Islamic web-site "threatens" South Park creators

You reinforce my view that Fox News has been the single most damaging thing to ever happen to the minds of the US populus.

dude, i dont watch the news. its depressing and full of bullshit. hence, i dont watch fox, CNN, BBC, any of it

all of the stuff i just said are from two of my college classes. classes taught in SAN FRANCISCO. One, Terrorism/Counter-Terrorism. the other, Political Theory. both taught by the same teacher. not to mention the things ive been told from friends and family who have or are serving in Iraq.

so, fuck you. you wanna be a jackass and spew YOUR propoganda, thats fine, but dont bring my knowledge, or the people i love, into question. because i know im right.


the figures only go to like 30,000. MAYBE as high as 50,000 depending on what source you use.

then you have to look at how they were killed, when etc etc. of those numbers, im gonna go out on a limb and say that only a few thousand were killed as a result of US/Coalition forces.

the rest were casualties inflicted by the insurgents coming from many different terrorist organizations. oddly enough, im discussing Salafism in my political theory class at the moment. opened my eyes to whos really doing the killing: terrorists. so get off the high horse. theyre bad guys. and its their fault this shitstorm has come upon their culture

You are quite clearly rather misguided and I suspect you got your figures from either the back of a cerael box or George W Bush himself. Here is a link to some REPUTABLE figures which are conservative at best.

Civilians alone are up to 100,00 but reliable sources say as high as 600,00, add 10,000 odd Iraqi soldiers and 55,000 'insurgents' (some of whom will be innocent civilams called insurgents as part of wider cover ups). Also Iraq had NO terrorists before the invasion, Saddam hated them and wanted them not to destabalise his secular country with Islamic fundamentalism. However as a result of the invasion there are terrorists there now, some got in after Saddam was taken out and others are civilians who have turned to terror to fight for freedom or kill each other, something Saddam SUPRESSED them from doing. The Republicans used the heartache and anger people felt after 9/11 to justify the invasion of Iraq hoping people wouldn't realise there is little connection, it seems to have worked on you. Educate yourself (don't believe all the right wing spin) otherwise you'll end up like one of these people:
I really dont disagree with what south park does, I've been a fan since the 1st season but this episode wasnt even funny, I dont think the muslim people were offended that they showed muhammad, they are offended that they did it in such a tasteless way. Seriously must you pick on a religious prophet for the ENTIRE show? The gag they did about not showing muhammad was funny...years ago in the Cartoon wars episodes but yet after its not funny they continue to pick at it over and over again.

I understand that they pick on all religions in south park like when cartman calls kyle a cheap jew or something its kind of like we're laughing WITH you type of thing. Im agnostic but I was raised catholic and I laughed my ass off at the whole pope pedophilia thing in the Medical Fried Chicken episode, because it was well played and came at good times.

The Muhammad episode felt like they were trying to shit all over the religion and it was kind of like haha we're laughing at you and your prophet, and it went on for the entire episode not like their small little jew/catholic bits.:2 cents:

I dont agree with the muslims threatening trey and matt, its only furthering the message/stereotype portrayed in the episode, but matt and trey have to had expected some sort of backlash after this.
ok, im done with this side debate. ive been getting into a lot of this lately. i think im gonna break from that for a little while.

back to the origional thread,
i hope they show a depiction of the prophet. whos it really going to hurt? its a picture.
ok, im done with this side debate. ive been getting into a lot of this lately. i think im gonna break from that for a little while.

back to the origional thread,
i hope they show a depiction of the prophet. whos it really going to hurt? its a picture.

Mate we just don't want you to be so close minded, no one is going out to insult you or antagonise you for no reason, but you will provoke anger from people when you belittle casualty figures as you're talking about life or death here. You say 1 teacher teaches you both subjects, he/she is only one point of reference and he could be a right wing republican who hates muslims (he won't show it if he/she does) and will try to get you thinking his way, maybe he is under pressure from above to teach a certain way. You also reference people serving in Iraq, with all due respect they are never gonna say it was a mistake or it's all going horribly wrong (neither would I expect them to) as how would they sleep at night or get up in the morning for work if they let these negative thoughts get into their heads. I'm educated at the highest level and I know to get a clearer picture of what's really going on you have to look for information everywhere, even from people/sorces you don't like. The government with only feed you the media/information they want you to receive (this goes all the way down to education), always remember that.
Mate we just don't want you to be so close minded, no one is going out to insult you or antagonise you for no reason, but you will provoke anger from people when you belittle casualty figures as you're talking about life or death here. You say 1 teacher teaches you both subjects, he is only one point of reference and he could be a right wing republican who hates muslims (he won't show it if he does) and will try to get you thinking his way, maybe he is under pressure from above to teachj a certain way. You also reference people serving in Iraq, with all due respect they are never gonna say it was a mistake or it's all going horribly wrong (neither would I expect them to) as how would they sleep at night or get up in the morning for work if they let these negative thoughts get into their heads. I'm educated at the highest level and I know to get a clearer picture of what's really going on you have to look for information everywhere, even from people you don't like. The government with only feed you the media/information they want you to receive (this goes all the way down to education), always remember that.

