It's nearly Saturday night!!!


Is somewhere outhere.
Well folks,

The time is here where some or even most of us go out on the lash. :nanner:

So what are you folks got planned for tonight???

Ive got a flight to Italy - To be at the airport for half 5 sunday morning :( So there's plenty of drinking time for me.Think i'll turn it into an all-nighter :glugglug: :1orglaugh

So whatever you are all up to - have a good one ;)
Ever since I've been with Becks, we operate more like a married couple. We don't go out Friday or Saturday night, more often we go out on weeknights. Plus Becks always has to work weekends so it kind of screws the schedule up.

As for you, Mr. Tartanterrier, try not to go too crazy or else you will regret it in the morning! Also, have fun and have a safe trip!


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I went out three nights in a row, I'm taking this one easy. Probably just watch a movie, play some games and watch porn until I fall asleep.
I work Saturday nights. How boring.

If I didn't work second shift, I'd work first, which is almost as bad, since I'd have to wake up before sunrise. :mad:
Play Mass Effect, watch the Michael Clayton movie and go to bed.
Try to get caught up on all the work I've missed for my cultural anthropology class.
was supposed to get a bj,
but she fell asleep on the couch during
the hockey game,tomorrow morninng maybe
Yeah' I'm goin out with my friends for a drinking spree. Then meeting some chicks.. Am i a lucky guy?;