names, but I had seen all of them on TV. I was so happy, I was in heaven!

"The director gave me advice on how to behave on camera, how to play the role. After spending the whole day in the studio, I was starving, which I told to the lady who had accompanied me. It turns out that she was waiting for just that and took me right then to a restaurant. I go in--and there's only four tables, like in a wine-cellar. My escort gets a call, and she excuses herself. "I need to leave, in the meantime, you order something, whatever you want. I'll be back in a half hour.

"While they took my order, I headed to the bathroom, and when I came back, a stranger was sitting at my table. On his sleeves were massive shiny cuff links. On the table before him were three different Vertu phones. He was insanely expensively dressed and was showing it. It turns out he was a famous oligarch. He had fallen in love with me after seeing my photo on the Web, and saw fit to search me out. The guy immediately got to the point: gather your things and move to Moscow. Completely cold, business-like, with no subtlety or sentiment he offered me a contract for a 3-4 year relationship. He offered me a nice house in Rublyovka, a personal chauffeur and any car of my choice, complete security and a sum of a million dollars! For all this, I was to be faithful to him. If I changed, he would take everything away.

"At first I started laughing while listening to him, and when he finished, I categorically refused. I rushed to the train station, jumped on the train, and went to my boyfriend who I loved very much.

You didn't regret later a missed opportunity?

"Absolutely not. I've seen a lot of different models and I can say that it's much harder to 'pick up' those who photograph nude than other girls with diamonds and a nice car. A man's job doesn't say anything about his personality or his principles."

What do your parents think about your profession? You probably have a very liberal family.

"My mom is very strict, she's a banker. My dad was the deputy mayor of Druzhkovka, where I'm from. My dad just gave me the right to choose my future profession, and my mom never preached."

I've seen your photos, and I can't figure out--what kind of character are you? A vampire? A romantic?

"I play for the camera, though I don't like the characters from the sex shops. All that French maid, Snow White stuff makes me laugh. I shoot in more general terms.

"In real life, I'm closest to the heroine of the play 'The Taming of the Shrew' because even my lovers I scrutinize, I provoke, I can play pranks, all just to get a reaction out of a man. I myself am restless, but I like peaceful guys so I can have peace in my soul. I'm done with crazy guys...."

What are you like in bed?

"I'm not greedy for men. Very rarely will I really really want somebody. But if I do want him, then I'm not shy--I take hold of him. I experiment, I've had sex in extreme places, even in public ones. I love to initiate, to know that the situation is in my control. If I like a guy, but I can see that he's shy, I might say straight-up, 'I want you.' But that's only happened three times in my life."

What do you value the most in sex?

"The times when you are burning with love for somebody and you don't say that to him, but he can feel it. You don't need to do backflips and cartwheels in bed, you can just tie yourselves in a knot and you want to cry out of happiness. And there's no desire to hold him captive--you just enjoy the here and now. I felt that not long ago. It's only with age and experience that I've begun to value times like that. When you don't like him, you start with the games and the machinery [not sure what that means]. But for some reason after the second time you don't want him anymore...."

Who do you see yourself being in the future?

"The female Hugh Hefner. I will photograph nude women myself. I'm fine with the naked body, I have artistic taste--I have a degree in fashion design. Erotic photography is my thing, and nothing interests me more."
Re: Katie Fey / Jenya

Ummm I translated the Facts and Commentary interview today. The whole thing. I know you probably wanted more from the radio interview, but I felt like doing this one today. There's a lot of good stuff in this one. And I couldn't find the radio one on my computer. It'll have to wait for another day....

As always, great work.
Your translation of the interview has more sense than the Googled one at ED.Com.
Thanx Aloe :thumbsup: