It takes analysis to show that tea party is concerned about big gov't and not race.

Emily Ekins, a graduate student at UCLA, conducted the survey at the 9/12 Taxpayer March on Washington last month by scouring the crowd, row by row and hour by hour, and taking a picture of every sign she passed.

Ekins photographed about 250 signs, and more than half of those she saw reflected a "limited government ethos," she found - touching on such topics as the role of government, liberty, taxes, spending, deficit and concern about socialism. Examples ranged from the simple message "$top the $pending" scrawled in black-marker block letters to more elaborate drawings of bar charts, stop signs and one poster with the slogan "Socialism is Legal Theft" and a stick-figure socialist pointing a gun at the head of a taxpayer.

There were uglier messages, too - including "Obama Bin Lyin' - Impeach Now" and "Somewhere in Kenya a Village is Missing its Idiot." But Ekins's analysis showed that only about a quarter of all signs reflected direct anger with Obama. Only 5 percent of the total mentioned the president's race or religion, and slightly more than 1 percent questioned his American citizenship.

Ekins's conclusion is not that the racially charged messages are unimportant but that media coverage of tea party rallies over the past year have focused so heavily on the more controversial signs that it has contributed to the perception that such content dominates the tea party movement more than it actually does.

"Really this is an issue of salience," Ekins said. "Just because a couple of percentage points of signs have those messages doesn't mean the other people don't share those views, but it doesn't mean they do, either. But when 25 percent of the coverage is devoted to those signs, it suggests that this is the issue that 25 percent of people think is so important that they're going to put it on a sign, when it's actually only a couple of people."

Ekins spent the summer researching the tea party movement and also as an intern at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank in Washington. The survey was for her UCLA graduate studies.

The march attracted thousands of protesters to the Mall on Sept. 12, a repeat of an event one year earlier that became an emblem of the growing anger among conservative voters with the Obama Administration and such big-ticket initiatives as the stimulus package and the push to overhaul the health-care system. This year's event did not attract nearly as large a crowd as 2009, in part because it came just two weeks after Glenn Beck's successful "Restoring Honor" rally at the Lincoln Memorial, which attracted some participants with similar concerns.

But the 9/12 event, which was produced by national tea party organizer FreedomWorks, was a more overtly political event than Beck's. Organizers encouraged marchers to bring signs and express their dismay with government spending - and their intent to vote accordingly on Nov. 2.

Adam Brandon, a spokesman for FreedomWorks, said his organization did not instruct protesters to limit their messages to fiscal slogans, but he did patrol the crowd and threw out a few protesters carrying signs depicting Obama as Adolf Hitler.

Of course, have to keep in mind, democrats have been known to crash tea party rallies to try and smear them before.
Re: It takes analysis to show that tea party is concerned about big gov't and not rac

Re: It takes analysis to show that tea party is concerned about big gov't and not rac

Just look at any tea party get together and the racial make up of the participants.It's like you walked into an all white country club.Thats the hurdle they have,blacks and other minorities know exactly what they are about,signs or not.


Re: It takes analysis to show that tea party is concerned about big gov't and not rac


Look everybody, it's HELLRAISER himself posing as a ''true conservative''. :facepalm: See why he got his provocative ass kicked out of the event +4:18 mins.

Yep! and that's your typical garden variety shit disturber/agent provocateur posing as a member of the libertarian party. Special thanks go out to HELLRAISER for his remarkable presentation .. . where is he? HELLRAISER, could you please stand up and accept the thanks and praise from the audience.. . .
What was that sir?, you say he's in the ''Free Speech Area"? :clown: :D


Re: It takes analysis to show that tea party is concerned about big gov't and not rac

the (token) black people who speak at these tea party circle jerks make themselves look so fucking stupid

the only reason they're welcomed into the fold is because they tell white people what they want to hear about black people- welfare won't fix their problems, they need to assume personal responsibility boring boring blah blah go suck a bag of dicks


Re: It takes analysis to show that tea party is concerned about big gov't and not rac

Just look at any tea party get together and the racial make up of the participants.It's like you walked into an all white country club.Thats the hurdle they have,blacks and other minorities know exactly what they are about,signs or not.

