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Israeli Attacks Gaza Strip, Killing 200+


I will ignore your insult and instead ask you if you care to answer my question?

Is the Israeli scholar I talked about also an anti semite or just me because I'm not Jewish?

Edit: This is what I should have said in my earlier post, Oh please, at this point in time anti-semitism is the single biggest bullshit excuse ever!

(Yeah, the scholar is an anti-semite. How hard is that to understand?)

Excuse for what?
Anti semitism is what it is...no Jews lining up for affirmative action handouts, no Jews boycotting TV commentators for things said; in all my life I have never heard anyone castigate a Roman Catholic for killing Christ, yet I have heard many "Christ Killer" comments directed at Jews. Is that anti semitism?
Once again, I ask you...an excuse for what?
I disaprove with Israel on many things. Like i can disaprove with USA, Canada, France, Germany, Finland, Russia, etc

The war between arabs and jews just show that jewish people can be as bad as anyone when they are in power.

Does it makes me an anti-semit?

:2 cents:


Hiliary 2020
I'll back you up on that dawn, I'm not a big isreal fan. It seems they do alot of killing of civillians also.
I never really did understand why the US backs them as they do.

But I am ignorant to the history to a great extent so I don't have a real opinion on the situation there.

I ask, were they displaced? Or did they just leave?
And when, how many years ago was that?
Whether by hate or ignorance you are blind.

You and people like you are the ones who enable the Israeli to retaliate in tenfold and plummit an entire state into poverty and hunger and until the world stops treating them like a special case because of what happened in WWII things will never change.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the palestinians are right but this has been going on for decades because the world has also made it possible for it to continue because like it or nor, not one country has the balls to tell the Israeli to stop hiding behind WWII. If they do their instantly labeled as an anti-semitic terrorist state.

And FYI, I'm half Jewish myself. My father, grandmother and great grandmother are/were all Jewish so I have an insight into the matter wich you don't have. My grandmother is also a concentrationcamp survivor and despite all she's been through she feels the same way. So if I'm an anti-semitic person she's an anti-semitic concentrationcamp survivor.
I srael has the right to respond to any attack coming from Hamaz;however, it should be done carefully in other to minimise civilian casualities. Obama would have his hands full when it gets into office.
Israel has a right to exist and a right to defend herself.

Hamas commits acts of aggression against Israel on almost a daily basis then hides in schools, neighborhoods and hospitals. They use civilians including children as shields to use in a PR ploy after Israel strikes back.

Hamas has been lobbing missiles into Israel. Would you put up with it or would you retaliate?

Israel even sent cell phone messages into Gaza prior to the air strikes warning civilians to leave their homes if weapons are stored there.
Israel has a right to exist and a right to defend herself.

So does Palestine, according to them.

Hamas commits acts of aggression against Israel on almost a daily basis then hides in schools, neighborhoods and hospitals. They use civilians including children as shields to use in a PR ploy after Israel strikes back.

You just admitted that Israel bombs schools, neighborhoods and hospitals to get to Hamas. So how exactly is that misleading to say that they are hitting civilian targets? that's the truth.

Israel even sent cell phone messages into Gaza prior to the air strikes warning civilians to leave their homes if weapons are stored there.

Why would civilians have weapons in their homes? and if they did, wouldn't they take them with them when they left? Wouldn't they especially do that if they were members of militant groups that were being targeted by Israeli forces? So why would Israel warn them before attacking, that makes no strategic sense. Furthermore, why would people stay in their homes if they were told they were about to be bombed? it doesn't add up.

Hamas has been lobbing missiles into Israel. Would you put up with it or would you retaliate?

I would investigate and punish the people responsible for it. That's how justice is served. I wouldn't attack indiscriminately.
Way to go Philbert! :thumbsup:

The daily launching of rockets into Israel barely makes the news ... but after putting up of weeks of Palestinians breaking the cease-fire agreement, Israel's retaliation has been front page for days.

If that was happening to us, we'd invade the offending country with 95% public support!

And don't you just love the Palestinians and other wacko Muslims? They use schools, Mosques and other sensitive locations to build, store and launch their weapons. When someone (US or Israel) retaliates, they claim we are attaking these sensitive sites out of pure, religious hatred. :nono:

The Palestinians are essentially animals. Don't believe me? See what an uncontrolled riot Yassar Arafat's funeral turned out to be:


Israel gave the Gaza Strip back to these monsters as a way of appeasing them. But then again, we know appeasement never works. It just invites agression ... and we've been seeing that play out in the last few weeks. Instead of working to give themselves a better future, they are committed to hatred and killing of Jews.

I am a non-practicing Catholic, and I support Israel on 100% secular grounds. They are fighting the same kind of nuts we are in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Palestinians are essentially animals. Don't believe me? See what an uncontrolled riot Yassar Arafat's funeral turned out to be:


Israel gave the Gaza Strip back to these monsters as a way of appeasing them. But then again, we know appeasement never works. It just invites agression ... and we've been seeing that play out in the last few weeks. Instead of working to give themselves a better future, they are committed to hatred and killing of Jews.