dudearoonie, i know all that. im not close minded, ive looked into all kinds of things, my teacher isnt a right wing wackjob like the tea baggers that are runnin around the US these days. hes practical, smart and does all of his research way in advance. i looked at 3 websites just before i made that casualty post and got the averages from em, shoulda gone to 6. its almost 2 here, i just didnt want to make the effort. i dont let the govt feed me anything anymore, my high school days have been over for a while.

but we do come from two whole different worlds here, although i have no idea where that other guys from. i have strong beliefs, and i tend to follow through with them. i know no ones out to get me etc etc. i just say what i know and stand by what i say (unless im completely debunked like the casualty figures). simple as that, just like any other self respecting human being.

though i do hate terrorists. :thumbsup:
dudearoonie, i know all that. im not close minded, ive looked into all kinds of things, my teacher isnt a right wing wackjob like the tea baggers that are runnin around the US these days. hes practical, smart and does all of his research way in advance. i looked at 3 websites just before i made that casualty post and got the averages from em, shoulda gone to 6. its almost 2 here, i just didnt want to make the effort. i dont let the govt feed me anything anymore, my high school days have been over for a while.

but we do come from two whole different worlds here, although i have no idea where that other guys from. i have strong beliefs, and i tend to follow through with them. i know no ones out to get me etc etc. i just say what i know and stand by what i say (unless im completely debunked like the casualty figures). simple as that, just like any other self respecting human being.

though i do hate terrorists. :thumbsup:

We all hate terrorists, my biggest fear is that we've just created more of them by Invading Iraq which will just defeat the original purpose and mean all those coalition troops and Iraqis died for nothing, when did life become so cheap.
Islam brought this shitstorm upon itself. A lot of people are getting sick and tired of same old shit, "It's a peaceful religion" while it's members kill, rape, behead, bomb, demand, convert countless victims around the world.

Are we back to this garbage again?


Hiliary 2020
i'm not worried one bit.

as i was taught in another freeones thread , its the white supremacists that are the real threat to the united states.


Closed Account
I can wait for if the episode where then they making fun out of the threat.

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
What I learned from that great episode is that nobody should be above being made fun of. What makes Islam and Mohamed so special. Catholics have been openly mocked for years. These a-holes need to get a sense of humour or fuck off.
We all hate terrorists, my biggest fear is that we've just created more of them by Invading Iraq which will just defeat the original purpose and mean all those coalition troops and Iraqis died for nothing, when did life become so cheap.

Your biggest fear has been confirmed for years. And life has always been cheap, unfortunately.
Lol wtf are they gonna do about it? I happen to think that SP episode was hilarious btw.

Put a bounty on the Parkers' heads. Serious. Look up Salman Rushdie and the hell that to this day he deals with.


People, muslims make up the largest religious group in the world. Not every single member of islam is a dirty, bearded man with bombs strapped up to him. I cant believe some people on this thread giving into the stereotype the U.S. government has put out there.

I cant believe the racism on this thread to the guy who said Islam: Another word for retarded.. wow just... wow how ignorant can you be?

And to the person who called them towel heads and referred to them as every stereotype in the are a sad, sad person I would be extremely ashamed of myself for being so intolerant and uninformed.

There almost isn't a day when there aren't multiple suiced bombings somewhere on the planet. Until I see daily (or even weekly) suicide bombings in the name of Christianity, your corellation fails abysmally.

You reinforce my view that Fox News has been the single most damaging thing to ever happen to the minds of the US populus.

They're no worse than any of the other MSM outlets, including the NYT, CNN, and the evening news (take your pick).
Oh man here we go.

Islam brought this shitstorm upon itself. A lot of people are getting sick and tired of same old shit, "It's a peaceful religion" while it's members kill, rape, behead, bomb, demand, convert countless victims around the world.
Time is coming when islam comes to a fork in the road. One road sign says "alive" the other says "extinct". The so called moderates had better get the fuck off their asses and take back their religion or the free world will take islam and beat it so badly that it forever renounces violence as a means to an end.

Man I had to get that of my chest...........

someone had to say it.:glugglug:
Just remember: this episode was only Part 1. They unleashed the Barbara Streisand killer robot and cut to credits. Wait! Barbara Streisand killer robot!? :eek:

Alert the feminists and Jews!!! They are making fun of them!

Oh my God, what!? The part 1 episode started out with Tom Cruise working at a fudge packing factory, a metaphor of him being gay, and Tom Cruise saying he isn't a "fudge packer"!?

Alert GLAAD!

My goodness! Will South Park stop at nothing?

Oh, wait. Obviously everyone can take a joke except Muslims. :rolleyes:

I hope part 2 they name a pig after Mohammed. Kind of like the teddy bear issue.
Even though they are hiding Muhammad in a teddy bear costume, aren't they pretty much depicting him though?

Hey guys, guess who I drew a picture of!


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