What about the racial make up ''La Raza'' (The Race) for instance, I suppose that bothers you as well? :1orglaugh
No, it doesn't bother you because you're both neo communist revolutionaries.
It's about politics, NOT race! :rolleyes:


Hiliary 2020
Re: It takes analysis to show that tea party is concerned about big gov't and not rac

the (token) black people who speak at these tea party circle jerks make themselves look so fucking stupid

the only reason they're welcomed into the fold is because they tell white people what they want to hear about black people- welfare won't fix their problems, they need to assume personal responsibility boring boring blah blah go suck a bag of dicks

and thats wrong?

but welfare is right i guess?

typical mentality of the closet racist.

here you go darky, here's some lifelong financial support because youre just too stupid to make it without us good hearted white folks helpin ya out.

I guess Bill Cosby is a token too.

The Oprah don't like it, no way , no how.....sure enough.

the media will do all they can to hurt the teaparty people because the media is part of the monster that just keeps growing and growing and needs more and more money to sustain it.

fuck it, youre all doomed.
Re: It takes analysis to show that tea party is concerned about big gov't and not rac

The token black people? Wow. Way to show that tolerance.

If you're black and not with us you're a token black person. :rolleyes:


Re: It takes analysis to show that tea party is concerned about big gov't and not rac

Lynn Swann speaks . . . Please Listen! I dare you! :D

Re: It takes analysis to show that tea party is concerned about big gov't and not rac

Lynn Swann speaks . . . Please Listen! I dare you! :D


Lynn Swann? The same Pussy-Ass wide receiver for the Steelers in the 70s?

Lemme get this straight: You were trying to prove that the only blacks in the republican party aren't token blacks by pulling Lynn Swann out of the bag? Seriously!? This guy is corny as hell. He is a worse dork than Bobby Jindal.:facepalm:
Re: It takes analysis to show that tea party is concerned about big gov't and not rac

Highly Flawed study.

How can she come to the conclusion that racial animus isn't more involved in the tea party's opposition to the president when she only went to one rally?

In a study that would be considered one data point and thus it wouldn't be considered sufficient enough data to allow one to come to a valid conclusion on the matter.

And also, the graduate student's political identity as a Libertarian should be taken into consideration as well.
Re: It takes analysis to show that tea party is concerned about big gov't and not rac

What about the racial make up ''La Raza'' (The Race) for instance, I suppose that bothers you as well? :1orglaugh
No, it doesn't bother you because you're both neo communist revolutionaries.
It's about politics, NOT race! :rolleyes:

Thats comparing apples to oranges.La Raza makes no bones about they are speaking for hispanics while the tea party tries to make out they are not just speaking for one group.Also La Raza is not seen as a significant political force that is trying to vie for rule in the US like the tea party is.

When you hear things from the tea party types like "take our country back" we know exactly what they mean.Back from those minorities is what they mean and that means they would like the overwhelming white supremecy we saw 50 years ago.They of course have no chance of that but are still a danger and hindrence to progress all the same.
Re: It takes analysis to show that tea party is concerned about big gov't and not rac

Take our country back from big government and their out of control spending. Where the hell does the left come up with this stuff? And why is always about race and something completely out in left field when it comes to their arguments with no real substance? As much as the media stays on Tea Party you'd think there would be something with real concrete evidence that shows the WHOLE group are nothing but 1930s KKK reincarnate. Yet there is nothing. Because there is nothing to be said. Because you know if there was it would have been blasted non stop on ALL the news channels instead of obscured sources that no one knows about except for the desperate democrats/liberals looking for anyone who supports their wild accusations.

Go show up to a tea party and see just how bad it is for yourself.
Re: It takes analysis to show that tea party is concerned about big gov't and not rac

YEAH!!! Let's just make sure our outrage is when Obama is in office and not worry about the indignation of spending when Bush (or any other GOPer) is n office!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: It takes analysis to show that tea party is concerned about big gov't and not rac

They are against republican spenders just as much as democrats. It's just the idiot republicans lost both senate and congress back in '08 because of their massive spending and idiocy, and it has been democrats in since, following the welcoming of Obama and his administration into the fold it all further went downhill.

We are in a continuous loop of idiots in house and presidency. Need to clean house. Get rid of big government, outrageous spending, and high taxes.
Re: It takes analysis to show that tea party is concerned about big gov't and not rac

The idea that it's about race is bs. Typical leftist garbage. They trot out a few people holding an offensive sign and say the entire Tea Party is a racist. Yeah riiiiight.

I have no doubt that some of the people with racial signs are actually leftists posing as Tea Party members.
Re: It takes analysis to show that tea party is concerned about big gov't and not rac

Really, it just takes lots and lots of Kool-Aid.