I have nothing against people taking side or having bias... but what do we have to understand by The Palestinians are essentially animals? What are we supposed to understand when you compare the funerals of the leader of the richest nation on Earth to one of the poorest one on Earth?

I'm not standing with either side in that conflict. Everything that have been decided following WW2 by the forming UN was a mistake:

Concerned that partition would severely damage Anglo-Arab/Muslim relations, Britain refused to cooperate with the UN, denying the UN access to Palestine during the interim period (a requirement of the partition decision). Final evacuation was completed by May 1948. Britain continued to hold Jews of "fighting age" and their families on Cyprus even after leaving Palestine. They were eventually released in March 1949.

Fighting between the Arab and Jewish communities of Palestine began in November 1947, immediately after the UN decision to create a Jewish state. The Arab States declared they would greet any attempt to form a Jewish state with war and leaders of the Palestinian-Arab community promised a "fight to the death".

In 1947 Britain announced its intention to withdraw from Palestine. An United Nations Special committee investigated the situation and offered two solutions :

  1. to establish a bi-national state in Palestine (the minority option);
  2. to partition Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state.

From the Zionist point of view, the second option corresponded to their goal and they gave full support to this.

On 29 November the United Nations General Assembly voted to partition Palestine into an Arab state and a Jewish state (with Jerusalem becoming an international enclave). Amid public rejoicing in Jewish communities in Palestine, the Jewish Agency accepted the plan. The Palestinian Arab leadership and the Arab League rejected the decision and announced that they would not abide by it. Civil conflict between the Arabs and Jews in Palestine ensued immediately.

On May 14 1948, the last British forces left Haifa, and the Jewish Agency, led by David Ben-Gurion, declared the creation of the State of Israel, in accordance with the 1947 UN Partition Plan. U.S. President Harry S. Truman immediately recognized the new state, followed hours later by Soviet premier Joseph Stalin. Arab League members Egypt, TransJordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq declared war and announced their rejection of the UN partition decision. They claimed the right of self-determination for the Arabs of Palestine over the whole of Palestine.[25] Saudi-Arabia and Sudan also sent forces to participate in the invasion.

The invading Egyptian and Iraqi armies were poorly trained and equipped as the British had feared they would support the Nazis during the Second World War. The Jordanian "Arab Legion" however, was well trained and had aided the British in Palestine. Many Arab Legion forces were still in Palestine when the British left. Arab Legion commanders were high-ranking British officers (who resigned from the British Army in 1948). The Commander-in-Chief was a British General, Glubb Pasha.

The arab communities were forced by European and North American countries to acknowledge the existence of Israel. They have always been opposed to the UN and British resolution that were, at the time, highly influenced by the following of WW2 (Holocaust) and the influence of Zionism amongst the Jew communities at the time.

It's been a total mess for 61 years now. There is blind zealots in both camps that have always done everything to maintain the conflict, to feed the hate, to generate retaliations...

The rest of the story is well-known.

So if an educated man comes to me and suggest that The Palestinians are essentially animals and compare the funerals of one of the poorest communities on Earth with one of the richest country on Earth... Well...

Let me state that its blatant propaganda supported by hate speech.

Can you tell me what happened the last time when a group of humans have been considered animals?

And after that, go figure why History repeat itself since the birth of Civilization...

:2 cents:

Sources: History of Israel (Wikipedia aricle) for quote 1 and 3 & History of Zionism (Wikipedia article) for quote 2.

Voyeur De Jour said:
The Palestinians are essentially animals.
I'm willing to bet the palestinians say the same thing about the Israeli's

Voyeur De Jour said:
They are fighting the same kind of nuts we are in Iraq and Afghanistan
Again, I'm willing to bet the Palestinians say the same thing (perspective is a funny thing isn't it).

The real problem here is that both sides are fighting against an idea wich as we all know is pointless and why it will continue to go on. Ideas have been and always will be the cause of every war and it's exactly because of that reason there will always be wars.

Hamas started it this time by firing rockets into Israel at civilians, and now we are supposed to feel sorry for the Palestinians when Israel retaliates?

I don't think so... not this time anyway.


Staff member
I'm willing to bet the palestinians say the same thing about the Israeli's

Again, I'm willing to bet the Palestinians say the same thing (perspective is a funny thing isn't it).

The real problem here is that both sides are fighting against an idea wich as we all know is pointless and why it will continue to go on. Ideas have been and always will be the cause of every war and it's exactly because of that reason there will always be wars.


You have a weird sense of appreciation for your country:confused::rolleyes::wtf:
You have a weird sense of appreciation for your country:confused::rolleyes::wtf:

Uhmm, yeah, I can see how this might be confusing. That wasn't DervishD talking but me, his girlfriend. That's why I signed it with Cassie (it's probably a good idea if I create a seperate account :1orglaugh )

But anyway, although his fathers side of the family is mostly Jewish he's an atheist, just like me (he's the odd duck if you will). Also, Derv isn't israeli but Dutch, just like me.

