Holy shit, if you ever had a grip on your sanity, it's long gone now!
So, it's liberals fault another trumpaloompa turned out to be a liar? Seems like you were all about "keeping their feet to the fire" when it was republicans making up bullshit about democrats in power, but now that the real failures and corruption are being exposed in drumpfs white house you've got your panties in a bunch because everyone's not just looking the other way. How is Obama responsible for your idiot sessions perjuring himself?
There's still a lot more to this Russia thing that is yet to come out. You're going to be getting angry more and more, because while your people are doing the casual whistle and looking the other way, real Americans want answers, and they're going to keep pushing until they get them.
It's not because he's bored, he's exhausted from the constant contortionist act he's had to put on since November. He thought that when his grand exalted messiah took over the white house all those pesky facts would go away and his gods would be free to lie and cheat with impunity. It's not working out like that and now he's triggered as a motherfucker.