I've never watched a sports game in my entire life

Nor have I ever bought a ticket or sports clothing merchandise. Therefor, am I justified in feeling that sports figures get paid way too much? I work with developmentally disabled individuals and I get paid shit. :mad:

And yes, this is jealousy speaking.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Unfortunately the market for the best athlete in each sport is way above what they are really worth of course; but when the owner figures all the extra attendance by fanatics of certain players/athletes; all the endorsement deals; the merchandise they create (the athlete); and if their the top of the line players/athletes that could bring your franchise enormous success in terms of championships and TV contracts..

these owners that pay the athlete's are actually out bidding their rival owners in who's willing to pay the most for trophy player/athlete.. and the athlete's spend allot of their life training and preparing to make that sport their ocupation; do you feel the same way about TV; movie celebrities; or recording artists?? they make ridiculous amounts of money for acting or singing.. I think most people are jealous of all these people but we can't blame them for making what we make in a year in 1 day to a couple of hours or minutes.. of course its not fair; but thats life.. :dunno::hatsoff:
Um... you can feel like sports people get paid too much no matter how involved in sports you've ever been. :dunno:

But paying them isn't up to you- it's the team owner, and the market sort of sets the price on how much they get paid. It's not like a baseball or football player gets their salary from taxpayers, so why worry?

Unfortunately the market for the best athlete in each sport is way above what they are really worth of course; but when the owner figures all the extra attendance by fanatics of certain players/athletes; all the endorsement deals; the merchandise they create (the athlete); and if their the top of the line players/athletes that could bring your franchise enormous success in terms of championships and TV contracts..

these owners that pay the athlete's are actually out bidding their rival owners in who's willing to pay the most for trophy player/athlete.. and the athlete's spend allot of their life training and preparing to make that sport their ocupation; do you feel the same way about TV; movie celebrities; or recording artists?? they make ridiculous amounts of money for acting or singing.. I think most people are jealous of all these people but we can't blame them for making what we make in a year in 1 day to a couple of hours or minutes.. of course its not fair; but thats life.. :dunno::hatsoff:

Yeah, I feel the same way about singers and actors, but I purchase CD's and DVD's, so it's be kinda hypocritical for me to hate on them while I continue to contribute to their paychecks.

dick van cock

Closed Account
If there was a TV audience for your line of work you'd get paid accordingly. As hedonis said, the market sets the prize.

Sports stars are part of the entertainment industry. There is as much use complaining about their wealth as about the riches of pop musicians or Hollywood actors.


what the fuck you lookin at?
am I justified in feeling that sports figures get paid way too much?

You don't need to be justified in feeling this way since its a fact that they get paid way to fuckin much! This has always been a major bitch of mine as well. I actually get physically ill if I think about it to long.
It's all about supply and demand. There are very few people that can perform at the level of these athletes. They are the very best of the best. So the supply is low. Meanwhile the demand to see them perform is very very high. You may not be into sports, but tons of people are, and through their purchases, they fund the high salaries.
Unlike other products that people need entertainment isn't necessary to live. Therefore you have to blame the people that keep watching and supporting it. If you don't like them your only option is to try and get them to stop, or at least spend less money on viewing sports.
I disagree about the supply and demand.

people may watch sports because of the talented athletes, but they would still watch sports regardless because people like sports.

think about youth sports, like little league or high school games. Most of these players are not very talented and will never be professional athletes, but people watch them very enthusiastically because people enjoy the event, and even moreso they enjoy the group association. everyone knows that it is not just the team that wins, but it's the fans as well that get a share in the victory when their supported team wins or their supported player scores, and that is the true appeal of watching sports.
I disagree about the supply and demand.

people may watch sports because of the talented athletes, but they would still watch sports regardless because people like sports.

think about youth sports, like little league or high school games. Most of these players are not very talented and will never be professional athletes, but people watch them very enthusiastically because people enjoy the event, and even moreso they enjoy the group association. everyone knows that it is not just the team that wins, but it's the fans as well that get a share in the victory when their supported team wins or their supported player scores, and that is the true appeal of watching sports.

You know, that is a very good point. People would still watch sports regardless of the talent of the athletes. However, since there is nothing to prevent the hierarchy of levels of the sport that exists, there will always be a "premier" league that represents the highest level of competition. And even if watching this "premier" league competition is only a little more entertaining than watching lesser levels, people will still pay top dollar for it if they can afford it.