Well...another massive waste of bandwidth.
The previous posters have shown once again that the old truism about opinions and a-holes holds true.
Neither of the previous posters has a clue about the situation in Israel, and if you hit them a few times they would probably scream bloody murder and throw their shoes at you...or something vicious like that.
Israel has been resident in the area for over 3,000 years...slaughtered, dispersed, beat down...but never defeated. Jews, as a religion, are as diverse as any other group. But as a people...they are tough, devoted to family and principles, and believe in God.
Your lack of faith and lack of religious awareness is not really important, millions have seen the way to reconcile the Diety thing and real life, and have found a path that works for most people.
The fact that thousands returned to a virtual wasteland after surviving the Nazi extermination effort, a land known to the few locals living there as the Cursed Land, begin to rebuild the one place Jews have always called home, and were subsequently attacked by the combined armies of three large Arab countries, seems to have escaped your notice. Young teens, women, and the few men left after the Holocaust, fought back and survived.
Nearly 60 years later, the Arab countries have kept the Palestinians isolated and desperate, pointed at Israel as their latest weapon. Day after day, rockets and mortars shot into Israeli communities aimed directly at civilian populations. From a territory returned to Palestinian control to further the peace effort used only to continue to attack Israel.
And you guys equate Israel with the fake, made up group known as "Palestinians", easily making completely misinformed "religious wars" statements; religion is what it is, many forms are out there; the war in the Middle East is a cultural/political one, religion is just one weapon used by the Islamic Radicals to keep the momentum going. Israel doesn't claim Judaism requires the blood of Muslims or Christians, or Bhuddists, or puppy dogs...that's dogma used by the Islamic culture.
Every year for many many generations, millions of Jews ended their Passover prayers with the phrase "Next Year in Jerusalem"; these Jews were in Ghettos, extermination camps, nice homes in New York, or wherever they found themselves living. Israel is not just a place they ended up living in, it has been and always will be, their home.
Most Palestinians are originally Jordanians, and have no history in the region beyond the small population that was there in the '30s and '40s.

Some actual history of the area.

why do u suck jewish balls so much?
If you are trying to be funny r4p3, it isn't working. You're just being a troll.

See, this is my problem, whenever anyone says anything critical of Israel you have some people that will automatically jump to accuse you of either being an Anti-Semite or ignorant of history. They can't accept that you just don't agree with thier politics. And then to go so far as to imply that the Palestinians are inhuman is ridiculous. It's that same kind of close-minded ideology that Hamas is guilty of, and the criticism lies in that parallel.

It's always been my position that it is wrong to target non-military civilians in war, no matter who is doing it. In response to the question of what Americans would do if we were in this situation: Most Americans would be against it just like we have and continue to be against the war in Iraq.
See, this is my problem, whenever anyone says anything critical of Israel you have some people that will automatically jump to accuse you of either being an Anti-Semite or ignorant of history.

Some people do. Others consider the tenor of and justification for that criticism before reaching a conclusion, which not surprisingly is sometimes that same conclusion.

And then to go so far as to imply that the Palestinians are inhuman is ridiculous.

That is ridiculous, and unfortunately it overshadows several otherwise viable points the person made.

If you are trying to be funny r4p3, it isn't working.

I don't think he was joking. In case you haven't noticed there's been a fair amount of anti Jewish sentiment expressed on these two threads; some subtle, some not.
In case you haven't noticed there's been a fair amount of anti Jewish sentiment expressed on these two threads; some subtle, some not.

unfortunately I have. It really isn't any surprise to me that people who are sympathetic to Jews feel cynical about it.

violent hostile assholes are really the minority in the whole human population, they just tend to get all of the spotlight and people kind of forget that fact.
I’m not a religious person, I don’t care if you’re a Muslim, Jew, Christian, Catholic, Hindu, what the fuck ever! Each to their own. But I hate it, when the Religious fuckers try to convert me to their way of thinking. I FUCKING DESPISE YOU PRICKS!!

But on this Israel V’s Gaza situation, there was a meant to be a cease fire. Rocket from the Gaza Strip have been attacking Israel, and no one did anything to stop it. The Israeli’s just took it, and you can only take so much before you’ve had enough. The Israeli’s took the right of every country to defend itself. In doing so they’ve targeted Hamas sites and destroyed them. But as in all wars, there are casualties. Not on religious views, but as 2 neighboring countries fighting, Hamas brought it on themselves, and the Gaza Strip.
But on this Israel V’s Gaza situation, there was a meant to be a cease fire. Rocket from the Gaza Strip have been attacking Israel, and no one did anything to stop it. The Israeli’s just took it, and you can only take so much before you’ve had enough. The Israeli’s took the right of every country to defend itself. In doing so they’ve targeted Hamas sites and destroyed them. But as in all wars, there are casualties. Not on religious views, but as 2 neighboring countries fighting,

Btw, the Gaza Strip is NOT a seperate country. It is, like The West Bank, an Israeli occupied territory.

It is part of Israel.