Re: Jessica Simpson (PICS)

I Met her in Person & I Been @ her concerts & when I Was @ her Concert last Year, she Blew Me a Kiss. :)
Re: Jessica Simpson (PICS)

jessica is damn hot. and i think the ditzy she shows is all an act...she got alot out of her show with nick and alot had to do with her acting the way she did..


Re: Jessica Simpson (PICS)

QBall1970 said:
* SIGH *

Jesus... always one in the bunch to post something fucking exceedingly ignorant.

NO.. there are no nude picture of Jessica Simpson.

Do you live under a rock or something? Do you live in the here and now... y'know - in REALITY?

LOL, qball at his best!

well at least he finally stopped captializing every word he types! :rofl: :dunno:
Re: Jessica Simpson (PICS)

dig_dick said:
she looks hot dont u have any nude pic of her lol
I Don't think Jessica has done any Nude pics yet, couse she is Married, but she's is on the way to Divorce now. :) :thumbsup:


Re: Jessica Simpson (PICS)

She is hot, no doubt......but........

She looks (imo) like she is losing way to much weight. Her face looks drawn in those pix - and you know once the fat goes from the face it will leave other parts too.... Those magnificent breasts and nice ass could be next... EAT!
Re: Jessica Simpson (PICS)

BNF said:
She is hot, no doubt......but........

She looks (imo) like she is losing way to much weight. Her face looks drawn in those pix - and you know once the fat goes from the face it will leave other parts too.... Those magnificent breasts and nice ass could be next... EAT!

LOL I agree. I've seen a bunch of her pics from Dukes of Hazzard, and she looks really thin in them.
Re: Jessica Simpson (PICS)

She's hot and she looks good in those pics... but I have 21-inch monitor, and when the page loaded and I scrolled down a bit, the size of the pic kind of frightened me. :)
Jessica Simpson offered $$$ to pose for playboy

i honestly cannot remember how much, i saw it on TV today. it was either 10 thousand, 100,000 or 10 million i cant remember.

regardless i hope she does it and shows herself to the world as she has a tremendous body