I can honestly say I enjoy going to a minor league baseball game just about the same as an MLB game, but not everyone feels the same as me. Plus, when it comes to watching on TV, I enjoy watching the best of the best in the MLB much better than say, the Little League World Series. It is not just the level of talent, but the vast informational resources that make it easy to follow the game. Not to mention how many fans, including myself, look up to the talents of the professionals and marvel over their skill. We admire them in a way that we would be unlikely to admire a novice.
never watched a sports game? u poor poor child...
Nor have I ever bought a ticket or sports clothing merchandise. Therefor, am I justified in feeling that sports figures get paid way too much? I work with developmentally disabled individuals and I get paid shit. :mad:

And yes, this is jealousy speaking.

No, you're not.

Are you saying that if athetes were dirt poor, you'd watch?
Nor have I ever bought a ticket or sports clothing merchandise. Therefor, am I justified in feeling that sports figures get paid way too much? I work with developmentally disabled individuals and I get paid shit. :mad:

And yes, this is jealousy speaking.

I think you're more than justified to think that sports figures get paid way too much. Unfortunately, as several people have already mentioned, as long as there are people willing to pay money to watch some turkey showboat his way to a championship team owners will continue to pay them top dollar to do what is in reality something that is absolutely useless. You can tell a lot about a society and what its priorities are when people who play a game get paid hundreds of millions of dollars for throwing and catching a ball, while teachers and other people who contribute to the whole of society have to take a second job just to be able to pay their rent.

You know, that is a very good point. People would still watch sports regardless of the talent of the athletes. However, since there is nothing to prevent the hierarchy of levels of the sport that exists, there will always be a "premier" league that represents the highest level of competition. And even if watching this "premier" league competition is only a little more entertaining than watching lesser levels, people will still pay top dollar for it if they can afford it.

I can honestly say I enjoy going to a minor league baseball game just about the same as an MLB game, but not everyone feels the same as me. Plus, when it comes to watching on TV, I enjoy watching the best of the best in the MLB much better than say, the Little League World Series. It is not just the level of talent, but the vast informational resources that make it easy to follow the game. Not to mention how many fans, including myself, look up to the talents of the professionals and marvel over their skill. We admire them in a way that we would be unlikely to admire a novice.

I agree and I disagree. I agree that there will always be a premier league that represents the highest level of competition, and that people will always pay to watch competitions at this level. What I disagree with is the fact that the premier level is where the best games are. I use the NFL as a point of reference. Sure, I love watching my Dolphins play, but I don't think that the players are always playing their hearts out. Sometimes players will "accidentally" drop a pass or miss a tackle if their contract is about to expire, or if they don't get the exorbitant amount of money they are requesting. I think that the best competition, footballwise, is at the college level. In college the athletes aren't doing it because they're trying to renew a contract or get an endorsement from Nike. In college the players play their hearts out for the pride of their school, and for the honor of winning. Yeah, once they leave college and go to the NFL the joy of competing becomes a pursuit of money, but that doesn't usually happen until after college.
Supply and demand, what the market will bear, etc. etc.......all valid points. However, I will add this in response to the OP. No offense to you at all, but there are a "million" of people out there who do your job. There is one Jeter. There is one A Rod. There is one Holiday. So yeah, while teachers, firemen, police, etc. may not get paid enough, and I do agree with that, I am so tired of hearing people complain about what sports figures in this country get paid. The are under immense pressure to perform in front of thousands and thousands of people every single day, and there are only a handful of them out there. The cream of the crop sometimes don't make the cut. So no, I don't blame them at all for the crazy money they make.

I only wish that I could have hit the damn curveball.
Last weekend, there was a very spectacular event called Free Kick Masters. I love that. Dude, official jerseys are quite expensive but you can wear the colours of your team together and that seemed like a jersey. I'm quite a Barça fan and i have an official jersey (i loved the design of it a lot) too but i can wear red t-shirt and blue shorts together. See! No need to pay for the jersey.
Don't miss Beijing 08. Athletics (track & field) games will be great.
So yeah, while teachers, firemen, police, etc. may not get paid enough, and I do agree with that, I am so tired of hearing people complain about what sports figures in this country get paid. The are under immense pressure to perform in front of thousands and thousands of people every single day, and there are only a handful of them out there.

I guess it depends on how a person defines pressure :dunno:

If Andruw Jones keeps hitting .155 he'll still collect his $18 million.

If a fireman, policeman, nurse, surgeon, etc fucks up people may die.
To me that's real pressure.